>>20357801>Pumpkaboo's Frisk!While Drapion is busy trying to get back up, Pumpkaboo uses the free time to discover what sort-of item he has on him using her Frisk ability. Celosia yawns again and tiredly waits for the action to come back into the scene.
>Pumpkaboo 'frisked' her target and found a Ring Target!You and Serena share mutual confusion in the form of 'Huh's. That's an item you would have never seen coming in a battle like this, it's just so...jarringly out of left-field, you can't help but assume there has to be a reason for it, as does Serena. So, you decide to shoot Celosia with such a question.
"Yo dolly! What's with the Ring Target?"
She purses her lips, tapping them with one of her fingers, "Would it be wrong of me to say that I wanted to give my second-banana a little free treat to help him get an advantage and win? Or does that sound too lame?"
>'Eh? Free...treat? What am I going to get out of nullifying an immuni-Wait!'Her salaciousness fades away once she takes note of your density sinking in, "Or, if you don't feel like using it because you're so lame, I could always Fling it to you, free of charge.."
A) Use Thief!
B) Use Protect!