>>55255601I think fat tits are gross usually, but I don't hate them on some girls, I think it's how your chest matches your body and face as a whole as opposed to its actual size, if you step outside your crusted fujo cave for a moment you'll realize you're probably well liked by at least some people and its only a matter of time till you find one you can like back too. What's the point of sitting on your computer and thinking about all the ways you (one-sidedly) think you are deficient in anyway, embittering yourself about the world.
>>55255601Men will be attracted to other people than you but that doesn't mean they find you unattractive or that they don't have preferences in other people, the point is to find a person who has the sense not to act on attraction for another if he's committed, not to find someone who wont be attracted to anyone else cause that's impossible.
>>55255701Personally? I'm not sexually confused, I just don't care