>>34573012>Dennis has lost it>opinion>opinion>quilfish head is a good brother>better than alder and fun to battle>same for almost every other 3rd version>opinions vary per person>don't have to worry about hax or breed super mon just to progress/ half BP cost for all items>Black Tower/White tree hollow is a great way to grind. Join Avenue has level up facilities without caps like in festival plaza, a certain breeder gives infinite rare candies>OK>Opinion. It was a unique twist that made good use of the battle system and has multiple ways of being done thanks to alternate endings>OK>Opinion. Just because you didn't care about medals doesn't mean others felt the same. Content is content.>Opinion. The new victory is a great improvement of an already great one that also takes place within the ruins of N's castle>OKAlright. Proceed to call me slurs, insult me, and whatever else for disagreeing with many of your points.