Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
Quoted By:
i think i have a 5 ivs fletching korean need :) ?
Arcimedes 1993-8198-8214
I would like one. What's your FC?
Rafs 2423 - 2427 - 0046
>>17001030 Forgot FC, fuck
Poon 2793-1081-4203 [Fight] Mienfoo, Pancham, Hariyama
Poon 2793-1081-4203 [Fight] Mienfoo, Pancham, Hariyama Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:33:37 No. 17001060 Report Hey I can trade you some leftovers for one? Is that cool?
Olimpiky - 5215-0705-1058
ive been trying to get one of these for a while. pls send me a trade
Czar 2595 1350 7689
>>17001014 what's the FC? I want one please. I dont mind the nature.
Snail 4527-8592-7979
>>17001014 I'd like one. Can offer Solosis with 4 IVs, Magic guard and egg moves. Also 4IV Joltiks.
Bull rock 2981-5939-5163
>>17001030 May I have a jolly one please
>>17001014 If not ruse, I have pentaperfect Smogonbirds with HA (bad spreads though, lacking HP).
Maza 1418-6721-2142
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:34:49 No. 17001082 Report >>17001014 I want one, will give some bankmon or unown in return
>>17001047 ok u first!
sorry forgot fc 3024 5613 1531 REVAN
Dougie 4141-3073-4528
>>17001014 do you have an FC? I can give you a baby smogonbird
Andrej 3711-7906-0464
>>17001014 may I get one please?
Rafs 2423 - 2427 - 0046
>>17001083 Adding! IGN is Serena.
Wesly 0748-2720-7440
Jack 2208-6022-6164
>>17001014 please , give me one
Snail 4527-8592-7979
Quoted By:
>>17001083 Adding. Timid nature would be nice
>>17001042 u 2nd! add me 3024 5613 1531 REVAN
Chris 2836-0080-7433 Quiladin, Sawsbuck, Sunkern
Chris 2836-0080-7433 Quiladin, Sawsbuck, Sunkern Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:36:25 No. 17001113 Report I'd like one, I have a few 3/4/5 IV Woopers or Torchics I could trade.
Maza 1418-6721-2142
Quoted By:
>>17001083 I too would like a Modest but any is fine.
Acer 5043-2067-9401
Quoted By:
>>17001014 Yes please! Can offer something decent
Jackson 5000-2514-2287
>>17001014 I've got an adamant 4 IV fletchling with gale wings if you want
king kong 1590 5508 8480
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:36:42 No. 17001123 Report >>17001014 I would love one! Nature doesnt matter so much but i guess, timid?
Wesly 0748-2720-7440
Quoted By:
>>17001083 added you OP, I want one please
Olimpiky - 5215-0705-1058
Quoted By:
>>17001083 I added you hazel guystr
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:37:00 No. 17001130 Report >>17001014 can I have one ;_; I'd love u forever op
Bull rock 2981-5939-5163
>>17001070 I offer 4-5 iv froakie mudkip, tyrunt, charmanders
>>17001014 Could you save one for me? I'll be at home soon.
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
This is awesome! I await patiently OP.
Andrej 3711-7906-0464
Quoted By:
>>17001109 may i add you too?
Jack 2208-6022-6164
Christoph 2423 2167 3728 (Spearow, Swanna, Rufflet)
Christoph 2423 2167 3728 (Spearow, Swanna, Rufflet) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:37:28 No. 17001137 Report I'll give you one of these for one>4 IV Totodile (egg moves DD, Ice Punch, Aqua Jet) >4 IV HA Chimchar (egg moves Fake Out Tpunch Fpunch) >4 IV Piplup (egg move agility) >4 IV cyndaquil Take your pick.
GucciRog300 (2638 - 0912 - 8381)
>>17001014 i have a 5 IV charmander i would gladly give for one of these
Alexis 2036-7984-8286 Dedenne|Electabuzz|Manectric
Alexis 2036-7984-8286 Dedenne|Electabuzz|Manectric Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:37:44 No. 17001148 Report Justin 1993-7730-6671 Quagsire Azumarill Krabby
Justin 1993-7730-6671 Quagsire Azumarill Krabby Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:37:47 No. 17001149 Report I'd love one. Not picky on the nature
>>17001083 Added you. I want one and I'll give you a 5IV Honedge.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:37:54 No. 17001156 Report Quoted By:
>>17001083 It's wroth a try I guess. Adding you
Jackson 5000-2514-2287
Quoted By:
>>17001083 >>17001119 making sure you see mine, I don't care about nature, but Jolly/Adamant/Timid or modest would be nice
king kong 1590 5508 8480
Quoted By:
>>17001122 Oh my names red ingame op
Rafs 2423 - 2427 - 0046
Quoted By:
Thanks OP! Enjoy your Smogon bird.
>>17001152 My FC: 2981-9899-9970
John 1306-5756-7823 [Cloyster, Bergmite, Snorunt]
John 1306-5756-7823 [Cloyster, Bergmite, Snorunt] Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:39:14 No. 17001177 Report I would really appreciate one because I can't use bank yet :)
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
>>17001014 I give 5IV larvitar, blastoise or malamar for one, please understand that I need one! I have bred with shitty 3IV dittos for too long.
IGN Zeruel (3110-5242-1866) [Growlithe, Braixen, can't remember third one]
IGN Zeruel (3110-5242-1866) [Growlithe, Braixen, can't remember third one] Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:39:33 No. 17001183 Report >>17001083 I'll try, thanks in advance
james [X]: 2337-3763-4187 [Emolga, Helioptile, Zebstrika]
james [X]: 2337-3763-4187 [Emolga, Helioptile, Zebstrika] Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:39:35 No. 17001184 Report I'd love one of those slippery customers sir.
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
Quoted By:
>>17001014 Could you spare me one? It'd be much appreciated.
3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
Quoted By:
>>17001014 If you got any left id like one OP
Lando 4012-5056-4720
>>17001083 Just started playing 3 days ago.
I need this anon. I need this.
>>17001060 ur next!
>>17001061 and then u! add REVAN 3024 5613 1531
dont forget this is charity so give me what u want
Lyndis 2852-7725-8581
I can give you 5IV (31/x/31/31/31/31) HA Male Espurr for one.
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
Quoted By:
>>17001014 Hey Op since im second
do you want my 5 ivs fletching KOR
or i can give u timid 5 ivs gastly ?
Rob - 0705-3711-5879 (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Sableye)
Rob - 0705-3711-5879 (Sandile, Nuzleaf, Sableye) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:40:14 No. 17001194 Report Quoted By:
If you could throw one my way that would be great. I don't have much to offer at all i'm afraid, just a 2iv adamant drilbur. Just want to get my breeding back on track after losing 170 hours of the game when it was stolen.
