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Specimen #: PKMN-206
Object Class: Safe
Containment Procedures: PKMN-206 is to be kept in a 20x20x10 m3 box Titanium box at all times. The box is to have no lighting, but night-time surveillance will be used for observation of PKMN-206. A regular shift of class-b personnel is to be stationed and observe PKMN-206, noting any new activity it might perform.
Description: PKMN-206 is a large, fat snake-like creature, with a pointy tail for drilling in dirt and rock, and a pair of tiny wings of unknown purpose.
It possesses a large variety of skills, including toxicity, some control over earth and rocks, fire and ice breath, and the ability to emit electricity, to name a few. Though it uses these skills for self defense, due to its laid back nature, it seems to only be trying to stop any attackers and not servilely harm them.
PKMN-206 First appeared as if out of no where in the middle of the facility, seemingly as if some one had brought it here but soon forgotten about it. It seems to like dark spaces and tends to keep to itself. Because of its ability to show new skills at an almost daily basis, it is to be observed in case any new skill show up, since the limits of what it's capable off is still unknown.