>>53416135>Black is written as a better trainerYeah, the one character I made an exception for. Black isn't everyone, and him being smart isn't going to make anyone else smart.
>At least they didn't need Brock changing their pampersAsh hasn't needed Brock ever. The only time he "needed" him was in early Hoenn, in an episode that clearly said that Ash had grown too accustomed to others preparing food.
If he really needed others to survive, he wouldn't have started a single journey alone.
And if we go through that same logic, Yellow needed Brock and Misty to pamper her, Ruby can't do shit right without someone scolding him, and Black can't think straight without Musharna constantly draining his head.
>It's all the same low quality shit,If you believed that shit, you wouldn't even be defending these characters.
>Ash is a dumbass with no credit to his name other than handme winsEvery dex holder has handme wins. None of them really "earned" their place.