>>28796934Fuck he's still going
>>28796930Listen here you little faggot, we're sick of this.
>maybe prove me wrong then?Get off your high fucking horse and then get your head out of your ass afterwards because we clearly have.
There is no reason why a person who exploits a game to save them self time is poor, lazy or uninterested in the game. There is no reason a sane person should get this upset over the fact that their precious little routine of sperging out 3 hours a day to play Pokémon 'the right way' is 'ruined' by other people who do not want to waste their time with something as monotonous and useless as breeding. If someone wants to spend their time breeding, cool, that's their choice. If someone wants to save their time by injecting, that's also their choice and there's nothing wrong with it, at all. The only person who gives a fuck is you, for some twatty reason you think you're better than anyone who decides to something a different (and quicker) way than you. And this thread is a pathetic attempt to rally your bros to call out injectors, when really you're the only one who is trying.
Fuck you man, you're a real dumb cunt and I don't even hack or inject.