>>53367890"Hidden room? There's no such thing!"
>>53368010>Do Wigglytuff and Chatot not count?I mean I guess? But I mean in the context of the main character and supporting partner that always stick with you no matter where you go type.
>>53368040>can easily read minds I wouldn't want to be near your Natu partner, my inner thoughts need to be hidden, heh. Other than that, that's a really good partner to have!
>>53368048>your active rejection of possible return of your human memories, as I said you'd still be, well, "you" even without thatOh I wrote that in context of a metaphor of reincarnation, I wanted to start over life.
>now I'm thinking about how the poke-partner would react if you told them about some of the awful shit that goes on here in the human world. I would actually lie to them it's good but I'll stay with you since you are the one I was searching for or something cheesy lol I just to protect their smile. Pokemon partners are so precious.
>The PMD world *might* also be connected to the "human pokemon world", like the one the mainline games or anime is set in.That's what a think but since we are in another "Human world" where Pokemon are just fictional creatures, this will help out the human-turned-pokemon from the games/anime Human world.
>>53368104>For that matter the guildmaster, meowstic is supposed to be psychic type too. God what a handful that would be handling all of the degens from here kek.Oh I can just ignore that, I'll only read minds when I really need to, I respect people's privacy don't worry~
Like if I get pissed off I can have a power up when I open the eyes on my ears and beat all of your asses>>53368118Just relax I don't bite!