>>42091208The small portion of the story present in the Spaceworld Demo has Blue acting as a guide for both the player and Silver, who at this point in development was just your rival from the same town, like most other rivals are. It's basically the same dynamic he later has with the player and Trace, although in the demo he's more officially Oak's assistant. Come to think of it, its probable Gary's eventual development in the anime was influenced by these original plans. Daisy also was an assistant alongside him, and interestingly enough the Adventures manga put her in a similar route despite reportedly not normally having access to behind-the-scenes stuff.
Other plot details from it I guess haven't been explored are:
-The player having an older brother that stays at home
-Oak looking for Ho-oh(or what else you'd think when specifically looking for a Pokémon in the sky)
-Silver looking for "the legendary Pokémon"(whichever that may be)
-Silver just being another Blue-style little shit old neighbor to the player
-Red becoming the Gym Leader of Kanto
--There being Gyms for entire regions in the first place
---Ergo, there being a League Challenge spanning an entire country