River 1762-4103-7368
I'd love one OP. don't care about the nature at all.
Quoted By:
>>17001014 A-are there any more?
>>17001014 Could I get one? FC is 35829775 5278
james [X]: 2337-3763-4187 [Emolga, Helioptile, Zebstrika]
james [X]: 2337-3763-4187 [Emolga, Helioptile, Zebstrika] Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:41:15 No. 17001209 Report Quoted By:
>>17001184 And i can let you choose from a few of my shinies if you like
Arcimedes 1993-8198-8214
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:41:25 No. 17001212 Report Would love any natures Don't give a tits about nature Just let me know if I'm able to get one ;_;7
Ida 4098-3200-2946
I'd love one, if they're still going!
Quoted By:
Could I have one? Can offer 5IV Tynamo
John 1306-5756-7823 [Cloyster, Bergmite, Snorunt]
John 1306-5756-7823 [Cloyster, Bergmite, Snorunt] Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:42:10 No. 17001228 Report Quoted By:
>>17001190 I can give you a x/x/x/31/x/31 Mewtwo for one
>>17001014 Please give me one! Any Nature will suffice
Nein [3093 7586 9972]
Sami - 2363-5618-6771
Quoted By:
>>17001178 ps. any nature will do.
Pride 0834-1434-9972
hey man are you still on? id love the hell out of one of these
Andrew 2681-0013-4780
>>17001014 Op can i have one please will give you a good iv mon in return. Been trying to get one for days now. And thanks for not being jewish
Lando 4012-5056-4720
Quoted By:
>>17001187 I especially need this because I doubt you're Australian and I would really like a foreign ditto. I want to get my breeding game on.
Quoted By:
>>17001233 Duh, forgot friend code
Ryan 1607-2524-8653
Quoted By:
I'll offer an imperfect 5 IV modest chlorophyll bulbasaur with giga drain for one
Pride 0834-1434-9972
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:44:33 No. 17001274 Report >>17001014 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Essam 5429-7507-8942 Butterfree-Illumise-Pinsir
Essam 5429-7507-8942 Butterfree-Illumise-Pinsir Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:44:35 No. 17001276 Report Chimchar - Iron Fist, Jolly. 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Thunderpunch Firepunch Encore Fake-out
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
Quoted By:
Op you skip me :( i was second check message order :(
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:44:45 No. 17001279 Report Quoted By:
>>17001083 Ok, just added your FC. Can get you one of those in exchange. Please be real
>>17001082 akuma 0903-4163-5865 Fairy [Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette]
akuma 0903-4163-5865 Fairy [Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette] Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:44:55 No. 17001284 Report Quoted By:
Jackson 5000-2514-2287
Quoted By:
>>17001083 >>17001119 I can also offer 31/x/31/31/31/0 foongus, 31/31/31/x/31/0 kecleon or a 5 IV magikarp, or a 5 IV shed skin extreme speed dratini
>>17001068 u r next!
>>17001069 and then u! add me! 3024 5613 1531 REVAN
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
Quoted By:
>>17001289 OP PLS you skip me
Nagisa 3453-9813-8203 (Magneton, Skarmory and Klefkis)
Nagisa 3453-9813-8203 (Magneton, Skarmory and Klefkis) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:46:15 No. 17001306 Report Quoted By:
May i please have one?
Ign Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17001014 do you have any dittos left ?
Jace 4656-6549-6659
Quoted By:
I would really love a timid one! Can I offer you a Shiny Lavitar for one?
Lando 4012-5056-4720
Quoted By:
>>17001289 I'm so serious about this i'm about to give you money for this.
What's your paypal?
Quoted By:
>>17001289 please add me op. I have HA turtwigs if you're interested
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>17001014 Can I have one as well OP? I have 4IV Tyrunt w/ egg moves ready to go. Nature wouldn't matter for me...
Gunner 4012-3740-2184 (Phantump,Shuppet,Dusclops)
Gunner 4012-3740-2184 (Phantump,Shuppet,Dusclops) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:47:49 No. 17001335 Report Quoted By:
>>17001014 >>17001047 Can I have one? Thanks
Pride 0834-1434-9972
>>17001323 yeah no shit, its because bank is delayed and OP is based
Olimpiky - 5215-0705-1058
Quoted By:
THANK YOU SO MUCH OP!! im gonna share this beauty with my friend for our breeding projects.
Nein [3093 7586 9972]
Quoted By:
>>17001237 Preferably Calm but I'm not picky.
Woolly 1461-6402-4967
Ign Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17001014 i dont care about nature
can offer shiny Froakie in return 3iv i think
Essam 5429-7507-8942 Butterfree-Illumise-Pinsir
Essam 5429-7507-8942 Butterfree-Illumise-Pinsir Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:49:06 No. 17001353 Report Quoted By:
>>17001276 I have this an a shiny metang too if that helps sway the odds in my favour
Bull rock 2981-5939-5163
Quoted By:
>>17001131 4-5 IV Froakies, Charmanders, Mudkips, Tyrunts
FC 1736 1118 7231 Edd (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Fletchinder)
FC 1736 1118 7231 Edd (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Fletchinder) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:49:39 No. 17001363 Report Can I get one? Add me
IGN Zeruel (3110-5242-1866) [Growlithe, Braixen, can't remember third one]
IGN Zeruel (3110-5242-1866) [Growlithe, Braixen, can't remember third one] Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:49:44 No. 17001364 Report Quoted By:
>>17001289 already added you, OP please
>>17001014 One ditto please. Any nature 5 iv infiltrator lil lamp in return
Quoted By:
If you're still tossing some to people I'd love one
Sean [5429-8063-7289] Farfetch'd, Tranquill, Fletchinder
Sean [5429-8063-7289] Farfetch'd, Tranquill, Fletchinder Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:50:22 No. 17001371 Report >>17001014 Ill give you a slakoth and love you tenderly
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:50:23 No. 17001372 Report Looking for any nature.. can give 5IV mudkip/chimchar/totodile/pichu/cyndaquil, pichu,
Kip (0919 9928 0488)
>>17001014 I would very much like one op!
How does a frillish sound?
I haven't seen them anywhere so I guess I'm the first to have them.
Czar 2595 1350 7689
Quoted By:
>>17001289 Thanks man. One Yvetal for you.
Pride 0834-1434-9972
>>17001362 huh i didnt notice, hakzor get i suposse
Snail 4527-8592-7979
>>17001070 u r next!
>>17001071 no fc so skip!
>>17001072 laugh at this foo!
>>17001078 u r next! add REVAN 3024 5613 1531
>>17001373 >>17001372 Just pointing out that he has access to pokegen and bank, he probably doesn't need anything non gen 6
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
>>17001369 Whoops this is me
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:52:21 No. 17001395 Report Quoted By:
Can I have one OP? I'll give you a 5IV vulpix with drought?
