Fuck all you all. Probably none of you even fucking play 6v6 and yet you're all bitching about this like it's the end of the world. Swagger isn't broken, that's obvious. Hell, even most good HO teams won't have a problem beating it despite the fact that you retards are convinced that Smogon's only doing this to buff DeoSharp (of course, like always you'll pipe down once Smogon starts testing Deoxys or whatever else you deem Smogon's favorite strategy).
>http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/it%E2%80%99s-swaggerificc.3499572/Paraswag takes no fucking skill. Absolutely none. And yet it still works most of the time. It has a few hard counters, but if you're not running those you're left with a massive PP stallfest to win. It's not fun, it's not skilled, it's a fucking cancer of a strategy, and it needs to die already.