Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[187 / 28 / ?]

No.11833021 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's that time again /vp/, of course, you won't believe me, but I look forward to the shitstorm on the 6th when the released Pokémon matches this list.
I'm part of the localisation team, I'll spare you any more details than that, I'd like to not endanger my job any more thanks.

650 - Chespin - Grass
651 - Chespine - Grass
652 - Chespike - Grass/Steel
653 - Fennekin - Fire
654 - Flarox - Fire/Psychic
655 - Sphinox - Fire/Psychic
656 - Froakie - Water
657 - Troubble - Water/Dark
658 - Croaking - Water/Dark
659 - Cheekent - Normal
660 - Storat - Normal
661 - Woodby - Normal/Flying
662 - Woodrill - Normal/Flying
663 - Picuill - Normal/Flying
664 - Maglicious - Bug/Dark
665 - Flivious - Bug/Dark
666 - Beelzely - Bug/Dark
667 - Cubark - Electric
668 - Spargir - Electric
669 - Pankey - Normal
670 - Pancheat - Dark
671 - Simicheat - Dark
672 - Pancus - Psychic
673 - Simicus - Psychic
674 - Panarts - Fighting
675 - Simiarts - Fighting
676 - Audiness - Normal
677 - Sneezpass - Rock
678 - Swoonbat - Psychic/Flying
679 - Slipander - Water/Poison
680 - Salizard - Water/Poison
681 - Salider - Water/Poison
682 - Traine - Fighting
683 - Grappul - Fighting
684 - Whak - Fighting
685 - Goblye - Dark/Ghost
686 - Gullure - Steel
687 - Vineus - Grass
688 - Stemato - Grass
689 - Toumato - Grass
690 - Potatable - Grass/Ground
691 - Potarth - Grass/Ground
692 - Jeweler - Bug/Ice
693 - Gemcier - Bug/Ice
694 - Arcticoa - Bug/Ice
695 - Sylveon - Normal
696 - Porygon 3D - Normal
697 - Usaki - Electric
698 - Usakira - Electric
699 - Chatronome - Normal/Flying
700 - Mamold - Rock/Ice
701 - Mamage - Rock/Ice
702 - Sabini - Rock
703 - Sabunter - Rock
704 - Skared - Steel/Flying
705 - Tropid - Grass/Flying
706 - Dreaman - Ground/Psychic
707 - Calight - Steel
708 - Caledight - Steel/Rock
709 - Protectoc - Steel
710 - Aegield - Steel
711 - Candisite - Water/Poison
712 - Candrain - Water/Poison
713 - Piranivor - Water
714 - Signin - Water/Psychic
715 - Symphiny - Water/Psychic

Pic mildly related.