Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
Post in the thread with your IGN so we send our pokes to the right people.
Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball Pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins!
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff.
When did your balltism started? How bad is it now? >Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat,irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
Old thread >
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
Quoted By:
>>19741795 fletchinderand5eggs/exeggcute
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>19741795 >Fletchlinder >not volcanarona shit/10
No more of this Alfredo bullshit, it's over with. Do what this general is meant for or don't use it at all. Happy Giveaways!
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ToTT: Never, I don't have balltism
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:27:22 No. 19741810 Report I have 3 Heavy Ball Shellder left over, unknown IV's. All in Heavy Ball, all holding Enigma Berry. Jolly nature, Skill Link ability, egg moves are Rock Blast and icicle spear
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>>19741806 Thank you, anon Anonymous
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I used to love putting everything into vanilla balls before, which made running legendaries a bitch. Now that I can color match I have it way worse though. The only thing good is that pokeball's still my favorite so I don't mind the genderless much.
>>19741804 Volc doesn't get Thief. Talonflame is the better hatcher.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>19741826 Why would you need theif when hatching eggs?
>>19741810 Can I get one, IGN Charlie
>>19741806 >Even mentioning it. Hey, if you don't want something mentioned and for people to think about it or talk about it, don't mention it.
IGN Tyler 2552-1173-6156
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>>19741810 I'll take one, disc is going up soon
>>19741804 Every time I see a Volcorona comment I think to myself. "The best thing in the world is my Flame Body + Fly +
Thief Hatching buddy."
>>19741806 Alfredo is actually a good person, get on the /ggg/ and you will find out, the fact that he is really innocent and stupid at the moment of posting doesn´t mean he is a bad person...
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>>19741839 Great point (below)
Sorry about that
>>19741845 Anonymous
Drawn in yourself edition when?
Austin 2621-2888-1266
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I have a Disc up for an Adamant Ditto, don't care about the IVs or anything. Just needs to be Adamant. Thank you guys so much!
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>19741844 But all you need is fly + flame body Anonymous
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>>19741845 Stupidity and ignorance are as undesirable qualities as being bad/mean/whatever. Plus he's annoying as shit.
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:31:32 No. 19741877 Report >>19741864 why did you save my picture?
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>>19741845 keep the alfredo love in the irc please
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:31:43 No. 19741881 Report Giving away pokemon to good homes! All have 5 IVs. Please be specific about what you want!
2 Female 1 Male Adamant HA Skiddo in Timer Balls
3 Female Brave Adaptability Eevee with Curse and Wish in Fast Balls (0IV speed)
5 Male Brave HA Eevee with Curse and Wish in Fast Balls (some have 0IV speed)
3 Female Impish Overgrow Chespin with Quick Guard, Spikes and Synthesis in Friend Balls
1 Female Impish HA Chespin with Quick Guard, Spikes and Synthesis in Friend Balls (Needs to relearn egg moves)
2 Female 3 Male Careful HA Phantump with Bestow, Grudge, Imprison and Venom Drench
2 Female 5 Male Relaxed Iron Barbs Ferroseed with Spikes, Stealth Rock and Leech Seed (some have 0IV speed)
2 Female 4 Male Impish HA Supersized Pumpkaboo with Disable, Bestow and Destiny Bond in Premier Balls
>>19741756 It started with Friend Ball Paras. It's not so bad that I can't use something with a bad/standard ball. Anonymous
>>19741866 I disagree, I regularly have to go steal heart scales.
>>19741836 Because your main flyer now has the utility to steal Heart Scales.
IGN Tyler 2552-1173-6156
>>19741881 Can I get the HA chespin, dissc going up
calem 3024-7022-5727
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--Giveaway-- 4 male Nincada (2 rash) Compound Eyes 2 male 1 female adamant pokerus Nincada 10 female Compound Eyes Nincada All moveset: (scratch, harden, leech life, mind reader)
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>19741882 >>19741885 >what is frisk thief Gothitelle, trenevant, banette and the like are better.
you waste less time if you can actually see if the pokemon has an item or not.
Tl:DR: Thief is unnecessary
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>>19741885 >Not receiving enough heart scales through giving bred mons away Well now I know this Anonymous guy that keeps talking to himself is a leech on the community.
Honky !03fDGhJ51o
Mr. Fifty
>>19741756 Katherine gave me a Dream Ball Gliger. It was over from there. I still think about asking her to nickname my Gliscor. Anonymous
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !ozOtJW9BFA
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !ozOtJW9BFA Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:35:52 No. 19741930 Report >>19741881 disc up for the female pumpkaboo
>>19741911 Eh, I guess it's the difference of digging a Pokemon out of the PC just to fetch items. Personally I'll play the Thief Talonflame game because it's just easier for me.
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:36:49 No. 19741946 Report >>19741913 you people worry me sometimes
started when i found out you couldnt pass down cherish balls for my HA torchic, been pissed about it since. realized i could finally have mons in almost any ball. not too bad yet though calem 3024-7022-5727
>>19741881 pumpkaboo please
>>19741918 Quick ball is a better match for gliscor Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>19741945 B-But the extra time taking that one pokemon out of the box is worth all of the extra luvdisc that you'd ko that didnt have an item.
Mr. Fifty
>>19741958 I agree. But Gliger looked awesome in that dream ball. It was the kicker that got me to abandon the everything needs to be in a Pokeball habit.