Maza 1418-6721-2142
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
>>17001387 >>17001014 OPPP PLEASE U SKIP ME :(
LOOK MESSAGE i offer you a fletchling KOR 5 ivs i was second in thread
Why u do this
Kip (0919 9928 0488)
Quoted By:
>>17001373 5 IV bagon it is!
Josh 2165 - 5547 - 5973 (Bibarrel, Gyrados, Frogaider)
Josh 2165 - 5547 - 5973 (Bibarrel, Gyrados, Frogaider) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:53:13 No. 17001415 Report I could use one. Though I'm afraid the only thing of value I have to offer is a 4iv Jolly Infiltrator Zubat with Brave Bird, Defog, and Zen Headbut.
Sean [5429-8063-7289] Farfetch'd, Tranquill, Fletchinder
Sean [5429-8063-7289] Farfetch'd, Tranquill, Fletchinder Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:53:25 No. 17001416 Report Quoted By:
>>17001371 Or a 5IV timid noibat, any nature is okay
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>17001388 This makes a lot of sense but I guess he's doing it as sort of a giveaway?
Nein [3093 7586 9972]
>>17001362 >tfw you also make their IDs 1337 What would be a Pokegen Pokemon without a cool ID number?
Spaceaids1850 1676 5024 6979
Quoted By:
>>17001387 Hey OP I am
>>17001369 >>17001391 If you are willing I added you
Stephen 1177-7540-6957
Quoted By:
I can give you a 5IV Bold Eevee OP if you don't want a shitmon.
Quoted By:
>>17001378 >i cant even fucking spell haxor ironically and not fuck up ah well
>>17001434 000420 Wesly 0748-2720-7440
Quoted By:
OP please deliver me one
Chocobo 5043-2401-2358
Quoted By:
If you have any left, I'll take one.
>>17001082 ur next!
>>17001086 then u! add me ! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
make sure to also put IGN guys!
Maza 1418-6721-2142
ondore 0130-2028-0730
Quoted By:
would love to have one, based OP
Nein [3093 7586 9972]
Quoted By:
>>17001434 Oh, I thought you meant the Ditto's IDs were 01337 or something, I Bidoof'd.
Chico FC:4120-4187-4105
Quoted By:
>>17001014 i would like one op if you still have any i can offer 5iv pumkaboo or 5iv hawluchas
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:58:31 No. 17001494 Report Quoted By:
>>17001388 >>17001372 Well Op, I would give anything at this point, lol. Tired of looking for safaris and no one adding me.
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
Quoted By:
you skip me :(
i really need ditto pls :(
i was second message in thread :(
Michael: 3737-9713-4108.
Quoted By:
You still got some left? I would love one, beloved OP.
Quoted By:
>>17001014 Oh wow, am I too late to have one?
5343 8598 6967 Monsark
Quoted By:
>>17001476 I'd like one, please.
Leon 5241-2253-5145
Quoted By:
>>17001476 I would love to have one! Ill give you an ability capsule since youre too kind!
ill be honest, the speed OP is going this seems like a bit of a ruse
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:01:03 No. 17001536 Report Quoted By:
>>17001476 Thanks, OP. I love you
Quoted By:
>>17001014 Can I have one?
I will give you a 5 IV Gible, 5 IV eevee, a 5 IV Gastly and a 5IV ralts
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>17001526 Cut him some slack at least though. He's delivering and of course he's only a single guy running through the demand of many.
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:02:03 No. 17001550 Report Quoted By:
>>17001526 Doesn't seem like it
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:02:17 No. 17001554 Report Quoted By:
>>17001476 The hero none of us deserve, thanks
Jack 2208-6022-6164
Quoted By:
>>17001476 give me one too, please
>>17001090 ur next!
>>17001101 and u! add me! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
for those of u that will not get one dont worry!
i will do this almost everyday until pokebank comes out!
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
OPPP PLEASE U SKIP ME :( LOOK MESSAGE i offer you a fletchling KOR 5 ivs i was second in thread Why u do this
>>17001542 oh yeah im not saying he isnt doing gods work im just always skeptical about these threads, i guess people have actually received them then? if so praise be unto OP
Quoted By:
So much greed. I want leddit to leave.
3883-5279-5937 Engjell
Quoted By:
can I have one please? I'll give you a 6 iv espurr
>>17001563 Because you type like an undeniable faggot.
Sam 1134-8252-4249
Quoted By:
>>17001559 May I please have on?
I can mass clone for others
>>17001476 Revan I added you a couple days ago and you never added me back. I added you from the time the very first 6iv ditto threads started popping up. Please op
>>17001101 sorry think i already did u!
>>17001103 u next then! add me REVAN 3024 5613 1531
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>17001559 OP. You're a saint. You just relieved all the woes of those who don't have bank to transfer... ;_;
Captcha describes it right: "ioctorya generous"
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
May I have one?
Is there still some left?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:05:48 No. 17001613 Report >>17001569 Yup, he is real. Just got a adamant shiny one with 6IV's
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
>>17001590 english is my 4th language
racist much ?
Leon 5241-2253-5145
>>17001595 Sableye w/4 egg moves and an ability capsule for one of your glorious 6IV ditto!
>>17001593 He wasn't even the starter of those threads you lying greedy cunt.
Stone 4940-5825-4230
Quoted By:
>>17001595 Can I please get one of those OP. I can offer HA Turtwig.
If not in this batch, could you please add me so I can get one in the future?
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>17001603 There's only been a few but OP is insuring that he'll keep this up daily till bank comes out.
IGN Zeruel (3110-5242-1866) [Growlithe, Braixen, can't remember third one]
IGN Zeruel (3110-5242-1866) [Growlithe, Braixen, can't remember third one] Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:06:43 No. 17001634 Report >>17001616 >playing the racist card erry tiem
I have faith in OP though.
Adam 4124-6131-0148
>>17001618 Are there any left? I'd like one if so, will share fc if there are.
Andrej 3711-7906-0464
Quoted By:
>>17001616 >racist much ? Oh man buddy, how old are you?
Leon 5241-2253-5145
>>17001640 are you asking for a sableye?
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
Quoted By:
>>17001634 >see i offer KOR 5 iv fletchling pokemon >see my english is bad cause i'm from KOR >playing the racist card seem legit son
>>17001107 u next!
>>17001113 then u! add me! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
Michael: 3737-9713-4108.
Quoted By:
>>17001595 Not gonna imply that I have the best stuff to give in return since you you already have some pretty solid offers for your ditto's, but since you are giving them away freely all I can say is I would love you till the end of my life if you could find it in your kind, loving OP heart to spare one for me.
