The TL/DR on the 3DS hacking scene right now:
2 hackers (who have said "say goodbye to your WAREZ loader") found a save exploit in a single unnamed physical retail game. Nothing was released but the method they used to activate it. It requires buying the game, modifying it with a save dongle (or DS homebrew with a save writing program) and is not permanent. Once again, nothing was released and statements made by the two said they were trying to find some other way to release to the public.
The exploit allowed them to access the 3DS in kernel mode and they have been mapping things out on
3dbrew.orgNintendo figured out what they were doing and patched the part that allowed them kernel access. The save exploit is still there and could be used to access another vulnerability in the newer firmware.
If you want to ever use the eshop again (even for demos or free DLC) you must update to the latest patched version.
They also had save hacked the DSi but gave up after Nintendo patched it out with a system update.
Nothing was released. I can't stress this enough. They are actually interested in 3DS homebrew and not giving you free commercial games.