>>19937624Pokemon history lesson, 'cause why not:
Red and Green were the first two versions released in Japan. Thus, those were the original names of the protagonists in the games and thus the various manga series. Some more faithful translations kept his name as Green, while others translated it as Blue to keep the naming gimmick intact for Western audiences.
Blue was actually Japan's third version, and we recieved it split into Red and Green's version exclusives with Blue's enhanced graphics and patched-up engine (if you think R/B were glitchy, you should see some of the shit that happens in JP R/G). Therefore, when pic related - the lady thief - appeared in the manga, the faithful translations used Japan's third version - Blue - as her name, while those who used Blue for the rival character prior instead had Green to use as the missing version name. As far as I can tell this issue, along with whether the FR/LG female protag has a different name or not, is a topic of heated debate here on the veepee.