Welcome to Pokémon WiFi General!
Do you like playing Pokémon?
Do you intend to either breed, trade, battle with, give away, or discuss your Pokémon?
>Then you have come to right place friend. Welcome. Do you intend to exchange Friend Safaris or do anything related to hacking/cheating/cloning?
>Then you are probably better off in another thread related to those things. Do you enjoy circlejerking and shitposting? Do you suffer from autism?
>Then prepare to be amazed. We usually prefer our tradelists neat and tidy wrapped up either in an image or a
pastebin.com .
If you do easy research yourself instead of asking right away (e.g. "What egg does Talonflame have?"), the thread will be more pleasant place to be in.
Please understand that there are a lot more people lurking than you'd first think, and that their autism will be disturbed if the guidelines above are broken.
Here is a shitty guide for first-time posters and/or 12-year-olds:
http://pastebin.com/v4mex4t6 Obligatory link to the perma-dead IRC: #wfg on
qchat.rizon.net We hope you'll stick around and have fun with us in Pokémon WiFi General!
Old thread:
>>20712396 Topic of the Thread:
Which Champion is your favorite? What would you change about them?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Gonna post again here. Looking for an adamant binacle and a female noibat of any sex. I have jolly croagunks and impish gligars
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20716690 How can you have a female Noibat of any sex?
Don't get all political on me here. I'll look to see if I have a Noibat for you.
>>20716690 Durr, any nature I meant. Looking for a female with whatever else.
>>20716669 let me catch mewtwo really fast
fc or gts?
heal bell its also a event move for dragonite? if so im interested
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
I have a clone of a legit Petal Dance Meowth Kia. What do you have for it?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Free shit:
http://pastebin.com/HCz2e1Q3 >>20716698 its the new sexual revolution
Kia 4725 9287 0534
Quoted By:
>>20716710 Well, what do you want for it?
>>20716709 yes, its a rare move from a gc game and multiscale it's for ultimate bulk
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
>allowing this idiotic wall-of-text pasta to live on >dealing in hacks and clones burn in hell~
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Quoted By:
>>20716645 >Obligatory link to the perma-dead IRC: #wfg on qchat.rizon.net :3
Quoted By:
>>20716734 Do you intend to exchange Friend Safaris or do anything related to hacking/cheating/cloning?
>Then you are probably better off in another thread related to those things. Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20716703 I have a female Noibat for you. Put something up on the GTS asking for it and let me know what you put up.
Mike 3625 - 8172 - 0841
Need Meloetta, Shaymin, Victini, and Manaphy dex entries. Can trade other legendaries and mons of value.
>>20716763 level 1 jolly croagunk is up for female noibat.
note is 'modest if possib' lol.
Quoted By:
>>20716729 yes, gts will be ok
also trading love ball wish chanseys
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20716777 Too bad, it was Timid. Sucks to suck.
Sent, enjoy~ IGN: Rex 1306-5907-9431
>>20716716 I'll gladly take that female Zangoose from your list, do you prefer fc or gts?
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Timburr. Ice punch. N's. Gib.
Ditto with 30 speed. Gib.
>>20716774 For keeps?
>>20716797 No Timid works. It was my backup and it's the nature of my daddy Noibat. Figured I'd aim for the modest since it was my first choice.
Doogiehowser 3454-2278-5960
Quoted By:
Yo yo yo! I needs me a Manecnite. Willing to trade Houndoomnite,or breeding pokes. Even both.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20716813 GTS. Just put something that isn't a luvdisc
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>20716824 Alright, sorry I couldn't help there, but imo Timid is fine.
>>20716716 What would you like for Dream Ball Hustle Rattata?
Also, anybody have a Mawite or Aggronite for trade? Willing to trade a Latios or Latias for a pokemon holding one.
Ben 1650-2877-2429
i have a tall request: a calm male spheal with super fang does anyone have this rare gem?
Mike 3625 - 8172 - 0841
>>20716817 Not interested in keeps. I just need dex entries.
Looking for a chimchar with HA Iron Fist. The rest don't matter. Does anyone have one they can spare?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20716857 what do you have to offer?
IGN: Rex 1306-5907-9431
>>20716830 Here it is, Pancham is up on the GTS! Thank you jvk!
>>20716859 >rare Spheal (or perhaps Sealeo) are catchable in the wild in B2W2, where Super Fang is a tutor move and everstone has a 100% nature pass down rate. It isn't a rare gem, it's something you should do yourself if possible.
Also, it won't pass down in Gen VI if you intend to try and breed more.
