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Actual real mandela effects I experienced in this serie (all from gen 1):
1. Pikachu had a black tipped tail
2. Spelled Onyx not Onix
3. Pokeballs could miss
4. There was a game over condition or something, you would white out and it took you back to the titlescreen
5. Error message appearing in the game text box.
6. Pokemon would randomly come back when you tried to release them.
7. If you spammed A or B while the pokeball wiggled it would wiggle an extra time
8. Some NPCs would sometimes just turn towards you without saying anything when you pressed A to talk to them.
9. If you entered dark caves and immediately pressed Menu you wouldnt need Flash
Then im not sure but I think these are just misremebering
?. There was a hidden area in mt moon that took you outside to some place were clefairys danced? and jessie and james blocked your way? maybe pokemon yellow?