>>19741969 >everything needs to be in a pokeball What a shitty habit
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>>19741945 I literally have a talonflame for just this reason, and hatching eggs. Otherwise he stays in the "useful" box in the pc
IGN Tyler 2552-1173-6156
>>19741810 disc is up for Shellder
>>19741964 Encounter wild Luvdisc, it has no scale. Hit run. Or. Hit Thief. Battle ends. I guess it equates to one more tap and a few seconds of text.
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:40:17 No. 19741992 Report >>19741964 maybe its a matter of giver/taker.
takers catch luvdisc for these threads and have plenty of heartscales
givers are RECEIVING luvdisc mostly without heartscales.
they have many luvdiscs, but not enough heartscales
Rick !jCjLePIknw
>>19741881 Oh goodness, I would LOVE some of those if not for
ball legality .
I'm struggling with my balltism right now...
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>19741988 >>19741992 you can easily get scales from the PGL for 100 pokemiles each.
Mr. Fifty
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>>19741979 Remnants of a time long past. I skipped From gen 1 to 3 to 6. The ball never mattered for me before.
Honky !03fDGhJ51o
>>19742008 To be honest as of late I haven't had to go get one in a while. This thread has stocked me up nicely.
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:42:59 No. 19742032 Report >>19742008 id rather spend those points on rare candies or other things
like i said, im a taker i have heart scales up the wazoo. why spend miles for em if im catching em anyways?
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
>>19741992 So on a scale of 1 to 10, how many luvdiscs are goin around itemless
im not quite grasping the scale of things here
are we close to scaling and getting over this predicament
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:42:59 No. 19742034 Report >>19741992 I just used the Pokemiles I had stocked up to get a ton of em two months ago
I haven't been on shortage since
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
>>19741881 Disc up for Pumpkaboo. Thanks!
>>19742033 I put Enigma berries on my Luvdisc.
>>19741881 Disc up for a Chespin, thanks
IGN Tyler 2552-1173-6156
>>19741881 >>19741903 Disc is up for the HA chespin
Yiku IGN:Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
Yiku IGN:Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:45:56 No. 19742081 Report Quoted By:
Yo Sandora you here?
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:46:59 No. 19742094 Report >>19742029 am i the onyl one who takes a picture that ISNT zoomed in like crazy?
>>19742033 id say 6-7/10
maybe 5
depends hwo many people forget to remove scales
cause i forget sometimes
but i have too many to care
>>19742034 i guess its a personal preference kinda thing
>>19742033 9/10. I've got something like 17 boxes of luvdisc in the bank and maybe 2 boxes have something on them
>>19742053 You're asking to get sniped
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Quoted By:
>>19742032 >why spend miles for em if im catching em anyways? Speed.
It takes longer to thief scales than to spend miles on them.
>>19742031 >tfw no one ever sends me scales Anonymous
>>19742098 I usually don't get sniped for Enigma berries.
Honky !03fDGhJ51o
Quoted By:
>>19742094 No you're just an attention whore beggar :3
>>19742116 That's mildly surprising. Most semi-rare things used to get sniped pretty quickly
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:49:42 No. 19742128 Report Quoted By:
>>19741949 >>19741930 >>19742054 >>19742052 >>19742079 Delivered!
>>19742002 Since I breed all my own stuff, illegal balls don't really bother me. On occasion I ask anons here with powersaves to help with ball changing eg. Heavy Ball Bastiodon.
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>>19742127 Well I set the filters to meet whatever criteria, idk.
>>19741838 Sent you one.
>>19741984 Were you sniped? Don't see your disc.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:55:03 No. 19742197 Report >>19741810 So how many do you really have?
>>19742197 That's a troll.
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !ozOtJW9BFA
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !ozOtJW9BFA Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:55:59 No. 19742217 Report >>19742197 the real guy who actually posted that should have 2 or maybe more since I actually am the person who he traded a shellder with
IGN Tyler 2552-1173-6156
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>>19742172 I'll put another up
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>>19742217 Posting as cj offering Heavy Ball Shellders is the new troll, though. They don't have any.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:58:43 No. 19742246 Report >>19742210 >>19742217 I think this guy is taking the joke and seriously handing some out
That or he's samefagging
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Tue 24 Jun 2014 04:58:54 No. 19742247 Report Quoted By:
>>19741881 Think I could get a female Phantump? Discing up!
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>>19742246 It's confusing, for sure.
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !ozOtJW9BFA
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !ozOtJW9BFA Tue 24 Jun 2014 05:04:20 No. 19742300 Report >>19742246 Not samefagging lol
I was in the actual thread when that started to happen
I remember Jaime was there too
But I'm not really even sure who is the real cj cause of all the shitposters
so yeah it is confusing
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>>19742300 So are you saying that you have Heavy Ball Shellders?
Rick !jCjLePIknw
Ok here's the deal: I have a BUNCH of dream ball eevees to give away. I was breeding for HP fire Espeon though, which means I was typically only able to mark perfect HP, Def, and Sp Def. Some have, by fluke, 4 perfect IVs. Regrettably, I don't have the time to check all non-perfect IV's, so the others may or may not be 30. Reply if you have questions. All have egg moves. If you aren't a balltist, I humbly request that you ask for a male.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 05:06:45 No. 19742330 Report >>19742300 The real cj was in the thread before Shellday
I disc'd up, but was sniped.
