Spoilers for Phanpy's new story below
>>53574252First of all, amazing story. Like, seriously amazing.
I think this is my favorite story of yours yet. I might have said that one your previous one too but I mean it. Maybe you're just getting better or I'm getting more familiar with your character and I'm growing attached to them, idk.
What I loved the most in this one, was Phanpy and friends wandering around in the Capim Town.
How you described the town's architecture, the view when they climbed on top of the highest building, the mentions here and there on the activities of the pokémons in the town. That was very immersive to me, I was able to very easily imagine the streets and the markets around Phanpy as he went on his activities.
This, combined with a very good dialog made it really feel like a real group of friends doing tourism in a new city. Also I have to mention, great idea by Phanpy to just buy a bunch of scarves to choose for later instead.
When I draw one of the hardest parts is often choosing the right scarf color, kekIn this story you also clarify what you previously mentioned in the threads with Riolu and Eevee's true relationship. I was happy to see these characters back and interact with Phanpy's team.
There was also a part in the story where you literally answer to the classic question : "X slapped your partner's ass, what do?" And apparently, Meowth's answer is to ask for compensation hahaha. I loved how you wrote Kaiji and Kris in this part. Had a good kek at the part where Phanpy lied to Cyndaquil about noticing Kris's feminine characteristics.
The inn part with charm and Natu was amazing too, such a fun part.
and of course, I already said it when I read the wip, but I'll say again : seeing Linoone appear was very nice =)
And the ending : 10/10. I'm glad it ended in a hook because it means you'll write more and I can't wait.
might have fanboyed too much sorry, I tend to act passionate when sleepy.