>>40765174GF took a good concept and literally/figuratively cut it in half.
WE KNOW that it's supposed to represent Fossil mis-matching
but that is only HALF of the concept.
the other half was discovering what the parts actually were and putting them in their respective, correct places to actually create the full original organism.
but what did GF do instead? They made it so the original organism is nonexistant, and all you get are these 4 completely different pieces! What a crock of utter shit.
What they should have done is made it so you can make the original organism, but you are forced to learn what each fossil actually is in order to mix-and match them up to the correct organism.
Doing this would make the amalgamations different forms rather than a completely different mon, and would help create typing and stat diversity possible for a small group of mons.
And why do they have to look so fucking awful as well? They have done Amalgamation pokemon before (pic related) but I guess that was too much effort for them this time around