I wish I would've gotten it, just for memories sake
>>19742330 I specifically remember sending a Heavy Ball Shellder to a Nathan after that happened. Do you not have one?
Right now all I have is
Naive Skill link female
Twineedle/Aqua Ring/Rock Blast/Rapid Spin
Yours if you want it.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19742318 I'd like a female please. Disc is going up
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 05:09:48 No. 19742361 Report Quoted By:
>>19742346 Thanks for the offer, but I've gotten one since then.
I was the guy giving out Sableyes
Rick !jCjLePIknw
Quoted By:
>>19742318 Forgot to mention: all are timid.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 05:10:05 No. 19742369 Report >>19742318 Could I have a male please? Discing up!
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 05:13:40 No. 19742399 Report >>19742386 OH IT'S CJ's
:^) Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19742386 >not having cj's original shellder Schiggy
>>19742386 But since then, Cj's name has been used by trolls. I've been sending out Heavy ball Shellders for the past couple of days so people would stop asking.
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !ozOtJW9BFA
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !ozOtJW9BFA Tue 24 Jun 2014 05:15:43 No. 19742418 Report >>19742399 >>19742399 never said I was giving him away
I keep him for the same reason you want him
for memories sake
>>19742405 Be sure they have icicle spear and rock blast, and come with enigma berries
>>19742418 No Enigma Berries, but they do have 4 egg moves.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 05:17:18 No. 19742431 Report Quoted By:
>>19742418 Oh, alright.
But if you ever get the chance to clone
Do it for me, pls Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !ozOtJW9BFA
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !ozOtJW9BFA Tue 24 Jun 2014 05:18:55 No. 19742446 Report >>19742423 anon I can give you an enigma berry to start farming just for the sole purpose to keep this alive
>>19742446 But I have Enigma Berries...I'm just not putting them on every Shellder I send out. I gave a couple a King's Rock but that's it.
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 05:21:17 No. 19742469 Report Quoted By:
Rick !jCjLePIknw
Quoted By:
>>19742352 >>19742369 Sent, if you're breeding for HP fire too, good luck, you'll need it! My dual screen, HP fire espeon was a better addition to my team than I imagined. Thanks to Mr.Fifty if he's still around. I owe you one!
Opinions on what ball looks best for Scizor? I've been breeding my Scyther in Safari Balls until now because I forgot that it evolves...
>>19742632 sport or nothing
Rick !jCjLePIknw
Is it already dead hours? The night is young!
In addition to:
>>19742318 I have some nest ball cottonees with egg moves in nest balls. 2 Infiltrators, the rest prankster. Jolly, 4-5 IVs. Anyone interested?
Also have a bunch of east coast shellos in quick balls. No egg moves. Relaxed and Modest, 4-5 IVs. Storm Drain and Sticky Hold.
Reply and disc up with necessary details. Don't forget to mention male or female.
>>19742636 Well I can't have nothing, I'd have to wait for ORAS for Scizor to follow me around.
>>19742642 Can I get a prankster Cottonee please, IGN Charlie
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>>19742648 then i guess its sport ball nigga
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
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>>19742632 Safari balls are cool. If you are going for a shiny Scizor I'd say nest ball maybe?
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
Does someone here have a powersave? I got a present for you to clone
Rick !jCjLePIknw
Quoted By:
>>19742650 Sent, sorry for the delay. I was battling.
Quoted By:
>>19742709 I do, but I hate you fags who try to be elusive about your super speshul gifts, just come out and say what it is next time and maybe I'll consider it.
Honky !03fDGhJ51o
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle]
Nathan 2294-4983-0547 [Dwebble/Corsola/Shuckle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 05:53:17 No. 19742752 Report Quoted By:
>>19742730 Sellday probably shoo'd off a lot of people
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>>19742709 There is Serena, and he's probably sleeping?
I've got 5 female ralts in moon balls, timid nature, three 5IV two 4IV
>>19742969 Can I get a 5 IV please, ign charlie
>>19742925 What's an Alfredo and why are people talking about it in the other threads.
I feel like I'm missing something very important or something very stupid.
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>>19742997 Like, chicken fettuccine alfredo? I dunno
>>19742969 Could I have a trace one, if possible? IGN: Andrea
>>19743056 Ralts guy here, what do you mean whoops?
>>19743063 No, I meant to respond to you but I accidentaly clicked myself.
Rick !jCjLePIknw
Quoted By:
>>19742925 >Gts Giveaway General: 'Time to Give Alfredo more Attention!' Edition Can we drop alfredo?
But if he starts shitposting without removing his trip, all is fair game. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19743082 Okay, so long as you got it
Anon666 !FaGkC3D8DI
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>>19743101 If your IGN is Joshua, hold your water/fighting horses, I'm about to snatch your disc
Anon666 !FaGkC3D8DI
>>19743101 >>19743117 FAKE JOSHUA
I've got some moon ball ralts. Does anyone want some moon ball ralts? No? Ya'll just gonna keep being weird? Okay.
>>19743155 If only Cj was giving out Keldeos, we could keep all these Joshuas happy.
>>19743199 He's got da heavy ball sheldeo
>>19743192 I would take one
IGN Gepfel
thanks in advance
>>19743220 are you fo real?
>>19743220 She's yours. I've got two 4IV ones left
>>19743250 what do you mean?
