>>48283091>which is why they made "future proofed" models for the 3DS. I'm not a 3d modeler,They are not really future proofed. Imagine 10 years later and you need to remodel a ear on a pokemon because of picture related.
How fun will it be with 2000+ pokemon ? You are pushing the problem into the future.
Remember some camera movements can get super close to the body of the pokemon and make this super obvious.
Some can say:
>Oh we don't care about that we don't care how many divisions a ear has. Then try to answer this.
>Do you think you represent the 80% who buy these games ?>Do you think game freak thinks you represent the 80% who buy these games ?Oh and it just hit me !
Realistic hair !
That is a thing !
The fur on the pokemon is now literally painted on.
10 years later ?
What if everyone is doing realistic hair. How fun it will be to add realistic hair to models ?
>NOO Hair is not a part of the model because I will literally now play word games !Your word games are irrelevant its something needing to be made and takes time.
>" which was proven to be completely untrueThe guy """"proving"""" this debunked himself in another way. Yes he can paly word games and define this out of existence however here are the facts:
1) He noticed that one of the models did have one tine part fixed like one point stretched to far
2) Someone needed to fucken find this trivial detail and fix it !
3) Who did it ? Magic ?!
He can play word games all day how we is only debating "recreate every model from scratch," and not checking and fixing modeling errors even if they are trivial, however the facts stay the same.