>>42171669>Ah yes, removal of the region, content and pokemon is staying still, not moving backwards, how silly of me.Indeed how silly of you cause you can't revisist KANTO again every gen.
As well as only 2 games giving you a pokemon that follows you.
>The only graphical improvement has been resolutionYeah and actual visible pokemon in the wild.
>The fact that you're comparing handheld games to home console isn't a point in swsh's favor either.Oh but that's exactly what everyone did the moment it was announced on it. OMG MY POKEMON GONNA BE SO MUCH BETTER BECAUSE SPACE AND GRAPHICS.
You played yourself. SwSh wasn't handed over to some 3rd party studio with years of knowledge in 3D and animation.
Yet you all cranked that expectation up to 11. Especially after image related. I'm convinced that this community enjoys playing itself.
>>42172275>it just feels like such a complete game with most if not everything fleshed out besides game difficulty in some partsBasically. Yet HGSS isn't a new gen game region. It's a remake. Which is actually quite amazing that it's the remakes or "3rd" version that are always the ones that are fleshed out because they just revise some of the stuff they already have and had.