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The Pokémon anime ends for me the day after Ash vs Cynthia concludes, regardless of the outcome.
It does not matter to me who fights Leon nor the outcome of said battle, since for me all stakes are in the battle that has been built up since Diamond and Pearl.
I could not care less about Project Mew or Koharu and her Eevee, because I am only interested in Ash and his journey leading up to this battle.
It is entirely inconsequential if this is the last season with Ash as the MC or if he will go to Paldea, for he will have already peaked by battling Cynthia as her equal.
Even if Journeys becomes the most reviled anime series in the future, it will still hold a special place in my heart because it has made real a battle I have waited for since I was a teenager.
Good riddance, losers.