I knew for a fact that Koga's Weezing had Self-Destruct and that I'd have to leave it all to luck as it would kill any of my Pokemon, and I'm not the type to sacrifice.
I decided to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I grinded Grij up an extra level even after sweeping the rest of the gym with him. I gave him what Calcium and Iron I had.
I should also say, my Alakazam has a Special IV of one. Even at that, my Psybeam wouldn't have one-hitted his Weezing anyway.
I took down his 2 Koffings and his Muk with my Psybeam. He sends out Weezing. I use Psybeam. It takes him down to low yellow AND confuses him. I think to myself, "This could be good luck!"
Unfortunately, it was not.
Of course, he Self-Destructs and kills Grij very easily. Definitely a very painful loss.
There's no telling anymore. Anyone can die.
Anyway, now we have Ich the Hypno (I'm using Pokemon in the order of capture by the way).
I've been "choosing" names with an RNG system. Ew the Ekans was pretty funny, but now we have a German Hypno, so that's also nice.
Another Psychic type. Obviously nowhere near an Alakazam's level, but I still have high hopes for him.
The grinding part definitely won't be fun though.
>>40190194I will definitely be wary of Fearows from now on, but Self-Destruct seems to be my curse.
>>40190275Yes, be very wary. One wrong move changes everything. That's Pokemon for you!