Quoted By:
>>19743273 idk if you're trolling or not
Anyone have a modest Trapinch?
Rick !jCjLePIknw
I have 4-5 IV Hawlucha. No egg moves. Premier ball. Both abilities. Reply if you want one. You will receive a female unless you specifically request female. Also giving away:
>>19742642 Rick !jCjLePIknw
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>>19743417 The hawlucha are adamant.
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>>19743549 >Bumping >Dead hours >Less than 30 minutes It's the trifecta of idiocy.
>>19742386 This faggot should have unknown IVs.
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !whP.dwIrd6
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !whP.dwIrd6 Tue 24 Jun 2014 08:12:43 No. 19743795 Report >>19743786 actually no since Cj actually knew to breed, he just didn't bother checking them with the checker in Kiloude city
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Tue 24 Jun 2014 08:20:50 No. 19743829 Report Giving out some heavy ball shellders, who wants them? I have 5 of them atm.
>>19743795 If he checked them they DIDN'T have unknown IVs now, did they?
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !whP.dwIrd6
Sammy 5472-8290-5048 Poison(Cascoon, whirlipede, ariados) !whP.dwIrd6 Tue 24 Jun 2014 08:30:39 No. 19743866 Report >>19743854 You do realize when he said "Unkown IV's" he meant he didn't check them, which made them unknown to him
anon go home your drunk and acting stupid
>>19743866 >Pokemon is said to have unknown IVs >Has known IVs >I'm called stupid for pointing it out Fucking drop it Sammy or you aren't getting SHIT from my giveaways
>>19743897 What are you guys talking about? The marked IVs? If so, he could have just sent it without checking and the person that got it checked and marked them.
>>19743916 talking about what the iv checker says about the stats
>>19743927 yeah, so what's the problem?
Quoted By:
>>19743940 People like making a big deal about small things
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 24 Jun 2014 08:50:25 No. 19743959 Report Quoted By:
dead hours are so refreshing
Quoted By:
>>19744154 i shot him twice
binladen and hitler are both already corpses/dust
may as well add a third to the body count
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
Hi guys! Here's what I have right now: 2x Bold, 3x Impish Safari Ball Female Larvitar (SR, Pursuit, Iron Head, DD) 11x Timid Prankster Nest Ball Female Cottonee (Fake Tears, Switcheroo, Encore, Beat Up) 2x Careful, 1x Bold Male Storm Drain Lileep (Recover, Mirror Coat, Curse, SR) 12x Bold Storm Drain Lileep (SR, Mirror Coat, Recover) Leftovers from looking the right HP Fire 4x Effect Spore, 2x Regenerator Bold Foongus (Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Gastro Acid, Growth) 4x Bold Prankster Premier Ball Klefki (Switcheru) Many Fast Ball Paras with Dry Skin or Effect Spore (Wide Guard, Rototiller, Counter, Leech Seed) 2x Super Luck, 1x Insomnia, 3x Prankster Calm Murkrow (Roost, Sky Attack, Whirlwind, Brave Bird) 2x Chlorophyll, 3x Regenerator Dream Ball Female Impish Tangela (Rage Powder, Endeavor, Amnesia, Power Swap) Also have 1 Bold (Leaf Storm, Endeavor, Amnesia, Power Swap) 2x Female 4x Male Dusk Ball Impish Harvest Phantump 6x Frisk, 1 Pickup Impish Pumpkaboo Disc up, everything should have 4-5 IV tho.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) !!TogKya6RZZH Tue 24 Jun 2014 09:59:33 No. 19744369 Report Quoted By:
>>19744154 I shot him twice, can't be having dopplegangers now.
There can only be one.
Quoted By:
>>19744154 >Can't shoot Hitler and Bin Laden >Can't sex up Amplify by firelight ;_;
>>19744366 are the larvitars 5iv?
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 24 Jun 2014 10:14:33 No. 19744476 Report >>19744438 discing up hardcore
Quoted By:
>>19744390 Sorry mate, but the most recent studies show that Amplify is the biggest persona non grata in here. I understand your hatred for Alfredo, but you are in minority. Sorry.
>Source >>19742925 Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 24 Jun 2014 10:24:04 No. 19744519 Report >>19744438 >>19744476 my bad. discing up for larvitar
sorry its 6am and i havent slept yet
>>19744366 Disc up for a Paras with dry
Please, and thank you
>>19744366 disc going up for one of those paras
Quoted By:
>>19744540 dry skin paras didnt notice the two different abilitys
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
>>19744154 Hitler did nothing wrong apparently.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 10:42:58 No. 19744591 Report >>19744366 Could I please have a regenerator Foongus? Female if possible. Disc is up.
...and if it isn't too greedy also a regenerator Tangela?
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 24 Jun 2014 10:44:57 No. 19744609 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>19744577 Two of people browsing GTS giveaway are consider themselves worse than Hitler
One of them is probably Alfredo who kills himself after killing his bf Amplify. Truly a death of lovers
Quoted By:
>>19744601 Thank you for the Paras! :]
>>19744366 Discing for a larvitar, female preferably. Thanks in advance!
Also, are the murkrows in regular pokeballs?
>>19744366 Got a bold larvitar left? Anyway i will sent a disc up
IGN Gepfel
thanks in advance
Suika 5343-7774-9340
>>19744366 Discing for a Larvitar with egg moves. Thanks!
