>>43327265My diagnosis felt kinda dodgy as well. I wasn’t even being tested for autism at the time, and it overturned a previous diagnosis that I was “close” to being autistic but not really. It was during a lunch break with the psychologist and she was asking about some of my interests and who my friends were; I told her I liked pokemon and since go was still somewhat popular at the time we actually talked for awhile about it. I knew a lot more than her and told her about things like what pokemon you could catch in certain parts of the world (in my defense she seemed interested and had told me her son was really into pokemon too). When it came to friends I said I didn’t have any that I would hang out with outside of school, I would meme with them a lot when I happened to be in their class or lunch period, but I didn’t know any personal info about them. Apparently that was all it took because the rest of the appointment was entirely unrelated to social skills or personal stuff, which left me kind of baffled when I was informed that I was on the spectrum. I was kinda pissed about it for awhile because it didn’t feel right and my mom was treating me differently all of the sudden. I decided to go back a few times to ask some questions and maybe try to explain myself. Some of the things she said where kinda dumb, like “kids your age (high school freshman/15) aren’t supposed to like pokemon anon”. But she made it clear just how broad asd really is, what is now autism used to be split into several different disorders with a large range in functioning. She said I was on the higher end. My mom stopped patronizing me after a year or so and I’ve come to realize it doesn’t matter. Don’t let a word make you think of yourself any differently.