It's the dawn of the final day, and in a few hours the PSS will go live.
In order to take full advantage of the PSS and new Friend Safari Zone, let's trade Friend Codes with one another.
State your Nickname, and Friend Code in the Name field.
>Example: (Waffle) 5555-5555-5555 REPLY to EVERYONE you've added.
Don't be shy, we're all friends in here.
>How do I find my Friend Code? Go to your 3DS dashboard, click the orange square at the top, find your Mii card and the code will be at the bottom.
>How many friends can I have? 100 friends in total.
>How do I know if someone is my friend? If you can see their Mii Card, then they are your friend. If there is a ? where their Mii should be, that means they haven't accepted your invite yet.
>How do I delete a pending invite/friend? Scroll all the way to the left, select settings, then select delete friend.
>Why do I need friends? Previous Threads:
>>14486780 >>14487266
Will 2938-6451-6365
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Nevan 0645 - 5860 - 0439
Vincent (X) 5257 9640 5936
Still adding anyone who adds me! Just reply!
Quetzal 2320 - 7542 - 8949
Waiting on Nevan, Kenny, Maj, Aulox, Pablo, Odoyle and Moist to add me back. Anyone else, reply for an add.
Daniel 4699-6456-2252
Will add all replies Tons of space left!
elnino[Y] 4484-8837-9682
Roman 2680-9333-1510
I must fill this friend list by tomorrow morning! Adding all who reply.
Ivor - FC: 2938 - 6980 - 4884
I have more space than space. I'll add anyone who replies. Seems to be working better that way. Once again, gettin' Ekksuuuu.
choc: 0061-0632-2482
Speed 0834-1080-7738
Sean 4098-2590-7662
Adding back all that reply, looking for some bros to battle and trade with
Vincent (X) 5257 9640 5936
Dan 0404-6111-4042
Need 8 more to fill! Y, Froakie, Bulbasaur Also play ACNL almost daily and SwapNotes Adding anyone who replies
Kinjaru 4184 1397 8969
need moar friends... ;__;
Radar - 5327 1031 2813
adding replies come on poke bros
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Heracross 0018-0619-5095
reposting from previous thread, i need friends
Ian 0018-1300-6519
Ryan 0275-8016-5440
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Pat 5472-7369-1026
Seth 2251 - 4377 - 4067
Continuing to add everyone. Lots of space left. Need adds from: Perc, Adam, Dread, King Pablo, Kenny, Nevan, Phage, Wyatt, Peter, Sugars, Gendo, Therru.
nick 4227-1620-4649 zion 2122-6280-6937 reposting, will add replies.
Kinjaru 4184 1397 8969
Adding replies I swear I'm a pretty cool guy :(
Titus 1650 1953 0077
Sobek 0791-1025-1013
Got three spots left. Who wants 'em?
Hugoagogo 0791 - 1809 - 7764
Beck 2595 1082 2019
Stevester 4339-2728-0922
Vincent (X) 5257 9640 5936
Quetzal 2320 - 7542 - 8949
Quips 5300-8402-8458
Kizuna 4656-6519-0028
Sydney 2509-1783-5278
adding everyone above me and anyone who replies to this post.
Argo 1693-0910-7260
Ian 0018-1300-6519
S 1134-7189-8360
Nin 4296-3017-4200
Dcuajunco 1161-0008-1498
Waiting for S, Tyler, Maj, Kenny, and Hugoagogo I'm adding anyone who replies! Also, have some Joltik.
Please add Brandon 0516-7280-1238
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Ivor - FC: 2938 - 6980 - 4884
Speed 0834-1080-7738
>>14489412 Your friend code is broken for me.
>>14489397 >>14489400 >>14489411 added
still waiting on nevin
Groitgard 0576-4779-4045
Will add all replies, plus will add those afterwards.
Kam 1392-4922-3435
King Kong 1590-5508-8480
Let's be buttbuddies, faggots
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
Dread 4699-6312-1357
add me---- reply to add you
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Quoted By:
>>14489585 And another add
Joe 0705-3080-4096
Need to fill up a friend code list. Adding eveyone who adds me and will be adding people.