Suika 5343-7774-9340
>>19744923 >>19744366 Preferably, an Impish nature, forgot about that. Thanks!
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
>>19744955 >>19744856 sent~
>>19744781 are you David? If so, sent.
Quoted By:
>>19745003 Yes. David. Thanks for the larvitar!
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 12:01:40 No. 19745079 Report >>19745003 Disc is up for Regenerator Foongus.
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
>>19745079 Sent~
Gtg now, I'll be back in about 2 hours.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Tue 24 Jun 2014 12:06:11 No. 19745100 Report Quoted By:
Suika 5343-7774-9340
Quoted By:
>>19745003 Thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>19745003 Thanks for Larvitar
Cal IGN Celan 2380 3700 0120
Quoted By:
Anyone have a 5v analytic magnemite? Discing up for one.
Randell 0146-8666-4381 !NfZDyZT2rA
>State the IV you want, if no IVs stated i'll give a 4IV one instead. >x57 Beldum -Adamant Nature -Clear Body -4IV (x25) -5IV (x32)>x5 Female Love Ball Mawile -Adamant Nature -Intimidate/Hyper Cutter -Sucker Punch, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang -4-5IVs>x15 Heavy Ball Snorlax -Adamant Nature -Thick Fat/Immunity -Tackle, Double Edge, Fissure, Curse -4-5IVs -All Male>x5 Female Dream Ball Munna -Calm Nature -Forewarn, Synchronise -Defense Curl, Swift, Barrier, Baton Pass -4-5IVs>x2 Helioptile -Timid Nature -Dry Skin -Pound, Tail Whip, Electric Terrain -4-5IVs -All Male
calem 3024-7022-5727
Quoted By:
>>19745216 snorlax please, a defensive wall would be nice
Mr. Fifty
Giving away some leftovers
>>19740098 Please pick one and tell me its number.
This is so other anons can know what has been taken.
I might nickname if you ask. .
1,1 - Litwick (F) - Modest - Infiltrator -
1,2 - Litwick (F) - Modest - Infiltrator -
HP Ice 1,3 - Litwick (M) - Modest - Infiltrator -
1,4 - Litwick (M) - Modest - Infiltrator -
1,5 - Litwick (M) - Modest - Infiltrator -
2,1 - Litwick (M) - Modest - Flame Body -
2,2 - Litwick (M) - Modest - Flame Body -
3,1 - Litwick (F) - Modest - Flash Fire -
3,2 - Litwick (F) - Modest - Flash Fire -
3,3 - Litwick (M) - Modest - Flash Fire -
3,4 - Litwick (M) - Modest - Flash Fire -
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
>>19745551 Can I grab 1,2? Thanks. :)
Quoted By:
I wanna start breeding some Pokemon, anyone have a decent Ditto to start me off? Or a Ditto Friend Safari? (wrong thread, but fuck it). Not looking for six IV, but a few IV would be nice. IGN: Karz
Ale [1220-8316-2034]
>>19745551 I'd lick 1,1 ^^ thanks<3
>>19745595 like* xD ( dat typo tho )
Mr. Fifty
rafa 4699-6428-6225
>>19745551 disc up for 3,2 please
Quoted By:
I need a HA pancham. anyone can help?
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
Mr. Fifty
rafa 4699-6428-6225
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Tue 24 Jun 2014 14:23:33 No. 19745699 Report Just a daily reminder that i dont breed shellder anymore. These people with my name/FC are shitposters doing god knows what. Sorry for th inconvenience.
Quoted By:
>>19745699 its gotten so bad i dont even know if its really you anymore
>>19745551 Hey, buddy!
Disc is up for 1,5 Litwick if you still have 'im!
Thanks anyway!
Mr. Fifty
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Tue 24 Jun 2014 14:28:22 No. 19745725 Report >>19745711 I wont because i'm a fegget
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Tue 24 Jun 2014 14:51:45 No. 19745851 Report >>19745725 no you imposter. I won't get trip bcuz I'm not a faggot :)
tripfags are cancer
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Tue 24 Jun 2014 14:57:34 No. 19745878 Report Quoted By:
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
Anyone mind giving me a 2 derpmon with a Chesto Berry each?
>>19745897 whats a derpmon redditbro
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>19745551 Disc up for 3,1 please! Thanks!
Mr. Fifty
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19745925 Oh, sorry. Derpmons are meme-related Pokemon. So Slowpoke, Ditto, anything that is horse-like, stuff like that
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>19745984 Appreciate it :)
Quoted By:
>>19746002 Leave now and never come back
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>19746015 Not Me Adopting Trip incase of Shitposting.
Carrie 1091-9824-5719
anyone got a spare HA fletchling? would be much appreciated
hey uh... this might sound ridiculous.. but would anyone be down for trading a charizardite-x? i could actually put up a luvdisc with a charizardite-y? thankies xoxoxo
Quoted By:
>>19746026 >i could actually put up a luvdisc with a charizardite-y? You couldn't, because megastones are not tradeable via the GTA.
Try /wfg/ for that anyway.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !wwDhTOPR5s
Quoted By:
>>19746021 Dude, stop pretending to be me. For fucks sake.
Everyone, those two guys
>>19746021 >>19746002 Aren't me. This is my one and only tripcode.