Celeb 0576-3607-0170
>>20716716 I'd love to get Jolly Frisk Sentret. IVs don't matter, I'll rebreed it later. What I can offer in return:
> Skorupi (F) - Jolly - Sniper - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 > Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Arena Trap - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 > Ferroseed (F) - Relaxed - Iron Barbs - 31/31/31/31/31/xx Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>20716867 I've got meleotta
do you have either of my retarded requests
>>20716859 uh, i can breed one if you get me something with super fang, that's male
>>20716875 I've also got one of those, it's not perfect or anything
Just looking for the 30 speed iv thing or for someone to go get N's timburr and put ice punch on it then transfer it over
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>20716887 Oh, guess I can't breed a super fang one then, my bad middle guy.
Ben 1650-2877-2429
Quoted By:
>>20716887 fuck me, how did i forget that i could catch them there. thanks
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20716881 sent
>>20716888 what are the balls on those pokémon?
>>20716878 Close to anything you could ask.
Mike 3625 - 8172 - 0841
>>20716878 >>20716891 I've got every legendary on me at the moment except for Mew and those I listed.
Rex - FC 1375 7208 7968
Quoted By:
If anyone has an Adamant Binacle I would love you forever. It's the last peice to my competitive team. I have those jolly croagunks and impish gligars still. Also, didn't realize my name was never up. It is now.
Celeb 0576-3607-0170
>>20716921 All regular Balls.
MarkFaxasVGC | 0989 1954 3297
Quoted By:
>>20716907 LF a Gligar or Gliscor with Poison Heal.
I have a bunch of breeding reject Heracross with Guts/Swarm that I can trade, one of them hexaperfect (rejected because I was going for a male one and this one was female)
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Quoted By:
>>20716938 I don't care about legends
I just need a ditto with 30 in speed or a male in the humanshape egg group
MarkFaxasVGC | 0989 1954 3297
Fixing post, forgot desired nature. LF a Jolly nature Gligar or Gliscor with Poison Heal. I have a bunch of breeding reject Heracross with Guts/Swarm that I can trade, one of them hexaperfect (rejected because I was going for a male one and this one was female)
>>20716891 Don't have anything with 30 speed IV
Do you want something else for that HA chimchar?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20716929 sorry, I only deal in specifics
>>20716938 so do I
>>20716943 I suppose they don't come with egg moves too?
MarkFaxasVGC | 0989 1954 3297
Quoted By:
>>20716956 Almost forgot to mention, all of them are Adamant.
>>20716962 I have a lot that I could offer, so I don't know what specific kind of pokey you want. I do have a bunch of mons with their HA since that's the reason I want Hustle Rattata.
Celeb 0576-3607-0170
>>20716962 Trapinch and Skorupi don't. Ferroseed has Stealth Rock/Leech Seed/Seed Bomb/Spikes
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20716980 I'm not looking for any specific thing right now
>>20716983 Can you get me a male penta skorupi?
>>20717013 Okay, then should I trade something random on the GTS for it then?
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Quoted By:
>>20716958 uh, dunno, watcha got
Looking to dump: Cleffa 4-5IV HA Friend Guard, Bold, Egg Moves: Aromatherapy, Wish Froakie 5IV HA Protean, Timid, no egg move Flabebe (Blue), 4-5IV Flower Veil, Calm, no egg move Wooper, 4IV HA Unaware, Relaxed, Egg move Recover Bagon, 4-5IV Rock Head or Sheer Force, Naive, Egg Move dragon Dance
Celeb 0576-3607-0170
>>20717013 Sure. Battle Armor/Sniper or both abilities are cool?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20717039 Mind if I ask what ball the Cleffa are in? Also, is there anything you're looking for in return?
Pawniard, 4-5IV Defiant, Adamant, Egg move SuckerPunch Horsea, 4-5IV Swift Swim, Modest, Egg Move Outrage (don't ask why)
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20717083 Take a gander at the OP image.
>>20717075 shit opinions Ze
>>20717063 All my mons are either in pokeball or luxery ball. Cleffas are in luxery ball
Rex - FC 1375 7208 7968
>>20717074 Will you take a jolly croagunk or an impish immunity gligar for dat Pawniard?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>20717094 Luxury Ball is good for me.
Want me to GTS you something or do you want to exchange Friend Codes. Will a 4IV Dream Ball Friend Guard Igglybuff work in exchange?
>>20717063 >>20717096 They're all dump mons. Just post what mons you'll send to GTS and the message/name and I'll send the mons.
Quoted By:
>>20717092 Thought he was talking about Showderp. I spend too much time on this board.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>20717114 Alright, Igglybuff is up.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>20717074 >pawniards have you checked them
for the 30 iv
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20717022 go ahead and good luck
>>20717059 any ability is fine, since I'll use it to rebreed. Getting the parents out of bank in a moment
Be warned: I'm having shit luck even with penta fathers
Rex - FC 1375 7208 7968
Quoted By:
>>20717114 Cool! Sending a level 1 croagunk looking for a pawniard!
note says 'veepee!'