Sobek 0791-1025-1013
Quoted By:
>>14489517 also still waiting on Matt, Cpt.Shiz, and Stan.
boz 3797 - 6407 - 4330
Kyle [Y] 0302-0743-2595
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
DMC 3007-8294-1119
Beck 2595 1082 2019
somrune 4785-4890-2752
Thorpedo 2552-1574-3996
Incoming from the Previous thread, Waiting on Matt and Eatablefan Lets do this.
choc: 0061-0632-2482
Quoted By:
>>14489500 And now I'm full! :D
will have a look through my roster tomorrow morning to see if people didn't add me then come to whichever thread is active and fill up again.
I really hope the friend interactions on T.V and stuff are back, I love reading about what other players are doing.
anyway have fun with the games if you have them already, hope to play with you all soon!!!
Dan 0404-6111-4042
Rob 4227-1986-2160
Still making dinner, but I will add if you reply.
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
Adding all those before me, adding those who reply
Noxxion: 0662-3781-0489
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Gavin 5257-9937-8141
[X] GT 4983 6227 3898
12 slots open, adding those people who rely.
Tyler 1332-7751-6225
>>14489461 >>14489470 added
>>14489467 I already added you, add me back
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Seth 2251 - 4377 - 4067
>>14489470 >>14489467 >>14489452 >>14489425 Added, continuing to add replies.
Currently waiting on replies from: Gendo, Therru, Peter, Phage, Kenny, King Pablo, Dread.
Zach 3539 9420 9287
Ben 1504-5722-7486
Will add anyone that replies for the next hour.
Joe 0705-3080-4096
Moist 5413 1196 3424
4828-4538-0785 (Pawkets)
Protag [X] 2079 - 6911 - 4296
>>14489346 >>14489468 >>14489486 >>14489534 >>14489563 Added. Got a little more than 50 available spots left.
Vincent (X) 5257 9640 5936
>>14489609 Your friend code is invalid, dude
Teegan 1907-8764-2735 Please add, i have no one.
Sobek 0791-1025-1013
Kriss 5241 1917 1306
Add me (: adding every reply
soggy memer
Speed 0834-1080-7738
Michael 4983-5015-8621
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
3754 6874 2735
Titus 1650 1953 0077
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Noxxion: 0662-3781-0489
Lucas 5172 0388 6449
Ivor - FC: 2938 - 6890 - 4884
FUUUUCK. Sorry guys. switched two of the digits around... Let's try this again. Gettin' x, adding replies. So far, registered Beloved, Nick, Zion, Nobdy, Quips, and Dezzik. So if you guys are out there. The code in the name field is now fixed.
dagrum 2380-3365-2828
Sobek 0791-1025-1013
>>14489656 You have my attention.
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Kuhni 3711 7984 6081
Quetzal 2320 - 7542 - 8949
S 1134-7189-8360
Kyle [Y] 0302-0743-2595
Joe 0705-3080-4096
Ian 0018-1300-6519
Quoted By:
>>14489801 You have no FC tho...
Erica 0705 2989 2919
Adding anyone who replies.
soggy memer
Quoted By:
>>14489754 >>14489738 added, cant wait to play with all of you guys!
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
Donohoe 0275-7744-9550
Reply to this if you add me, pain to go back up and add as many as possible in case they arn't in the thread anymore. Any other Irishfags up in here? Accidentally posted a new thread.
Michael 4983-5015-8621
Sobek 0791-1025-1013
>>14489665 Allow me to fill your holes.
hehhehehehehhehehhhhehehh Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
adding anyone who adds me
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Colin 1590-5953-9820
Mitch 3840-5516-1347
4828-4538-0785 (Pawkets)
soggy memer
Quoted By:
>>14489824 added back, I'll just give you a ? as a name for now
John 3265 5179 1166
will be adding all who reply
Joe 0705-3080-4096
>>14489921 okay fine, added
Groitgard 0576-4779-4045
Got 40 slots for anyone that wants to add, please reply back if added.
Pewl 0817 - 4089 - 5627
adding everyone before me aswell, thanks guys
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Not sure who I have so add me if you don't
Zach 3539 9420 9287
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Specker 3952-7487-7149
Homiko 5086 1951 6036
Seth 2251 - 4377 - 4067
Sohee 5043-1964-6722
Add me please Fc:5043-1964-6722
Ryan 0275-8016-5440 [X]
(Odoyle) 1349-5065-1749
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
soggy memer
Quoted By:
>>14489445 added, I play ACNL a lot so we can play that together too if you'd like
Sobek 0791-1025-1013
Quoted By:
you're my 100th add.
Here's a potato.