Also, derpmon is just any shitmon, anything you might have, I just need Chesto Berries.
Quoted By:
>>19746026 Sure put a disc holding the stone asking for luvdisc. I have plenty of stones.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>19746022 That depends If you make your luvdisc hold a Chesto Berry.
>>19746056 >Giveaway thread >Trying to make trades Get out, go to Wifi General or something faggot
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !wwDhTOPR5s
Looking for a Rhyperior ! Luvdisc is on GTS, my IGN : Qash Thanks ! :D
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>19746074 >>19746067 It's a fucking Chesto Berry, not even a Mansion Item. You can't tell me what to do /vp/ babbies.
>>19746081 Can it be Rhydon with Protector
Quoted By:
>>19746086 Oooh, someone is breaking ;) Well, you brought it upon yourself, shouldn't have used reddit term and you would be swimming in pool of Chesto Berries by now
Quoted By:
>>19746089 Yes it can ! I just changed the wanted Pokemon to Rhydon :)
Mr. Fifty
Quoted By:
I'm looking for a Hidden Ability Feebas.
Anyone have a good Eevee to turn into Flareon? Kinda getting hype for the Eevee friendly.
>>19746214 Eevee Friendly? I've pretty much have bred every eeveeloution with the right natures and abilities except for glaceon.
>>19746232 Next Global Link tournament. I have a perfect Sylveon and Espeon but I'm lacking in knowledge of the other Eeveelutions.
http://nuggetbridge.com/forums/topic/7127-eevee-friendly/#entry111173 Aegis
>>19746266 Okay Flareon is very hampered by it's move pool this gen. You want to get a HA eevee for Guts Flareon. Jolly or adamant nature, Facade, Flame Charge, and two moves of choice some sort of priority is good. I can break down the others if you want.
>>19746302 That'd be appreciated. Also anything to clone/speed up breeding for me you might have laying around would be amazing. I'm up to my eyeballs in breeding for National Championships.
Quoted By:
>>19746302 >>19746342 Oh but there's a thread for it btw. Normally I'd say lets move this there but
>dead hours Aegis
>>19746342 Vaporean is very good, has a huge health stat. People tend to run it as a wall/toxic staller. You'll want Bold non-HA as Hydration is not really useful most of the time. Wish/Protect/Toxic/Scald is a decent moveset for it and the one you'll most see.
Umbreon. Another defensive beast. Careful/nature of choice and non-HA for Synchronize. Good for throwing toxic around and very very tanky. Sometimes run as a cleric but Sylveon has mostly replace him. Misses out on some great moves from previous gens. Could have even done Swagger Foul Play with it before.
>>19746417 Jolteon Insane speed very very fragile. Non-ha and timid. Might want to run this guy. There should be alot of vaporean around. Usually run with HPice(dragons),Shadowball, Voltswitch, Thunderbolt. Unless you are using a sub set.
Leafeon. Fast as well with a good attack. Jolly Chlorophyll is normally ran on it. Swords dance, Leaf Blade, Other moves. Suffers from a small move pool like flareon. The grass typing is pretty bad for it.
Kingabry (some Poison guys)
Quoted By:
>>19745551 3,4
Can you rename it Lucifer?
>>19746457 Something that might be cool to do as it's a rotation battle, a sunny day team. Leafeon benefits from the sun so do Umbreon and Espeon with Moonlight/Morning Sun. I doubt anyone would have actually prepared to face this type of team. Lead with Umbreon or another tanky Eeveeloution and get the sun up or just throw some status everywhere. Switch to whoever is better for the job from there. Leafeon will out speed everything in the sun. Get a Swords dance up and try to sweep. Espeon has better recovery (and is actually ran on sun teams magic bounce too good).
Quoted By:
>>19744366 Can I get one of the Regnerator Foongus please
>>19746602 I really like the sound of that. Thanks a ton for all the info.
Let's see what I can giveaway in about an hour: 5x Adamant 5IV Moon Ball Absol Baton Pass/Megahorn/Play Rough/Zen Headbutt 2F (Super Luck), 3M (2 HA, 1 Pressure) 4x Male Timid Fast Ball HA 4IV Shelmet Guard Split/Encore
>>19746656 Can I get a SL Absol please?
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Fairy type
Leon (4527-7434-1736) Fairy type
>>19746794 oh sorry, absol female :)
Quoted By:
>>19746803 That's more like it. Sent
Out of female Absol, so no more balltism
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
I've got a couple of 5 IV Ponyta to give away. They are all Jolly and have Hypnosis as an egg move. All have Flash Fire except for the 6 IV one. X1 6 IV male (Run Away) X2 Penta Perfect males X2 Penta Perfect females X6 5 IV males X10 5 IV females I can nickname if you would like.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Shuppet, Golurk) Tue 24 Jun 2014 17:20:20 No. 19746855 Report >>19746827 discing up for the 6iv male
rafa 4699-6428-6225
>>19746827 disc for female please
Quoted By:
when will somebody give some muthafuckin shones?
Ale [1220-8316-2034]
>>19744366 If you have any Larvitars left, that'd be wonderful :)
Quoted By:
>>19746646 Another weather thing I just realized. Vaporean hydration RainDance/Rest/whatever you want.