Wesly 0748-2720-7440
>>17001651 >>17001639 No, a ditto. My FC is 1332-7711-3267
>>17001616 considering you suddenly started typing normally im gonna shout bait
>>17001613 oh really? awesome
the hero /vp/ needs, but not the one it deserves 0061-0468-9986
Quoted By:
>>17001626 You asshole he recieved one and was cloning or some bullshit. Point is I added him when the threads started popping up so he was giving them out before at one point
FC 1736 1118 7231 Edd (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Fletchinder)
FC 1736 1118 7231 Edd (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Fletchinder) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:10:01 No. 17001687 Report Quoted By:
Meatballs 1864-9351-5865
Quoted By:
>>17001676 Meatballs will take one if there are actually any left.
Quoted By:
Can I get one? I offer you a Bulbasaur w/ 5ivs and leaf storm if you want
Leon 5241-2253-5145
>>17001682 I wasnt offering a ditto, I was offering OP a sableye w/prankster and 4 egg moves holding an ability capsule
Nein [3093 7586 9972]
Quoted By:
I wanna shower but I'm afraid OP will skip me if I leave.
Quoted By:
Assuming OP had a box full, there are none that are unclaimed now, since OP seems to be going in order of thread. Move along, people.
Sam 1134-8252-4249
Quoted By:
>>17001676 Hey OP!
I can mass clone and give them to other people.
It would make everything faster.
Can I please have one?
>>17001113 sorry must skip! u have not added me
>>17001119 u next then! add me! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
Meatballs 1864-9351-5865
Quoted By:
>>17001595 meatballs will take one if you still have any left.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>17001683 Sad to say I sort of agree with the 2nd statement. I hate to stoop to begging but we don't have bank so we can't really do much and OP's being such a saint for going out of his way doing this
Gunner 4012-3740-2184 (Phantump,Shuppet,Dusclops)
Gunner 4012-3740-2184 (Phantump,Shuppet,Dusclops) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:12:42 No. 17001728 Report Quoted By:
Leon 5241-2253-5145
>>17001717 Man, look at him go. OP deserves his own cheerleading squad like Gary fucking Oak
>>17001709 Oh shit, sorry I didn't mean to quote.
Once pokebank hits can you please stop this OP? It's ruining an already shaky thing.
Quoted By:
May I have one please? c: Offering -5IV Cottonee with Egg moves Encore & Switcharoo -5IV Growlithes with Close Combat
Jack 0748-2813-7966 (Phanpy Nincada Palpitoad)
Jack 0748-2813-7966 (Phanpy Nincada Palpitoad) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:14:03 No. 17001754 Report Quoted By:
OP If you've still got any of those glorious bastards left, I can give you a 5IV Mawile with Fire Fang and Sucker Punch in a premier ball
Quoted By:
>>17001717 Oh well you skip me
thanks anyways for doing this OP you are the hero we all need
Iker 5386 8519 7563
Quoted By:
>>17001717 do you still have any left?
Lando 4012-5056-4720
Quoted By:
>>17001717 If I could suck your dick through trade I would. I'll become gay for you.
>>17001744 ruining what exactly?
>implying these threads wont stop the second pokebank is released Leon 5241-2253-5145
Quoted By:
>>17001739 No problem. Hope you get a ditto
Jackson 5000-2514-2287
Quoted By:
>>17001717 awesome, thank you so much!
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>17001765 It probably wouldn't but it'll decrease the need since people can probably gen stuff themselves anyway.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill !XoC3gtu1ac
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill !XoC3gtu1ac Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:15:53 No. 17001789 Report OP or someone that got from OP, could please share the joy and keep up the distribution? I'd kill for one of these, and it's one of my favorite shinies.
>>17001122 u next!
>>17001123 and u! add me! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika)
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:16:45 No. 17001805 Report Quoted By:
>>17001717 Added you! Looking forward to clone these.
>>17001765 X/Y felt like the first game to be safe from the likes of things like instacheck, battle analyzer, pokegen and most of all.. cloning. Nothing is sacred now, but cloning is definitely up there as one of the worst things to happen to the trading scene. Legit trades are now tainted by dishonest people who give out clones and don't actually lose anything, while the victim does. How is that fair?
Jack 2208-6022-6164
Quoted By:
>>17001676 Thank you very much!
Jackson 5000-2514-2287
Quoted By:
>>17001817 >4 IV mons >worth anything other than to be traded and/or re bred pick 1
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:18:30 No. 17001839 Report Quoted By:
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:18:54 No. 17001848 Report >>17001789 I would, but I only have one game here. So I can't clone the little guy. Still, some other anon might be kind enough to continue it and OP said he will keep doing it till the bank hits
Sam 1134-8252-4249
Quoted By:
>>17001817 Lol you sound like the biggest pussy
Go play the gane fairly no one cares
Quoted By:
>>17001804 Op if you're going by order then I'm coming up don't skip me bro I got a 5iv mon for you
>>17001122 skiped u! u have not added me
>>17001130 so ur next! add me REVAN 3024 5613 1531
>>17001817 You say that like we're the victims. OP isn't asking for an arm or a leg. Most of us are going to be using these for breeding projects. Right now I'm jumping through hoops because Porygon is a genderless pokemon and once I find the ditto with the right stat coverage, the babies miss out on the other stats the ditto is missing.
Sam 1134-8252-4249
Quoted By:
>>17001848 I could help you clone if you want?
Nein [3093 7586 9972]
>>17001817 Well a small pile of data isn't worth much and probably not worth much to you if you're giving it away.
OP is giving away rare piles of data and is asking for nothing in return, there is no victim here.
>>17001882 Breeding with a hacked pokemon doesn't make your babies any more legit.
Chazz 3926-5636-2866 [Fighting: Pancham - Mienfoo - Tyrogue]
Chazz 3926-5636-2866 [Fighting: Pancham - Mienfoo - Tyrogue] Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:21:43 No. 17001894 Report Quoted By:
>>17001878 This is pretty cool OP. I've added you.
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:22:06 No. 17001902 Report Quoted By:
Adam 4124-6131-0148
Quoted By:
>>17001014 I could give you a 5 IV Jolly Jap Kangaskhan or a 5 IV eevee
>>17001882 >porygon mah nigga its my favourite line
Quoted By:
>>17001603 My ign is Michael, would love it if I can have one OP.
Quoted By:
>>17001014 Any leftover Dittos, OP?
>>17001132 r u home anon?
>>17001133 u r next! add me! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
Quoted By:
>>17001893 it will have the pentagon and that's all that really seems to matter this gen.
Quoted By:
>>17001893 who gives a shit whether someone elses pokemon is legit though? as long as its within legal game boundaries
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:25:04 No. 17001963 Report op delivers, thank you so much. my quest to breed one of these suddenly got easier
0361 7498 4642
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
>>17001132 anon is not home! sorry but SKIP!