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Protag [X] 2079 - 6911 - 4296
>>14489785 >>14489833 >>14489838 >>14489840 >>14489903 >>14489946 Added.
>Making more friends in one day than in your entire lifetime Thorpedo 2552-1574-3996
Strangler 4425-1950-4937
Wyatt - 4270-1102-7282
Spetza 0516 - 7468 - 8977
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
Lucas 5172 0388 6449
Argo 1693-0910-7260
Quips 5300-8402-8458
Speed 0834-1080-7738
Quetzal 2320 - 7542 - 8949
Dan 0404-6111-4042
Need 4 more. Come on anons, fill me up
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Max 0748-1763-3637
Will add people throughout the night until I got to midnight release
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Quoted By:
>>14490082 I'll fill you up
Hunter 2766-8728-9373
Need some friends please, I don't have many
Tyler 1332-7751-6225
Michael 4983-5015-8621
S 1134-7189-8360
4828-4538-0785 (Pawkets)
Joe 0705-3080-4096
Mitch 3840-5516-1347
[X] GT 4983 6227 3898
Dread 4699-6312-1357
Titus 1650 1953 0077
Seth 2251 - 4377 - 4067
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
Radar - 5327 1031 2813
/vp/ I need an answer, Is the Friendcode the one from the console or game exclusive? What if I start the game on a borrowed 3ds but keep playing it in other?
S 1134-7189-8360
>>14490101 Here you go, friend.
Wyatt - 4270-1102-7282
Sohee 5043-1964-6722
Sean 4098-2590-7662
Nin 4296-3017-4200
Kam 1392-4922-3435
Ron 0361-7252-2152
Quoted By:
Cespin, Y adding replies. pic is essentially what I was like playing Gen 1.
Gavin 5257-9937-8141
4871-3742-5172 (Nikolas)
Radar - 5327 1031 2813
Roman 2680-9333-1510
Still got plenty of space left!
Quoted By:
>>14490182 we're all adding our console codes, I haven't got the game yet but I'm pretty sure there isn't a code for the cart anymore.
Aj - 2595 -0647 - 6000
Natalie 2380-2599-1819
Kizuna 4656-6519-0028
Dan 0404-6111-4042
Quoted By:
>>14490145 adding, need 2 more
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
>>14490116 >>14490133 Added
Tons to go, add me homies.
Dread 4699-6312-1357
DMC 3007-8294-1119
Ivor - FC: 2938 - 6890 - 4884
Luzi 1435-4540-1481
Noxxion: 0662-3781-0489
Kyle 5429-7915-4595
Lucas 5172 0388 6449
Vincent (X) 5257 9640 5936
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
Pewl 0817 - 4089 - 5627
Kizuna 4656-6519-0028
Ben 1504-5722-7486
Strangler 4425-1950-4937
boz 3797-6407-4330
omega 3394-3554-0668
Adding all replies Need more grills on my friend list
Titus 1650 1953 0077
Dan 0404-6111-4042
Beck 2595 1082 2019
Quetzal 2320 - 7542 - 8949
Monado 2707-1693-7612
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Ryan 0275-8016-5440 [X]
>>14490099 >>14490101 >>14490217 >>14490250 Added, will add replies!
>>14490288 You forgot your Friend Code silly, put it up so we can be friends
Seth 2251 - 4377 - 4067
>>14490159 >>14490144 >>14490140 >>14490133 Added. Need confirms from Dread and Homiko, continuing to add all.
Joe 0705-3080-4096
Sean 4098-2590-7662
Added waiting on Dezzik, Will, Nevan, Daniel, elnino, dan, and roman
4828-4538-0785 (Pawkets)
reply and I'll add. sorry about anyone I missed in the last thread. fell asleep @_@
S 1134-7189-8360
>>14490182 It's the console friend code, so starting the game on a borrowed one won't let you keep the friends.
>>14490227 >>14490250 Kinjaru 4184 1397 8969
Kizuna 4656-6519-0028
Hunter 2766-8728-9373
Ian 0018-1300-6519
Mitch 3840-5516-1347
Speed 0834-1080-7738
Ashura 4957-2955-2825
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
John 3265 5179 1166
Quetzal 2320 - 7542 - 8949
Waiting on Titus, Brandon and Noxxion to add me. Only a few spots left, if anyone wants them, they need to reply to this.