Cameron 4124-6076-9422
>>19746827 I'll disc for a 5IV male. It'll be good stock for when I breed the one I transferred from HG in a fast ball.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19746856 Just any female?
rafa 4699-6428-6225
>>19746892 penta perfects please
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19746890 Also sent. Mind sending a Fast Ball leftover female when you work on those?
>>19746827 I'd like one of the penta females please. Could you NN it Mercury
rafa 4699-6428-6225
Atlanta !5Gmvk9QigM
Quoted By:
>>19746873 sorry, ran out of it
going to sleep now, bye guys.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Cameron 4124-6076-9422
>>19746937 Of course I don't mind. Ill work on it today and try to get a bunch to pass out this evening if you'll be around.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19746992 I will most likely be here. In case I am not, do me a favor and hold on to a female for me. Thanks
Cameron 4124-6076-9422
>>19747005 I'll actually go ahead and breed some right quick. Shouldnt take long for me to get a female to send ya.
Ale [1220-8316-2034]
>>19746827 Can I get a 5 IV Female Ponyta with a nickname of "Coal" :) Thanks.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Cameron 4124-6076-9422
>>19747134 I've got a female for you if you'd like to disc up, I can't guarantee the IVs are good since it's the first female I hatched, but it's the ball that's important I imagine.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Cameron 4124-6076-9422
Quoted By:
>>19747227 Thanks to you too I did not expect a dream ball Darumaka. I've been meaning to breed one anyways and now I'll have a great ball to do so with.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19747216 I could breed you one if you would like.
>>19747236 That would be great
Moyap123 - FC 3952-8209-3594
Only realised Pokecheck and Pokegts is down. anyone use any other sites for genning? i know this isnt a Pokegen thread but im not asking for pokes just sites :)
Quoted By:
Anyone happen to have a female sloth in a dusk ball?
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>Generate Pokémon online >Trade them through the internet I could make millions with that idea.
Moyap123 - FC 3952-8209-3594
>>19747286 There gts servers are down also
>>19747316 All gts servers died a month ago Moyap123 - FC 3952-8209-3594
Quoted By:
>>19747327 Dang! Should have got my event legends when i had the chance!
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19747316 If you are trying to GTS gen, you can't.
>>19747309 Sell the shonies on ebay.
Ever: 5258-0533-2859 {3564} {3446}
>>19747241 It's done. Disc up?
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19747241 It's done now. Disc up?
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
vanillazzz !!fM7XPLLnJ9x
>>19747393 do you not get banned or something?
>>19747487 Label it as a "Guide" and use the excuse of giving the pokemon as a "sample" or something like that. A friend of mine did it this way, never got banned made about $500+
>>19747505 This
>>19747487 Just make a throwaway account too so that if you do get banned, make a new one.
>>19747487 Nope. We had this chick in here who was selling shones left and right all day every day.
Hey everyone. I still have 4 Chimchar from yesterday. I don't know about IVs and shit, but they all have Fire Punch and Thunder Punch with Iron Fist as their ability. Im gonna stick some Hondew Berries on all of them as well. I was also reading that Glameow seems to be pretty uncommon. Should I go breed some of them to stick on the GTS?
>>19747487 >>19747505 >>19747565 >>19747658 >selling pokemon Why don't you lazy fucks just get a job
Quoted By:
>>19748087 >Implying they don't and selling pokemon is just an extra source of income Tea [2621-3722-3299]
Anyone has a spare Jigglypuff? Need for dex :)
Tea [2621-3722-3299]
>>19748102 I meant to write Clefairy. >-<'
>>19748109 If you want you can disc up for Cleffa and evolve it?
Quoted By:
Still looking for a duskball female slakoth, please
Tea [2621-3722-3299]
>>19748116 Yes please :D <3 Disc is up and thanks a lot ^^
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
>>19748065 I would like one. Do you have any Females? I used to breed up a ton of Glameow and just throw them up on the GTS. That's how you complete a dex my friend.
>>19748198 Unfortunately they all came out male.
Thats not a bad idea, but i finished my Living Pokedex lawl
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19748223 That's fine. Disc is up.
Quoted By:
>>19748087 Jelly that people sell things they can easily clone/gen indefinetely for cash that can support them? Jellu your lazy ass can't do it? ;^)
Does anyone have a HA Alomomola or Ralts in a Dream Ball?
>>19748444 Guess who I've got one, give me a few minutes to grab it. I'll send you a TR when it's ready
Anybody here have a female sableye or a male absol with 4 or more perfect IVs?
>>19748609 Fuck, not in a Dream Ball (Ralts). Sorry for getting your hopes up
>>19748612 Oops, forgot to mention that the sableye needs prankster, but I guess that's kind of implied.
Quoted By:
>>19748612 I've got Absol here
>>19746656 You want HA or Pressure?
Quoted By:
>>19748623 Thanks for looking anyway! I appreciate it. ~
>>19746827 Discing for a 5IV female. Penta if possible.
Carrie 1091-9824-5719 (Psychic: Drowsee, Espurr, Xatu)
Carrie 1091-9824-5719 (Psychic: Drowsee, Espurr, Xatu) Tue 24 Jun 2014 20:33:21 No. 19748762 Report still looking for an HA fletchinder preferably female
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>19748762 Mind Waiting a bit? Also would love it if you made it hold a chesto berry, If not that's cool too.
