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Reminder that
>You're only getting 2 events a month now where unless you want 296XL of some shitmon for no good reason, you have nothing to do after 30 minutes.
>Legendaries and even things with any sort of practical application are never going to be in the weekly box. You'll get a shiny check at some shitmon per week and that's it.
>GBL will never actually be worth your time, especially if you already have a Libre to begin with or just don't care about it. Unless you're happy to just forfeit your daily sets for a bit of stardust, then go ahead.
>GBL will never actually change in terms of balance, the same things that worked in preseason still work now. Maybe they'll add one thing for one league per season, but thats it.
>You'll get one CD per year for something of practical application, and 10 for either repeat shinies with GBL fodder move (which even then isn't implemented properly) or as though you need 6 hours to catch a shitmon that has a 1/23 shiny chance. Gible was a pity offering in 2021.
>Niantic will continue to remove content from the game that doesn't generate profit for them. Giovanni and Decoy Grunts will continue to randomly be taken away.
>Rocket Takeovers are never happening anymore as a "nerf" to Shadow Pokemon. No new Shadows with practical application will be added to the game from now on.
>New Pokemon will ALMOST always be gimped moveset wise, expecting you to wait literal years for a FOMO move as though you have nothing else to do with your life. Yes, I know about Zarude.
>Regionals are going to be increasingly doubled down on despite the fact there is often no way to get them even for people wanting to pay Niantic money, in a hilarious contradiction to why they removed Giovanni.
>Dynamax WILL be rushed into the game to chase after the Gen 8 audience in a completely unusable state, and then 'buffed' to only mildly unusable as a "listened to feedback" compromise.
The game is dead in all ways except quarterly profit. Accept it and move on.