I've actually come around to actually like this franchise the older I get cause I thought pokemon was really lame when I was younger (thanks to the anime which seemed TERRIBLE next to other anime that was popular). First experience with mainline was Yellow on a shitty emu around 2006 because the GBC aesthetic is amazing, then I enjoyed Ultra Sun and Platinum after going through the GBA remakes, idk what to play after Platinum I wanna shiny hunt in Legends if that turns out any good because Sinnoh and Rowlett is a match that seems made for me.
Pokemon has some of the widest appeal in videogames to those who give it a chance gatekeepingfags are retarded if you only like 1 gen I get it but also stop bitching and kys
>>47539944Everyone had fun with the n64 minigames dude no need to be ashamed of having that experience.