Pokemon don't deserve to be ENSLAVED. Pokeballs are cruel to Pokemon!
EmolgaChan !!+XQi/OpnEhM No.36683559 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Pokeballs are cruel devices that entrap Pokemon inside a spherical prison. Trainers like Ash leave their other Pokemon trapped inside a PC. All that time stuck inside a computer. It's fucking torture. It's beyond cruel.
And then to use Pokemon as breeding slaves just so you can create the ultimate battle machines. It's fucking terrible. How can you honestly say you love Pokemon if you do these things?
You don't love Pokemon, you like what they can do for you. You're the sorts of people who would NEVER care about actual friendships with Pokemon. The only thing you people care about is forcing them to fight for your sake, so you can win fame and fortune.
Unlike you fucking monsters, I would love to be friends with Pokemon. I'd love to feed them, and care for them, and go on happy little adventures with them. I like Pokemon because they're cute. I hate the idea of having them fight and harm another trainers Pokemon. I want everyone to be friends. I wish Pokemon wasn't based around battling. I wish we could focus more on the Pokemon themselves. And how cute and cuddly they are.