>>54110639>Play through Gen 9 and tell me with a straight face it's not pandering to LGBT shit.It's not. Company said so. Stop inserting your personal boogeymen(person?) into places.
>And SV was made in 2022 long after they'd been commonly associated with trannies.Japan doesn't, therefore, everything you said has no bearings onto it. If you can't help but associate a common color scheme with your personal boogeyperson you have bigger issues to deal with and probably should take your own advice, and fuck off to deal with them.
>You're inserting into a discussion that has nothing to do with you.Welcome to an anonymous imageboard. You want personal conversations? Go back to Discord.
>Go outside and feel sunlight on your skin fatty.Awfully obsessed with 'touch grass' and 'go outside'. You seem to be a real expert on getting hung up over two words.
>just like ThemThemExcept for the simple fact that they don't. As demonstrated plenty in this thread. Just because you ignore basic facts put before you doesn't make your personal beliefs objective truth. Much like your gender issues.
>They didn't once make a call on the quality of the game.Oh, so you're admitting to simply posting a bait topic in order to garner replies based on social bullshit, rather than discuss the games itself? Gotcha. At least you admit to your shitposting.
>called on being a jackass, are clearly autistic and I mean that in the most literal sense, and then doubled down on all of itThis is some hardcore projecting. Take your own advice, and
>go fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of, ape.