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>Thread Question
Larry being a really old man. I do believe he must be in his 30s at least and 40s at most but where people get numbers like 50s or even 60s is beyond me. He's tired and overworked, but he has this youthfulness to him like he hasn't lost all of his spirit just yet. It isn't like with Kabu, who is an old man who isn't familiar with the term "retire", because Larry looks even younger than him. Honestly I just think that his lifestyle is making him age like milk. He's probably mid-30s.
Speaking of ossans and their ages I honestly don't know what age Warden Ingo is, he's clearly an older man but there's been so many interpretations of him looking like that because the Coronet Highlands are a brutal place to live and so is Hisui, or that the "XX years ago" in his concept art really is supposed to imply it may have been a double digit number so he's quite old. I have mixed feelings but I really want to believe he's only been in Hisui for like a year and just looks like the environment has chewed him up a lot because the alternative is really depressing.