Sean 4098-2590-7662
>>14490347 >>14490238 forgot to refer to you
Vincent (X) 5257 9640 5936
Jeroch 4785-4652-4012 (Pokémon X)
Hello everyone, I would like to add some new people. I will add anyone who replies.
Dan 0404-6111-4042
Quoted By:
>>14490287 ADD ME YOUR MY 100TH FRIEND
[X] GT 4983 6227 3898
Beck 2595 1082 2019
>>14490318 Added you earlier
Daniel 4699-6456-2252
Need more friendos! Adding all replies.
Homiko 5086 1951 6036
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
Donohoe 0275-7744-9550
Quips 5300-8402-8458
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Sydney 2509-1783-5278
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174
Sean 4098-2590-7662
>>14490415 I-I'd like a...a spot....senpai
Argo 1693-0910-7260
Nik 2208 5081 8840
Adding all replies for the next hour before work, where I will be personally unloading the games and putting them on shelves tonight. SO EXCITE.
Shawn 0619-4067-2918
Gonna add a shit-ton of people. Please add.
Michael 4983-5015-8621
>>14490449 added. I don't even have 20 yet, I need some people
Groitgard 0576-4779-4045
>>14490165 Added, please reply if you add
Lucas 5172 0388 6449
Jeremy (3153 4598 0387)
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
Quetzal 2320 - 7542 - 8949
>>14490469 Already registered you.
boz 3797-6407-4330
Sean 4098-2590-7662
Strangler 4425-1950-4937
Waiting on
>>14489335 >>14489387 >>14490150 I'll add everyone who replies to this post
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Daniel 4699-6456-2252
Need more friends. Will add all replys
Michael 4983-5015-8621
>>14490520 Adding you like a sir
Seth 2251 - 4377 - 4067
Sitting at 70 spots right now, still open for more for replies.
Dread 4699-6312-1357
addme and reply*/-*/-*/-*/-*/-*/*-
add me niggas! 3136 6612 8430
John 3265 5179 1166
Mitch 3840-5516-1347
X and Y reporting in. Let me know if you ever want to trade, battle, etc. And favorite 'mon (pic related)
rette - 4940 - 6543 - 1479
Pewl 0817 - 4089 - 5627
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
S 1134-7189-8360
>>14490421 >>14490478 Added.
Also waiting on Jeroch, Roman, Sohee
Strangler 4425-1950-4937
I'll add everyone who replies to this post
Waiting on
>>14489339 >>14489387 >>14489335 Monado 2707-1693-7612
>>14490460 Add me, friend.
jom 3566-2828-1737
I have 0 friends. I just finished making a mii so I could trade someone for a clawitzer thanks, ily
Noxxion: 0662-3781-0489
Looking for more adds! Waiting on replies from Groitgard and Spetza
Will 2938-6451-6365
>>14490525 Apologies, currently fighting my shitty internet
Quoted By:
Honestly are there this many girls on /vp/ or all you all just fat greasy neckbears wanking it to your miis?
Quack - 5129-0855-2340
>>14489335 >>14489490 >>14489339 I'M GOING TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ALL OF YOU FOR POKEMON.
Getting X. Love me.
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Radar - 5327 1031 2813
Michael 4983-5015-8621
Quoted By:
We're about to hit the bump limit so I'm drafting up a new thread to keep the ball rolling. If you're just now joining us get ready to migrate and repost your invite in the new thread. This thread will be linked back in the new one, for convenience sake.
Aj - 2595 -0647 - 6000
Donohoe 0275-7744-9550
Dread 4699-6312-1357
Gavin 5257-9937-8141
anyone got that picture with a bunch of images showing off the new features in x/y? a friend just asked me about those and i'm too lazy to type everything out.
Ian 0018-1300-6519
omega 3394-3554-0668
U add me, u reply to post I add u Wooper are awesome
jom 3566-2828-1737
>>14490619 adding you because i need your fucking claunchers, you asshole. lets be friends
Jeroch 4785-4652-4012 (Pokémon X)
Lucas 5172 0388 6449
Ryan 0275-8016-5440 [X]
>>14490324 >>14490368 >>14490467 >>14490486 >>14490489 >>14490609 Added you all~
Public Service Announcement:
Make sure to check the last thread for replies, people are still posting!
Monado 2707-1693-7612
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
Quoted By:
I'm only at 25 friends -- replies so I can add you to fill up those spots!
