>>52601718It varies, and it also varies the flavor of Tatsugiri you partner it with.
One piece of advice I'll give is that the while one would assume 1 HP stat investment is close to half the value of 1 def stat on physical attacks and half of 1 spD on special, this is only true if the defender's HP and def stats are close to equivilant. Defenses come into play in a ratio of the enemy's attack stat compared to your defenses, attack÷defense. The greater this skew, the more damage the attack does. Let's say D=the attack/defense ratio
>if D>1, the damage is increased multiplicitivly by D>if D<1, the damage is dampened multiplicitivly by D>for example, if D=1.05, this causes the attack to do x1.05= 5% greater damage of the base power>likewise, if D=.95, this causes the attack to do x.95= 5% less damage of the base powerOn the flip side, if you increase your HP that just becomes a flat subtraction from your current HP pool after damage is calculated, HPi-damage= HPf
In other words, adding to a defensive stat that is already massive will deliver diminishing returns in comparison to investing in the weaker defense-oriented stat. This is why Pokemon like Hariyama, Drifblim or Wailord can benifite from a 124def/124spD split spread more than a flat 252hp investment. Ordinarilly when the base stats are close to even it's easier to go 252hp for general purpose and select a particular defense if you want to mitigate that damage specifically.
I'm saying all this to justify that youcnd with him as your team needs, but because of his defenses being 150/115/65, it woul benifite him much much more to buff his special defense higher than HP, I haven't done any calcs but I'm willing to bet my gym badges on that. If you want him to be built specifically to check certain threats of a physical or special variety, I'd say do that, but remember Order Up with one Tatsugiri can go towards buffing defense, but he does not have a special defense Tatsugiri form. Think of ass vest too