>>49428414 I don't have what it takes to keep on doing this unfortunately, outside of just making normies seethe at least - I think its the Deistic overtones what makes me stop the most, and you know why is that…
I blame my Pope failing where it was needed the most, and knowing how a HitlerYouth graduate almost succeeded where he failed, this is how a millenia-old scam would get revealed in a just world, such a shame we do not live in a just world no matter what lies we are told otherwise I would say its the royalistic green snake (who is also a blue dragon sometimes) who might the one who'd fancy your company much more fondly
be advised tho, as he is one of the Lord's '"chosen people'" >. . . …Hungry murder is sexy, yes?Well, as much as I would like to not be bothered by it so vocaly by now - I am too much burdened with logic to just not repulsed by it on the basest of levels, because as I have touched upon it passingly sometime before - I realized this is a perfect crime more or less:
>no tools used>no body left>no blood to clean>no evidence of it happening>who cares about an yet another pile of mulch in the compost pit?>*sometimes therets not even ^that^ left around if its Guzzlord who does it*I only know of that fellow from the keywords I used to lurk thru both archives last week, please forgive me for my persistence…You are so tempting with such primal determination dear Anon - but I don't feel like I deserve your beautifully worded torment, as much as you are convinced of it. . .
I am sorry, mankind has failed you - and for lying how i'ts not their fault but yours, even daring to think about salvation should be a sin of its own