>>40196559Vs Diantha
>HawluchaWave finally makes her league debute against Hawlucha.
Both mons Swords Dance it up, but on the second turn, Hawlucha keeps dancing, only to fall to Aerial Ace.
>AurorusMila comes in on a Reflect.
Scald puts Aurorus in the red, and it sets up Light Screen.
Diantha uses a Full Restore, and Mila Scalds her foe, causing a very helpful burn.
Another Scald puts Mila into the red, Aurorus misses a Thunder, and burn gets the KO.
>GourgeistWave comes back in on Trick-or-Treat, and Reflect wears off.
Gourgeist uses Phantom Force, causing Payback to miss.
Phantom Force then hists, causing Kee to activate and buff Wave's defense, and Payback does unimpressive damage. Then Gougeist picks up the Kee Berry using it's abilitiy, and I decide to cut my losses and hit Gourgeist on the special end.
I send in M0na, and Gourgeist uses Phantom Force.
I use a pointless Earth Power, and Phantom Force hits.
Flamethrower then takes out Gourgeist.
>GoodraI send Strawberry in on an ineffective Dragon Pulse.
Calm Minds, Fire Blasts and Wishes are spammed, and Draining Kiss eventually takes out Goodra.
>TyrantrumDraining Kiss makes quick work out of Tyrantrum.
>GardevoirIt mega-evolves, and survives one Thunderbolt, firing back with Moonblast.
However, Strawberry is not to be denied, and just like how she opened this league challenge, she's closing it out. A final Thunderbolt ends it all.