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
Nin 4296-3017-4200
Adding everyone who replies
Specker 3952-7487-7149
Waiting on
>>14490622 >>14490615 >>14490520 I'll add all who reply
Scott 2251-5167-6045
Hunter 2766-8728-9373
Quips 5300-8402-8458
Seth 2251 - 4377 - 4067
Quoted By:
>>14490563 >>14490522 >>14490514 >>14490491 All added. Last post for me as I've gotta get some grub soon, will add all replies I find.
>>14490567 >>14490569 >>14490478 >>14490250 added. Reply if you add need about 49 more.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174
boz 3797-6407-4330
[X] GT 4983 6227 3898
Jeroch 4785-4652-4012 (Pokémon X)
3136 6612 8430
New to this whole thing. Quick question: do these friend-codes work cross-region? Can I play with someone in the US if I'm an Ausfag?
BlakMajik 4484-8808-9942
Trucky 4468-1921-5850
Ashura 4957-2955-2825
3136 6612 8430
Quoted By:
>>14490752 most definitely
Radar - 5327 1031 2813
Seth 2251 - 4377 - 4067
Oh, and right, need reconfirms from: Dread, boz, Jeremy, and Groitgard.
Mitch 3840-5516-1347
Sohee 5043-1964-6722
Joe 0705-3080-4096
Pewl 0817 - 4089 - 5627
Quoted By:
>>14490529 idk why i added you though
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
Lucas 5172 0388 6449
Michael 4983-5015-8621
Dezzik 1676-4947-3179
Quoted By:
Alright I'm full, just delete me if I haven't confirmed
Hunter 2766-8728-9373
Ivor - FC: 2938 - 6890 - 4884
>>14490525 >>14490524 >>14490522 >>14490520 >>14490518 y'all is added. I'm gonna be here for a while addin' replies.
Beck 2595 1082 2019
Quetzal 2320 - 7542 - 8949
Quoted By:
>>14490702 You're my 100th friend!
Anyone that's still waiting for me to respond, feel free to delete. I'm all outta spaces.
Robot - 3754 6970 6163
HERO - 2595 0558 9272 Robot - 3754 6970 6163 Sat 12 Oct 2013 00:54:27 No. 14490863 Report >>14489424 >>14489411 >>14489400 >>14489397 >>14489387 >>14489348 >>14489346 >>14489339 >>14489335 Added.
I've got two names/FCs because I'm adding these for two people so please add us both
Also accepting replies
DMC 3007-8294-1119
(Odoyle) 1349-5065-1749
>>14490582 >>14490457 Added you guys back, but no conformation yet =/
Trucky 4468-1921-2850
Pewl 0817 - 4089 - 5627
I need protag donohoe will john sohee odoyle strangler and dezzik, also ill add anyone that replies to this post
Kyle 5429-7915-4595
Squidilly 1736-0189-5179
Radar - 5327 1031 2813
Cannon 3024-6056-0265 (X Version)
RonBot 0361-7252-2152
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Monado 2707-1693-7612
Sean 4098-2590-7662
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
4828-4538-0785 (Pawkets)
jom 3566-2828-1737
Specker 3952-7487-7149
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Donohoe 0275-7744-9550
>>14490514 Added brah, made me think of Pearl Jam
>>14490720 >>14490863 Got 40 names left any takers?
John 3265 5179 1166
Mitch 3840-5516-1347
Sean 4098-2590-7662
Quoted By:
>>14490945 Added, real friends are over-rated anyway
Quoted By:
>>14490733 >>14490733 >>14490733 Don't get left behind!
Aj - 2595 -0647 - 6000
Monado 2707-1693-7612
Kyle 5429-7915-4595
Ben 1504-5722-7486
choc: 0061-0632-2482
Quoted By:
went through and removed unconfirmed ones, have 5 more slots, reply for add :3
Shawn 0619-4067-2918
Spanky 3866 - 9113 - 9855
(Odoyle) 1349-5065-1749
>>14490886 Hmm... added you but it's not going through... I'll give it another shot.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174
Still need Mitch, Boz, Squid, and Jeremy. Will add all that reply to this
Groitgard 0576-4779-4045
Quoted By:
>>14490805 Just added, sorry for delay.
Please reply if you add, still need 20 more.
Joe 0705-3080-4096
Scott 2251-5167-6045
Pewl 0817 - 4089 - 5627
>>14491070 yeah ive got you added aswell idk why, might just be lagging or something ill try a restart and see
Quips 5300-8402-8458
Quoted By:
>>14490733 >>14490733 >>14490733 >>14490733 Repost invites in new thread.
jom 3566-2828-1737
Argo 1693-0910-7260
Titus 1650 1953 0077
I need one more friend to complete 25 bro mark.