>>17001137 so that makes u next! give me what u want!
add me! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
Serena 1332-7711-3267
Quoted By:
>>17001014 Any left? I'd love one.
Leon 5241-2253-5145
>>17001893 The fuck are you talking about? How does it not?
Sean [5429-8063-7289] Farfetch'd, Tranquill, Fletchinder
Sean [5429-8063-7289] Farfetch'd, Tranquill, Fletchinder Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:26:08 No. 17001984 Report Quoted By:
>>17001014 Added, would love one of any gender.
Nein [3093 7586 9972]
Quoted By:
>>17001924 Well maybe not rare but more like extremely sought-after.
Quoted By:
>>17001963 >claydol really?
why does everyone in this thread have such good taste 3497-0218-4596
Quoted By:
>>17001964 Please one for me!
Gunther 4656-6343-6410
Quoted By:
>>17001014 I added you OP, if you have anything left I can offer you an assorted IV'd anticipation Eevee
>>17001928 I like you. I can drop one of my rejects your way, assuming you don't already have it. Believe they're all timid.
Quoted By:
>>17001137 u must add me to make this as quick as possible!
sorry but skip!
>>17001139 u next!
Lando 4012-5056-4720
Quoted By:
>>17001974 How many you got left?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Quoted By:
Id like one plz OP. I can offer you xerneas or a shiny greninja
Michael: 3737-9713-4108.
Quoted By:
>>17001974 I have to leave for dinner in 30 minutes OP.
pleeaaaase I'm begging you here ;__;
Lucas 0490 5799 9274 [Mightyena; Sneasel; Absol]
Lucas 0490 5799 9274 [Mightyena; Sneasel; Absol] Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:28:04 No. 17002026 Report Can I get one, please? I've been trying for the last 3 days to get one on these giveaway threads :( I can give you any of the battle mainson items and leftovers for it.
>>17002026 Please OP, I added you. Please add me.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:29:40 No. 17002053 Report Quoted By:
>>17001014 dam am i too late? slept on this again
>>17001014 I would love you forever for that blob!
pwease Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
Quoted By:
>>17001950 OP, you said I was next, but you still have not added me :(
Ruri 4098-2991-7728
Quoted By:
>>17002042 Ops, wrong quote
GucciRog300 (2638 - 0912 - 8381)
Quoted By:
\ OP fucking delievers!! this is legit!
Quoted By:
>>17002003 its cool man, i allready got one from a friendly anon the other day, ill just breed one myself if i stick around long enough for OP to deliver
>tfw my bro didnt get any love this gen technoblast would have been fun ;_;
Quoted By:
>>17002042 he's just one man tackling the thread from top to bottom in order. Only reason you get skipped is if you fail to add him in time after he calls you.
>>17001148 u next!
>>17001149 and u!
add me! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
if u havent added me or not online sorry but its a skip!
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu)
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:31:26 No. 17002090 Report >>17001014 Hoping I'm not too late for this.
brett 3093-7656-7850
Quoted By:
i'll take any ditto with perfect ivs shiny or not
Quoted By:
>>17002090 You're considerably late, but if enough people (but we're talking dozens) get skipped, you might have a chance
PK 0705-2645-1589
Quoted By:
>>17001014 Anymore 6IV Dittos left? Offering 6IV Cyndaquil, Groudon, or Mesprit
Rayleonard 0103-9806-1969
Quoted By:
It would be great if you could give me one OP, but I understand you are likely very busy and won't be able to.
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
Quoted By:
>>17001950 >17001133 >u r next! add me! REVAN 3024 5613 1531 Right here it says add me, I have added you and waited for an add back, but you never added me and moved on D:
Ahegao 4313-1509-9677
Quoted By:
>>17001950 Could you toss one my way?
Hector 1478-4239-6532 [IGN Lilly(X) Dio(Y)]
Hector 1478-4239-6532 [IGN Lilly(X) Dio(Y)] Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:33:27 No. 17002133 Report >>17001014 OP i hope you still have some left
I can offer you a shiny cottonee
johnny 3711-7824-3920
Quoted By:
>>17001014 I'd love to get one if there are any left, OP
Quoted By:
>>17002133 >Quirky >No Encore >Male Alexis 2036-7984-8286 Dedenne|Electabuzz|Manectric
Alexis 2036-7984-8286 Dedenne|Electabuzz|Manectric Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:35:07 No. 17002157 Report Quoted By:
>>17002089 Thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>17002089 Will you add me? Sorry for the impatience.
Quoted By:
Hey OP if you could spare anymore I'd really appreciate it, i can offer a 5 IV noibat
brett 3093-7656-7850
Quoted By:
>>17001014 ill take any with perfect ivs whether or not its shiny
i'm desperate
Quoted By:
>>17001014 I don't suppose there are any left? If so, please add me OP:
IGN: Alex
Nat 1993-8093-1825 (Poison: Kakuna/Ariados/Muk)
Nat 1993-8093-1825 (Poison: Kakuna/Ariados/Muk) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:37:04 No. 17002195 Report Quoted By:
>>17001014 Hey OP I have smogonburds if you have a ditto left
Justin 1993-7730-6671 Quagsire Azumarill Krabby
Justin 1993-7730-6671 Quagsire Azumarill Krabby Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:37:04 No. 17002196 Report Quoted By:
Wow OP. Thank you so much. You're the best!
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:37:43 No. 17002203 Report Are there any left, can i have one OP?
Quoted By:
Hi OP. I'm the guy who gave you a shiny sword last on the last thread you made. Do you mind giving a Victini?
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
>>17001950 >>17001133 >>u r next! add me! REVAN 3024 5613 1531 >Right here it says add me, I have added you and waited for an add back, but you never added me and moved on D': Repost
Tefra/Sara (5172-0944-8064) [1980]
Quoted By:
>>17002056 herp, here's my info
Hannah 1392-5309-2551
Quoted By:
OP is God I have some 5IV Wish Eevees to offer with HA
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:39:16 No. 17002227 Report >>17002203 People have to understand that he's going in order and he's at Xx:37, which is an hour earlier now.
If you think you're going to get one out of the 10 or so that might be left, well I really like your ambition.
I posted at :50 and I feel like I'm definitely not getting one, but I'm hopeful
Quoted By:
>>17002215 Dude he skipped you. Live with it. He has over 200 people asking for one.
>>17002089 oh holy shit those dittos actually got cloned
i could use some
in the meantime i'm still breeding bunearies if anyone wants one
just put a magikarp up on the gts with /vp/ in there somewhere
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:40:56 No. 17002254 Report Quoted By:
>>17002227 I fully understand, no harm asking though regardless.
>Almost 300 replies >OP is still replying to posts made an hour ago >tfw oger
>>17001177 not online sorry!
