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that's right, it's yet another "think of a pokemon" thread, so
think of one pokemon
got it?
you better be sure about that
well FUCK that pokemon ok? no one gives a shit about it, instead, you take said pokemon's national dex number, reverse it (example: if its #211 then it's #112), and whichever pokemon has THAT dex number is your new, unquestionable bro. you will love it forever and look after it for the rest of your actual life. you will travel together, you will not catch anything else, you will challenge the elite four with it alone, you will write poems about it and feed it the best shit on the market every goddamn day.
if the number exceeds the national dex, you remove the first cipher. example: #318 becomes #13
ahaha what's that you little faggot? "mfw I got a palindrome gg niggas"? not fucking likely: if you thought of a pokemon with a palindrome dex number, you get the pokemon that is three numbers away from it, counting backwards if the external numbers of the palindrome are greater than the middle one (example: #414), forwards if those are smaller or equal (example: #292, #333). exceeding the pokedex or getting 00 means missingno, good luck with that.
let's hear it, /vp/, what is your new fate? how is your life like now?