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Here's a fun story of the battle spot that's probably the most exciting and enjoyable battle I've had in a long time:
>Fighting a guy with Chomp, Venusaur and Clefable
>His team is Snorlax, Turtonator and Chesnaught, which is already awesome in my book since it's such an interesting team
>He leads with Lax, I lead with Chomp
>Z-Outrage to nuke his ass, I'm not dealing with no curse-lax today
>Sends out the Chesnaught
>Thinking this is a defensive set, I send out my Clefable since Bulletproof renders Sludge Bomb null and void
>He sets up a sub, ok maybe this is Leech Seed or something
>Select Cosmic Power, figure I'll take a leech seed and start spamming Moonblast next turn
>"Chesnaught used Belly Drum! Chesnaught ate it's Salac Berry! It's Speed rose!"
>oh no
>oh fuck I've been baited by a master of 4D chess over here
>Panic and click Moonblast
>His Seed Bomb does barely 50%, figure I'll be ok after I break his sub
>"A Critical Hit!"
>My beloved Clef goes down
>If I'm going to lose this I'm fighting with honor because holy shit this guy is awesome and he deserves the replay
>Send out the Saur
>It's now Mega-Venusaur vs Chesnaught in a battle of the Gen 6 Grass Starters
>He starts to spam Drain Punch, which deals paltry damage
>I'm forced to use Giga Drain, as my other attacks are Sludge Bomb (which is negated by Bullet Proof), Earthquake, and Synthesis
>I'm forced to heal up every now and then to keep up, allowing him to rack up Drain Punch healing and keep it going
>20 minutes later and I've got three uses of Giga Drain left
>Worse, I'm out of Synthesis
>This is it, this is the end
>"Chesnaught used Seed Bomb!"
>Deals less than 20 damage
>He's out of Drain Punch
>Venusaur gets a second wind in his corner and rises up once more
>Spam Giga Drain to recover my health and manage to barely, just fucking barely, scrape out a victory against his Chesnaught, a little healthier than I was before
>But it's not over yet
>Now I fight his Turtonator