>>56138128>sprites instantly distortthis happens with 3D models too. it's called aliasing. Everything is pixelated on screens because screens are made of pixels. Changing the size of something makes it take up less pixels. Welcome to screens.
>>56138125>>56138135No one even saged a post ITT, boogeyman poster.
Holy shit this is such a seetheful image.
>is mad he couldn't respond last in every thread with his shitposting>doesn't accept the concept of people liking what he doesn't like>is mad when people point out his shitty reused arguments that have been addressed for years>thinks parroting is justified when it doesn't apply>assumes everyone against him is the same person>conflates samurott defenders with people just thinking that skeledirge is better than the other pederast starters of gen 9 while seething about differently-posed fanart somehow being off model>accuses others of genders when he posted proof of being banned constantly after starting them himself>ignores the fact that berry farming is an objectively slower way of obtaining berries and only deems it a feature if you can wait long lengths for them>hates gen 5 sprites while never demonstrating better alternatives>genuinely thinks USUM is harder because he grinds in previous games while somehow shilling affection>doesn't realize what His were trying to be and shills its factually worse replacements>refuses to acknowledge literally any refutation of his narratives about DS games and likens them to just denialXY will never be good kid. Get over it.