>>46301484Sure. Johto Pokemon in general are vastly underutilized; gym leaders don't use them when you'd expect them to and they are not as common in the wild. Some of them aren't even obtainable until Kanto, which is an awful design decision. Speaking of bad design, a lot of the new Pokemon have very lackluster or plain designs. Especially when you compare them to some of the beta designs/plans (I can post a link to you want), it seems like the mon design philosophy was "limit personality and novel choices, make things more plain." Look at this Mantine beta sprite!! I love him.
However, the above is all complaints that don't impact the gameplay. The level curve is absolute trash, partially due to the fact that everything between Morty and Claire can be done in any order. I believe it's also the region with the lowest levelled Elite Four, if I'm not mistaken. Thank god for that, because it's near impossible to get a team of 4, much less a Team of 6 up to par without hours of grinding.
Kanto itself has issues as well, but I'm less concerned with Gen 2 Kanto because it's more bonus content in my eyes. Happy to get into it though if you want to know my thoughts on that too!