Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[189 / 8 / ?]

Ivory Giveaways: #1

!6IjTmQNNAU No.17939539 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pokemons that will be available today [09/02]:

>Thread #1: Blue Whore [6ivs]
>Thread #2: Shiny Genesect [6ivs]
>Thread #3: Singing Waifu [6ivs]

Special event [14/02]:

>Thread #4: Shiny Lati@s [6ivs]

Next week list [16/01]:

>Thread #5: MLP: Friendship Is Magic [Cobalion/ Terrakion/ Virizion/ Keldeo]


>Only one Pokemon per Anon:
If you already got another mon from another thread please don't ask again, anyway you can ask the next weekend for another mon.
>Don't beg:
I don't want 20 replies for the same anon saying ''pls OP give me one ;__;'', we aren't kids; just ask like ''Can i have xxx please?''.
>Add before post:
Only ask for your Pokemon if you have already added me; if you haven't already added me when i add you i'll just skip you, and be sure to be On-Line waiting for the trade.
>Send me the trade request when you are ready.
>When the trade is done, be sure to end the trade please.
>Just ask for the mon in the current thread please, at the end of the day you can ask for other mons.


>The giveaways are too much work for me, i don't sleep the night before to get everything ready so... you wanna help me with future giveaways, with some draws for the future threads, any idea for future giveaways, wanna say thanks? send me a mail to [email protected]

My data:
IGN: Ivory
FC: 3840-7262-3206

Please be sure to reply with your FC & IGN

In this thread:

Are you tired search parents so you can get your perfect egg?
Are you tired of the incest in order to get them?
You don't have bank?
You can't pokegen?
Just ask for one blue whore, they can help you with those fucking eggs, perfect iv spread.

>y u d this anon everybody has pokebank now xDDDD
Some people here doesn't have Bank or a previous game, so the giveaways are just for help.

Wanna ear some music with other anons while you are waiting?