>>17001183 >>17001184 u 2 next! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
>>17002243 Exactly, I was actually near the top, if you don't get one now I never will. I know he made a mistake, but it just plain awful that I got skipped for no reason.
Quoted By:
Anonymous 12/31/13(Tue)00:37 UTC+8 No.17002204 File: 1388421468327.jpg-(69 KB, 899x637, image.jpg) Hi OP. I'm the guy who gave you a shiny sword on the last thread you made. Do you mind giving a Victini? I need it so bad. I will give you my heatran.
Lando 4012-5056-4720
>>17002271 I'm about 2 posts away. I've been on stand by for an over half an hour. I am waiting to receive your divine blessing OP.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:44:04 No. 17002288 Report Quoted By:
>>17002274 anyone else cloning?
>>17002263 m-maybe someone else will clone them and take over, r-right?
>>17002274 I sat up last night until 3 AM waiting for one but nobody ever delivered
how do you clone? I can help others with a ditto i got
Stone 4940-5825-4230
Quoted By:
>>17002263 >tfw six posts from where OP is. >dreading that he'll run out before getting to me ;_;
>>17002286 >tfw i am a few posts after you feels good man, i feel like i should clone these tommorow if i get one
anyone know how to do that?
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
>>17002290 I haven't gone to sleep yet.
Leon 5241-2253-5145
>>17002290 I haven't even slept yet.
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
>>17002290 I will clone after OP trade me one of his glorious ditto !
after 1 box or 2 of clone i will make a thread !
Sam 1134-8252-4249
Lando 4012-5056-4720
>>17002303 I've been counting man, i'm afraid he might not have enough for us though ;_;
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:46:46 No. 17002336 Report Quoted By:
Hi OP. I'm the guy who gave you a shiny sword on the last thread you made. Do you mind giving a Victini? I need it so bad. I cloned some dittos yesterday and gave it to some anons. Do you mind trading one of my heatrans to your victini so i can clone them also
>>17002321 You do realize how long that will take and you will hardly get anything worth while in return..
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
Quoted By:
>>17002331 I'm literally next, and hoping so much OP doesn't skip
Quoted By:
>>17002295 You need two games and 2 3DS available or you can do it over the internet, but that would be risky.
The other guys already posted the videos, so check those
Xerxes: 5043-2476-9457 (Mienfoo, Throh, Tyrogue)
Xerxes: 5043-2476-9457 (Mienfoo, Throh, Tyrogue) Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:48:19 No. 17002358 Report >>17001014 Hey, OP. If you have any left, I have a 5IV HA Karrablast with eggmoves I could give in turn.
King spark fc 3437 3051 6050
Quoted By:
>>17001014 Op you still got any
Stryfe !T7ej6WOXJI
I'll trade a shiny Charizard for a 6IV shiny ditto
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
Quoted By:
Fuck. I have two 3ds's. If somebody were to somehow get me one I promise to clone 30 dittos and hand them out for shitmon.
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
>>17002341 i have 2 pair of 3ds
and 3 pokemon X and 1 Y
it's not that long trust me lol
1 hours of cloning and i'll have 2 box
Anthony 5086 - 2098 -5704
Quoted By:
>>17001559 I can give you a timid gastly with 5 ivs, I also have a female turtwig and chimchar with their hidden abilities if you'd be interested in that.
Quoted By:
>>17002358 Bro, you have like 300 people in line before you.
Quoted By:
To either OP or anybody else cloning them, got 6iv Charmander/Maril/Frillish w/ egg moves.
Quoted By:
>>17002338 Btw my IGN is james. You're already my friend
>>17002382 That's a clone a minute. Forgive me if I'm skeptical.
Anna / 0302-0917-7100
Quoted By:
Spent hours trying to successfully clone last night. No success. I'm pretty much over it. I just want a Ditto. The supply:demand is so high right now that Pokebank will probably be released first.
Stryfe 0361-6564-2868 (Mawile, Kirlia and Floett) !T7ej6WOXJI
Stryfe 0361-6564-2868 (Mawile, Kirlia and Floett) !T7ej6WOXJI Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:50:32 No. 17002400 Report Quoted By:
>>17002364 Forgot friend code
Thank you base OP, savior of the /VP 30.12.2013 never forget.
Quoted By:
>>17002305 >>17002306 now that's some dedication
i kind of just passed out drunk and woke up 8 hours later
>>17002321 based
i tried wifi cloning last night but the timing was always off, and it would be harder anyway because you have to factor in net latency and lag
anywho these bunearies got fire punch, ice punch, thunder punch, and switcheroo, and almost all of them have 3 IVs
would be 5-6 but my only foreign ditto only has 2 IVs and it keeps fucking it up hence my need for one of these dittos so if you want one reply to me and put a magikarp up for one, tell me if you want it male/female and if you want a maranga/kee berry with it
this is the best giveaway i can do without a ditto
>>17001184 >I'd love one of those slippery customers sir. >>17001183 if i skipped u guys tell me. duno ur IGNs and i u already got one be cool and dont ask for more.
>>17001187 >>17001192 u 2 next
if i skipe any 1 is coz u didnt add me!
Quoted By:
the threads going down in a second, i hope OP ;_;
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
Quoted By:
>>17002391 it takes around 45 secs for a clone.
Look the video and remove all the blablabla
doing that with 4x ds is more efficient ofc
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
Quoted By:
>>17002403 OP, I was the post directly after
>>17001184 I've added you. Did you skip for any reason?
>>17002401 huh, the ones last night were holding master balls and leftovers
oh well, i guess this is still pretty okay
>>17002435 >still pretty okay you ungrateful motherfucker
>>17002382 ..Have you even cloned before? Watching a video and actually doing it takes a lot of effort. I've been cloning for a long time and I still have my days where I can either get 5 in a row or 1 per half hour.
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
Quoted By:
OK fuck it, if somebody gives me a ditto I will make 120 ditto and trade them for shitmon. I would need a few hours obviously though.
Stryfe 0361-6564-2868 (Mawile, Kirlia and Floett) !T7ej6WOXJI
Stryfe 0361-6564-2868 (Mawile, Kirlia and Floett) !T7ej6WOXJI Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:53:28 No. 17002456 Report Quoted By:
Still willing to trade a shiny charizard for any nature 6IV blue blob
Lando 4012-5056-4720
Quoted By:
>>17002403 The wait was worth it. I really appreciate it OP.
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
>>17002403 i added you and you still skip me ! ( i am the second post in the thread )
but it's okay i'll just wait my turn again . I understand thread like those get hard to manage
Nein [3093 7586 9972]
So close yet so far, am I gonna make it?
Pride 0834-1434-9972 [cascoon,ariados,muk]
Pride 0834-1434-9972 [cascoon,ariados,muk] Mon 30 Dec 2013 16:54:28 No. 17002475 Report >tfw 13 places after the current person welp
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
>>17002460 We both got fucked in the ass, son.
