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alright looking for female mold breaker drilbur, preferably with 3-5 perfect IVs. up for trade:
-brave ferroseed with 0spd leech seed stealth rock spikes
-sassy telepathy munna with helping hand
-brave timburr with drain punch, detect, mach punch
- timid noibat with switcheroo
- impish immunity gligar
-jolly gible with rough skin, iron head, iron tail, outrage
-timid natural cure staryu
-calm prankster sableye
-calm serene grace togepi with follow me
-calm marvel scale dratini
- modest rotom
-adamant technician scyther
-bold swift swim poliwag
-calm eevee with multiple abilities and wish
-naive skill link shellder with rock blast
-quiet flash fire litwick
-timid gastly with disable
-quiet rattled whismur
-sassy aroma veil spritzee
-adamant intimidate mawile
-lots of dittos
-an extra lucky egg
would also consider offers of gale wings fletchling, stealth rocks larvitar, or other stuff not listed.
would settle for someone with an excadrill friend safari...