>>19116285>nidoranseh it would fuck with the national pokedex and you know nostalgiafags would rage hard
>peacockhold out hope for gen 7?
>will o wisp special attackits a status inducer, nigger, there wasn't one for fire before other than random chance on a fire attack
>kangababywait for gen 7 i guess
>dolpinsee above
>shucklethere are tons of other ugly useless shitters that are still around anon
>max hatred3edgy5me
>hailnigga you got ice body and snow cloak, ice is not a defensive type anyway
>starry nightand this would do what, exactly?
>aurora beamand? so does ember and water gun and nearly every other weaker form of a high level attack
>poison legendaryubers being loaded with psychics would love to see that
>mewthreeliterally kill yourself
>ice resistsagain, not a defensive type
>spikeson that subject, we agree
>shaunai'm kinda partial to whatever the hell the x/y female protag's name is, the side characters can fuck off
>hitmonjaaplease elaborate
>pokemon snap 2this so hard
>fishing contestsfuck yes
>jigglypuffwas in smash64, pls no removing original roster characters, etc.