Quoted By:
Quite the asshole you are.
Quoted By:
>>17002475 I'm three posts from where he is. I'm literally holding my breath.
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
>>17002450 I did.
i'm not sure how you clone or whatever but clones do not take that much time.
don't connect over WI-FI you'll save alot more time
There's so many other places to get clones guys, dig deeper.
Lyndis 2852-7725-8581
Quoted By:
Thank you based OP!
Quoted By:
Thanks Revan! Thank you very much! Zeruel in here.
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
Quoted By:
>>17002484 He skipped me too when I added him literally an hour ago. So much for that. OP, was there any reason you skipped me?
>>17002492 Why don't you tell us?
>>17001196 >>17001197 u 2 r up! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
>>17002491 Proof is in the pudding. If I don't see you before New Years I call bullshit.
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
Quoted By:
>>17002484 Not really.
Op decide to make a give away without wanted to recive anything in return. How could you say
** We both got fucked in the ass, son. **
things like that happend.
just wait for the next give away , or wait for my/another thread
>>17002449 hey, i'm not saying it's shit, it's still really good
but it still means one of the cloners from last night kept all those items to themself before giving one to op
and now i can't do largescale masterball giveaways
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
Quoted By:
>>17002529 OP skip me 2 time already .
Oh well
Once i'll get my Ditto i'll clone and you'll see my thread , I promise
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
>>17002521 OP...really? I was right after
>>17001184 and now you're like 3 or 4 ahead.
Are you skipping or did you just miss it? I added you back when I responded.
Stone 4940-5825-4230
Quoted By:
>>17002521 Oh my fucking god OP, thank you so much!!
Truly you are a god among mere mortals.
0061-0468-9986 guardian
Quoted By:
>>17002462 I'm right behind ya
>>17002515 gamefags and leddit King spark fc 3437 3051 6050
Quoted By:
>>17002521 Could i get one i would really appreciate it
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
>>17002529 You have my IGN and my FC
send my yours i'll save my 1st clone for you
>>17002538 You can't pass down Masterballs through breeding anyway so I don't see the significance in that. Leftovers are rare, but not that hard to get. Buy a bunch of rare Candies on PGL, level up some Pickup Bunnelby, & run around until they pick one up.
Pride 0834-1434-9972 [cascoon,ariados,muk]
Pride 0834-1434-9972 [cascoon,ariados,muk] Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:00:03 No. 17002595 Report Quoted By:
>>17002538 yeah good point i guess, ill give you my masterball if i manage to get a ditto or this thread dies since i wont use it
Einar 5257-9738-5872
Josh 2165 - 5547 - 5973 (Bibarrel, Gyrados, Frogaider)
Josh 2165 - 5547 - 5973 (Bibarrel, Gyrados, Frogaider) Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:01:02 No. 17002615 Report Quoted By:
>>17001415 Hey op, hopefully you read message replies. I have to head to work now so I won't be able to make the trade. I still want to thank you for your dedication though.
Quoted By:
>>17001205 >>17001212 u 2 r up! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
>>17002555 You got fucked, son.
Stryfe 0361-6564-2868 (Mawile, Kirlia and Floett) !T7ej6WOXJI
Stryfe 0361-6564-2868 (Mawile, Kirlia and Floett) !T7ej6WOXJI Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:02:32 No. 17002646 Report Offering a Shiny Charizard again for a 6IV blob. I don't mind the nature at all
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
>>17002630 Evidently. I've been waiting an hour just to be let down. That's kinda put a downer on the day, but oh well
Quoted By:
>>17002630 Stop being fucking buttblasted. You were getting a lot for nothing in return, it's not like you'll never get your hands on one.
Quoted By:
>>17002646 dude hes going by order of posts not offers, try and hop on the next give away thread
>>17002593 I know, I was going to make them hold masterballs when I end up
cloning my shiny aegislash I still have my master ball in-game I think but i made a pokemon hold it and now i cant remember which one i gave it to or if i accidentially wonder traded it off and don't feel like searching 10 boxes of pokemon for one item that i may or may not even still have
>>17002648 It's a free piece of data. Plus there's plenty of other places to get clones.
Quit bitching.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>17002656 You can actually filter the search function in the PC with what item's being held I think. If not, "organize items" for the PC does the job just as well
Quoted By:
>>17002582 C-could i be second in that queue?
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
>>17002664 >bitching No, I'd just been here since the thread started and thought OP was going to get to me, but he skipped me for no reason. It's just a bit disappointing.
Quoted By:
>>17002656 you know if you tap "organise items" in the PC it shows all boxes/pokemon that are holding items and the item said pokemon is holding right?
the more you know
ed 2723-8906-5334
Quoted By:
Can i get one please i can clone as well and can help spread the love
>>17002664 >>17002664 Where would be the best place?
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
>>17002664 He isn't even the one that is bitching, that would be me, good sir.
>>17002656 You know you can go into the Organise Items menu on the PC to see which mons are holding something, makes it a lot easier to track it down that way.
Sam 1134-8252-4249
>>17002706 stop bitching faggot
The OP is giving them away for free basically
and just because he made a couple of mistakes not in your favor you're gonna cry all night or something?
>>17001222 >>17001223 u 2 r up! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
Quoted By:
>>17002716 May Neptune have mercy on our souls.
Hans 3952 7472 9498
Quoted By:
Can i get one too? i'll clone them to gift them to anons
>>17002685 >>17002700 >>17002706 It happens man. And you're acting like this game is just going to disappear off the face of the earth once this thread is over. I'm pretty sure people on here, leddit, and gamefags will continue to clone blobs even past the release of PokeBank
Quoted By:
>>17002582 I added you too, add me to the list please kind sir.
BasedGod 4871-3995-0901
Quoted By:
>>17002728 awesome my ign is basedgod trade me when your ready!
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
Quoted By:
>>17002721 No, too tired to cry. Haven't gone to sleep yet, I've been waiting for one of these.
Quoted By:
>>17002682 woah shit i never noticed that button
anyway it's not in my pc
so i hope whoever got my master ball is enjoying it i suppose
>>17002711 most of them are breeding rejects and i always give them rare berries before i wonder trade them away to help out whoever gets it
>>17002755 >that picture god damn i hate some people
Quoted By:
Stop being poor and buy more than one 3DS
Quoted By:
>>17002778 Tell me about it. That just one of many too.
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
>>17002755 >SO IM NOT GONNA CRY ABOUT IT >WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH Literally what I stated in my own post. Not sure why you restated it. Also what was the purpose of adding that onomatopoeia that looks similar to what crying might be? I though we had just established that I wasn't going to cry.
Ida 4098-3200-2946
Quoted By:
>>17002728 Thank you so, so much OP!
