>>36638544>massively autistic and pretentious.The irony here. Because I've been voicing my concerns about how pretentious all of you seem to be about Pokemon.
I think you should like Pokemon regardless of the culture surrounding it.
Lets say for example a Pokemon gets a lot of sexual fanart, I.e Gardevoir. Does that mean you shouldn't like it just because people draw porn of it? Of course not.
How about Charizard? Many people seem to hate him because of how much Gamefreak shills him. But I don't think that's a legitimate reason to dislike Charizard. Rather that's a reason to dislike Gamefreak instead.
>>36638546>who think that no one but themselves can see the forest for the treesWell if there are, they certainly are a vocal minority. I see so few people here who see past the culture and fandom. Who consistently avoid Pokemon that fall under certain labels.
>>36638547Well yes, I do care about /vp because I happen to browse here frequently. Hence why I find myself disappointed with the current state of things.
>>36638548Oh look it's an ad hominem attack exactly as predicted. Who could have foreseen such a thing, surely not I.
>>36638554I'm sorry but is it some kind of social faux pas to use the words that I enjoy? Must you bully me for the very language I choose to use? Can I not arrange the sentences how I like without this biting criticism? Alas, of course I can't, this is 4chan. Everything you do is consistently judged and mocked by the good majority of the people who browse here.
Would it be better if I dumbed down my language? Perhaps used shorter words?