>>52847566A few.
>The bond between Julian and Lulu (the trainer and the lucario) is adorable at its current BFF stage and it's heavily implied they're going to be romantically involved.>Julian is the ONLY aura using and pokemon understanding OC I've ever seen that isn't cringy.>The story answers the "are pokemon animals or people" question in a believable way. >The story uses anime tropes as a meta-power, one that Julian and Lulu are learning how to use. It's trippy but it works. >All the characters are very 3D and believable.>Writer put in an entire Gachimuchi section without breaking the story. Somehow. >Made by the same guy who writes Borne of Caution, another really good fanfic with a great track record. I could name a few others but these are the big ones.