>>19748612 >>19748641 If you're still here, disc up for an Absol already
Carrie 1091-9824-5719 (Psychic: Drowsee, Espurr, Xatu)
Carrie 1091-9824-5719 (Psychic: Drowsee, Espurr, Xatu) Tue 24 Jun 2014 20:37:33 No. 19748813 Report Quoted By:
>>19748792 you actually have one?
judging from your behaviour earlier i thought it was but a ruse
and no i don't have chesto berries unfortunately
>>19748806 Sorry! Technical difficulties! Disc is up now.
Carrie 1091-9824-5719 (Psychic: Drowsee, Espurr, Xatu)
Carrie 1091-9824-5719 (Psychic: Drowsee, Espurr, Xatu) Tue 24 Jun 2014 20:38:46 No. 19748823 Report >>19748792 >>19748792 disc is up btw, take your time
Incoming text wall. Giving away the following (all are female): x1 HA Dream Ball Dratini x1 Level Ball Kangaskhan x2 Sport Ball Scyther x1 Premier Ball Inkay x4 HA Nest Ball Kecleon x2 Moon Ball Sneasel x1 HA Dream Ball Igglybuff x1 Heavy Ball Mudkip x2 Friend Ball Shroomish x2 HA Dream Ball Karrablast x2 HA Dream Ball Vulpix x3 HA Dream Ball Eevee x1 HA Repeat Ball Scraggy x8 HA Dream Ball Aerodactyl x5 Safari Ball Lotad x3 Moon Ball Spiritomb x5 HA Fast Ball Shelmet x3 Dream Ball Mienfoo x9 Lure Ball Mudkip Take as many as you want, and reply with a disc.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>19748823 Okay. Thats no biggu, first time giving something.
Mr. Fifty
Quoted By:
>>19748834 I will take that Scraggy
Quoted By:
>>19748822 Actually, that did sound ruder than I meant it.... I guess I'm sorry as well!
5IV 4EM male Absol sent
rafa 4699-6428-6225
Quoted By:
>>19748834 can i have a lotad,eevee,aerodactyl and mudkip?
disc up for lotad
Rick !jCjLePIknw
Quoted By:
>>19748834 Discing for Kecleon. Thanks!
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>19748823 Sent. Enjoy. :)
Ever: 5258-0533-2859
Quoted By:
>>19748694 All out of Female Pentas. Would any 5 IV Female be fine then?
Quoted By:
>>19748834 Disc up for dream ball vulpix, thanx in advance!
Quoted By:
>>19748834 Disc up for that Inkay, cheers
Sylvia 5300 9414 6239
Quoted By:
>>19748834 Discing for mudkip and kangaskhan. Thanks in advance!
>>19748792 You are more persistant in looking for that Chesto Berry than people are in looking for you, Jesus.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>19748834 Discing for a Sychther.
IGN: JESUS It'll say /vp/
Barmouth otclppr
Carrie 1091-9824-5719 (Psychic: Drowsee, Espurr, Xatu)
Carrie 1091-9824-5719 (Psychic: Drowsee, Espurr, Xatu) Tue 24 Jun 2014 20:48:03 No. 19748952 Report Quoted By:
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
>>19748922 I really want that Chesto Berry.
Quoted By:
>>19748834 Disc up for Eevee
IGN: Karz
>>19748962 Camphrier Town, Northwest house show the guy the right type of poke.... Profit?
>>19749030 I don't believe you. Bulbapedia said I had to trade for one.
Quoted By:
>>19748834 Disc going up for Kecleon, please.
Quoted By:
>>19749081 Just do it. There's like 5 different types you can get from him.
Quoted By:
>>19749081 Well what do you have to trade?
JESUS 4871-4285-3598 !3Gd1JhmKaA
Quoted By:
>>19749030 Oh, that was pretty straight-foward
rafa 4699-6428-6225
Quoted By:
>>19748834 disc up for eevee now
Looking for a female venonat, preferably modest/timid but it's not necessary. Have a luvdisc up and my IGN is Riot.
I got all of the discs. that I saw. If by some chance you did not get everything that you wanted, I'll be back later.
>>19749253 If you can wait a little bit I can send you one but I'm in Le Wow.
Quoted By:
>>19749268 Thanks a bunch!
Quoted By:
>>19748834 disc up for a dream ball mienfoo, thanks in advance
Sylvia 5300 9414 6239
Quoted By:
>>19748834 Can I also have the Spiritomb? Thanks in advance!
gary 3394-3749-3349
Quoted By:
does anyone have a cute charm cleffa or clefairy that they wouldn't mind sending my way.
Quoted By:
>>19748834 Discing for Scyther, igglybuff and kecleon
gary 3394-3749-3349
actually it is a friend guard clefairy or clefa that I am needing help getting. If anyone could help that would be awesome.
Quoted By:
>>19748834 disc up for a dream ball mienfoo, thanks in advance
Quoted By:
>>19748834 Disc up for vulpix please!
Sylvia 5300 9414 6239
>>19749397 Disc up, I have a cleffa for you.
Sylvia 5300 9414 6239
Quoted By:
>>19749414 Tell me when your disc is up.
gary 3394-3749-3349
Quoted By:
>>19749414 disc is up sylvia...ty so much :D
Quoted By:
>>19749290 Sent, I forget its IVs but I think you'll like it.
gundam 5198-3785-2782
Quoted By:
looking for a nidoran male with hustle disc up, ign is gundam