Roman 3454-1012-0995
I just bought a brand new 3ds for pokemon and I have no friends can you help me fix it??
Ashura 4957-2955-2825
Monado 2707-1693-7612
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Specker 3952-7487-7149
Trucky 4468-1921-2850
Jeroch 4785-4652-4012 (Pokémon X)
>>14489731 Added, awaiting confirmation.
I'm still adding FC.
Kyle 5429-7915-4595
Danny 2680-9726-7501
Anyone wanna add me? I'll be getting Y.
Donohoe 0275-7744-9550
Quoted By:
For the stragglers, new thread here:
>>14490733 >>14490733 >>14490733 Robot - 3754 6970 6163
HERO - 2595 0558 9272 Robot - 3754 6970 6163 Sat 12 Oct 2013 01:03:23 No. 14491242 Report Monado 2707-1693-7612
Shawn 0619-4067-2918
Pewl 0817 - 4089 - 5627
McBob 3523-2289-3525
RonBot 0361-7252-2152
Specker 3952-7487-7149
Anybody else wanna add me before i head out
Kyle 5429-7915-4595
Monado 2707-1693-7612
>>14491374 I'll add you.
Will add replies and shit.
Jeroch 4785-4652-4012 (Pokémon X)
Strangler 4425-1950-4937
On my way out. Feel free to add me before im gone.
Robot - 3754 6970 6163
>>14490991 HERO got your confirmation but mine didn't go through; check to make sure you added me properly..?
Kyle 5429-7915-4595
(Jacob) 3609-2148-0160
Roman 3454-1012-0995
Ivor - FC: 2938 - 6890 - 4884
>>14491242 added both!
>>14491255 >>14491280 Added! EAGERLY!!!
Also, addin' whoever resplies,
Monado 2707-1693-7612
Roman 3454-1012-0995
Shawn 0619-4067-2918
Jeroch 4785-4652-4012 (Pokémon X)
Monado 2707-1693-7612
Quack - 5129-0855-2340
Dread 4699-6312-1357
Ivor - FC: 2938 - 6890 - 4884
Kyle 5429-7915-4595
Dread 4699-6312-1357
Robot - 3754 6970 6163
HERO - 2595 0558 9272 Robot - 3754 6970 6163 Sat 12 Oct 2013 01:16:38 No. 14491806 Report >>14489589 >>14489576 >>14489566 >>14489563 >>14489561 >>14489542 Added; as before, I HAVE TWO FCs, adding for two people, would really appreciate if you added both of them.
Monado 2707-1693-7612
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Robot - 3754 6970 6163
HERO - 2595 0558 9272 Robot - 3754 6970 6163 Sat 12 Oct 2013 01:19:20 No. 14491919 Report Quoted By:
>>14491830 Added, please also add the HERO FC at the top here, it's the other FC I'm doing.
Jeroch 4785-4652-4012 (Pokémon X)
Kyle 5429-7915-4595
Dread 4699-6312-1357
addme--------reply too add you
Monado 2707-1693-7612
Quack - 5129-0855-2340
McBob 3523-2289-3525
Ivor - FC: 2938 - 6890 - 4884
Kyle 5429-7915-4595
Dread 4699-6312-1357
Quoted By:
>>14491991 playing pokemon X now
Robot - 3754 6970 6163
HERO - 2595 0558 9272 Robot - 3754 6970 6163 Sat 12 Oct 2013 01:28:19 No. 14492308 Report Quoted By:
>>14491314 >>14491368 >>14491487 >>14491582 >>14491674 >>14491991 >>14491970 >>14491941 Added, please add both FCs up top.
Also headed to new thread after this, so no more replies here...
Ivor - FC: 2938 - 6890 - 4884
Quoted By:
Alright it looks like this thread might be petering out, but here are the folks who i've got who haven't responded: Beloved, Nico, Nbdy,Boz, Quetzal, Squidilly, Hero, Robot, Shaun, Pewl, Roman, Jeroch, And Kyle. If any of you are still around addin' me'll be smooth.
(Jacob) 3609-2148-0160
Still looking for some more adds, see
>>14490575 McBob 3523-2289-3525
(Jacob) 3609-2148-0160