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CYOA: Scrumptious Calem and Kuudere Serena's Tubular Voyage Part 35: La Légende du Prince Calmé?!

!PM597lkh2g No.18253947 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Part 34:
Chapter Directory:
Now keep in mind, the real protagonist of any narrative is always ready for any peregrination, and to help others too! You take some time to plan and gather useful equipment for your long journey because you're not a dense moron who just does as he pleases.

With Gogoat as your ride, you and Ali-Ali set off deep into enemy territory to rescue your beloved childhood friend, Seré, from an unjust wedding.

An unjust wedding taking place at an absolute harbinger of malignancy, the fortress of your kingdom's biggest enemy! The very thought of having anything to do with them disgusts you to the very core. Normally you wouldn't do such things, normally you would try to be contradictory to your father and pay them with nothing but non-violence and ignorance.

But, they made one false move that finally set off your ticking time bomb, they decided to stoop so low as to bait you to them by bringing Seré into this petty rivalry, and to do it while you were helping a faux-antagonist find a new purpose in the yet-to-be erected world of culinary baking!

This transcends the horizons of simply helping someone out. This is personal, this is you helping someone whom you care very deeply about, possibly to boundaries you've never before realized.

Her father doesn't do anything about it, of course, he just wants her to get hitched already, he doesn't really care who. Just as long as they're royalty.

That's not good enough for you, however.