I'll put the little blob to good use
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
Quoted By:
>>17002735 Some kind anon said he was going to make one later tonight for those who missed their chance in last night's thread, but knowing my luck I'll end up being skipped in that one too.
>>17001237 >>17001246 u 2 r up! those of u i skipped...come on FC and IGN! REVAN 3024 5613 1531 only a few left
Quoted By:
>>17002812 hes b8ing just ignore him
King spark fc 3437 3051 6050
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>>17002837 Op could i please get one
Quoted By:
>>17002837 >only a few left >50 posts before he reaches me Maybe I should go to sleep. It's already morning.
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
Quoted By:
>>17002837 I don't expect you to bother at this point, but you skipped me a while ago - IGN and FC are in the name.
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
Quoted By:
>>17002841 How cute. How does this relate to the thread though?
Quoted By:
>>17002837 YES
there is a god
Jack 0748-2813-7966 (Phanpy Nincada Palpitoad)
Jack 0748-2813-7966 (Phanpy Nincada Palpitoad) Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:15:20 No. 17002878 Report Quoted By:
>>17002755 >>17002841 The only one who being a whiny crybaby seems to be you, funnily enough
Pride 0834-1434-9972 [cascoon,ariados,muk]
Pride 0834-1434-9972 [cascoon,ariados,muk] Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:16:48 No. 17002901 Report Quoted By:
hope you enjoy your shiny stunfisk, i am truly sorry its the only shiny i had
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
Quoted By:
>>17002837 Calvin (0404-6748-8828) I already gave up, but might as well try.
>>17001251 >>17001255 u 2 r up! REVAN 3024 5613 1531
Quoted By:
>>17002837 PK 0705-2645-1589
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>tfw only a few left I'm still like 10 away from OP's queue...
Nat 1993-8093-1825 (Poison: Kakuna/Ariados/Muk)
Nat 1993-8093-1825 (Poison: Kakuna/Ariados/Muk) Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:20:10 No. 17002985 Report Quoted By:
>>17002582 And can I be third? Please?
Quoted By:
>mfw when i can clone a box of JPN 6IV Ditto in a minute on my White >mfw when Bank isn't out for us dirty disgusting gaijin
0061-0468-9986 guardian
Quoted By:
>>17002928 Op fucking delivers. Thanks revan truly thank you
>that moment 3ds wont connect online now FUCK FUCK FUCK
Andrew 2681-0013-4780
Quoted By:
>>17002928 Much appreciated, OP!
>>17001401 sorry sam r u still there? i have here the last ditto
Calvin (0404-6748-8828)
Quoted By:
>>17003037 Annnnnnoooootttthhhheerrrrr poor fella.
King spark fc 3437 3051 6050
>>17003054 May i have it please
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>17003054 Welp... t'was worth the shot.
>>17003069 He's offering it to someone else:
no ,
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:27:00 No. 17003090 Report Quoted By:
>>17003054 aw shit, I was so close...
well, thanks for distributin' op
Quoted By:
>>17003069 Cheeky cunt, fuck off.
King spark fc 3437 3051 6050
Quoted By:
>>17003083 K meh worth a shot op is still a pretty cool guy
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Man... wish Nintendo would just give concrete news about the Bank/Transporter...
Quoted By:
>>17003135 prease understand
>>17001274 the last DITTO is going to this anon, sorry to those who did not get one tonight.
THere will be another event like this tomorow around 12 midinight to 1 am japan time!
again sorry for those who did not get one....its a first come first serve thing....
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>17003164 Thanks for the dedication nonetheless OP. You're doing quite the favor since a lot of people are still waiting on Transporter.
Gunner 4012-3740-2184 (Phantump,Shuppet)
Quoted By:
>>17003164 I'll be waiting :)
>>17003164 You say that, but you skipped a few of us who had added you and had been there from the start.
Either way, at least you tried. Good job, OP.
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:32:53 No. 17003190 Report Quoted By:
King spark fc 3437 3051 6050
Quoted By:
>>17003164 Ill be there too hopefully
Quoted By:
>>17003177 i know the feels anon.
to those that did get them enjoy those blobs!
Hey those who got a ditto, why don't we try and clone them together?
Quoted By:
>>17003164 Thank you for your time, OP. You did a great thing today. I'm forever in debt
>>17003183 i know but like i sayed, some werent online some didnt add me etc..again sorry!
and if u did add and u were online and i skiped u really my bad.
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458}
Alex Nk 4527-7594-5386 (Sigilyph, Grumpig, Xatu) {1458} Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:34:44 No. 17003231 Report Quoted By:
>>17003206 I'll try, I just need my brother to finish his game
Essam 5429-7507-8942 Butterfree-Illumise-Pinsir
Essam 5429-7507-8942 Butterfree-Illumise-Pinsir Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:34:49 No. 17003233 Report Quoted By:
>>17003164 mfw im literally next ;.;
Still god tier OP
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>17003206 Cloning over WiFi is near impossible due to the timing. If someone could clone them asap, people would still swarm like mad and have to deal with this sort of thing.
Hope everyone gets what their breedin' projects done with them blobs
>>17003225 I had added you 2 hours ago and was online the whole time, so I'm a bit disappointed. But either way, no worries. You did good.
Quoted By:
>>17003164 OP! please read this. Please have some spare VICTINIS.
>>17003249 whats ur IGN mate?
>>17003258 I was Scott, FC was 4811-7019-8489.
Nagisa 3453-9813-8203 (Magneton, Skarmory and Klefkis)
Nagisa 3453-9813-8203 (Magneton, Skarmory and Klefkis) Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:36:50 No. 17003270 Report Quoted By:
So close...
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Shame I won't be able to attend or participate in any of these giveaways due to the timing. OP's doing this again tomorrow but I'll probably skip since it's New Year's Eve and there're preparations and stuff to be done in the house.
>>17003267 waiting for u online
>>17003278 i will do them other days too.
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
Quoted By:
>>17003319 Wow! I'm connecting right now.
Quoted By:
To all the people that got dittos ya'll better clone the shit out of them for the rest of us.
Quoted By:
>>17003319 Hey Revan. Do you have a Victini?
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
Holy fuck, confirmed. OP, you are a scholar and a gentleman.
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17003319 Hey OP could I have one please?
Quoted By:
>>17003441 OP is never a faggot so dont accuse him.
captcha: spermis moses
Lalo 1134-8309-5219 (sneasel, snorunt, dewgong)
Lalo 1134-8309-5219 (sneasel, snorunt, dewgong) Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:50:31 No. 17003528 Report Is it too late to get a ditto?
Quoted By:
>>17003471 >>17003528 Read the God damn thread and you can find out, it is simple really.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:54:12 No. 17003593 Report Quoted By:
>>17003528 Yes, but if you need a friend to talk about it I would love that snorunt safari