>>20717151 Okay. Putting up an Abra in the GTS. Is that good?
>>20717148 Can't check for 30IV because the other stats are 31. Cannot use calculator because they're lvl 1
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>20717222 Take however many you can to battle institute that don't have a perfect 31 in speed
if you don't find any I'll just send it to you for taking the time to do so
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>20717222 Thanks for the Cleffa, bud.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20717186 Sure. Good luck
>>20717059 I forgot to ask, male or female?
>>20717236 No 30IV ones. Only 1 pawniard does not have 31 speed and it's lower than 30
Still looking to dump loads or froakies protean timid 5iv missing only atk stat.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20716645 >this pasta is actually used I'm really happy
Steven, extra exploration postgame with him I still need a non-HA adamant pentaperfect magikarp
pls ;~;
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Quoted By:
>>20717327 alright. I'll put it up for a froakie then. Message will be /vp/. Give me a moment.
Some free things. Also, looking for a HA Bunnelby.
Quoted By:
>>20717315 Okay, the Abra's up. My IGN is Kagura
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>20717349 Pls gib Corsola female.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Deposited the chimchar. It's got everything but HP with thunderpunch and another punch.
>>20717337 What ball is on the aron? I would like it.
Celeb 0576-3607-0170
>>20717315 Doesn't matter really but if I had to choose - male. And I'm getting unlucky with Skorupis though. GAH.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Quoted By:
>>20717337 don't you love when people look at a trade list and think its a giveaway?
>>20717405 great, I got it already then (fucking 1st egg)
take your time, I'm not in a hurry
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20717379 close your eyes
search your mind
deep inside there is knowledge
knowledge that has been secluded from you by your own mind
breath in deeply
breath out slowly
open your eyes with a clear mind
and look at my picture again
welcome to a new world
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>20717426 Okay. It doesn't say the name of the ball, though. Timer? I can't fucking remember.
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>decide to go digging through my Gen V games for any missed balltism pokemon and pokemon for my living dex so I don't have to re-breed them >find unclaimed event mons Anybody in need of Keldeo or Shiny Giratina? I missed the Meloetta event and most gen IV events if anyone has any spares of those
timmy 3995 6636 9553 !GTSHonch.6
Quoted By:
>>20717463 it's timer
yang's a dumb
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20717463 Correct.
You must be exhausted from all that meditation right now.
Enter my friendcode and you shall be rewarded with one unit of the digital data you yearn after.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20717496 Yang stop using drugs
without me MarkFaxasVGC | 0989 1954 3297
Quoted By:
>>20717478 Is it okay to trade a breeding reject Heracross for a HA Gligar?
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Is Alex lurking? A-at least I think it was alex that wanted corsola
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>20717496 I'm more exhausted from three hours of sleep but alright
>>20717478 Are you transferring shit from b/w or b2/w2
I'll just give you a meloetta if you can get me N's timburr with ice punch on it
and possibly nickname it
probably asking for too much
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu)
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu) Wed 27 Aug 2014 06:30:17 No. 20717549 Report >>20717518 yes!! I am lurking. I also asked for love ball skitty, both with derp ivs
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>20717549 Oh I was under the impression you wanted Corsola instead of Skitty
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20717478 Here's what I got in what you're looking for
They're not in dream balls, though.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Do you not want anything for the aron yang Or just derps or something it's not penta or adamant but I've got a jolly 5iv magikarp, do you want that
>>20717516 >>20717516 My Abra's up. Do you see it?
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu)
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu) Wed 27 Aug 2014 06:35:01 No. 20717600 Report >>20717567 ahh I don't mean to be confusing. I just asked for both, but if you only did corsola that's fine. I will put up a gastly for the corsola, if that's fine.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20717584 it's ok I'm gifting it to you
just this one time.
Quoted By:
looking for a water absorb suicune
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>20717605 in that case I know beggars can't be choosers
but could I get a female
I like to nickname my pokes and I'd have to rebreed or have you nickname it and I haven't decided upon a nickname for one yet
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
>>20717600 It's not done yet, I just wanted to update you that I got a 4iv mom so I should be able to get yours in this batch.
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu)
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu) Wed 27 Aug 2014 06:37:47 No. 20717638 Report Quoted By:
>>20717629 oh okay, thanks for the update.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20717590 I don't have any rattata ready and I was breeding other stuff, otherwise see
>>20717605 and wait a while
Rex - FC 1375 7208 7968
Quoted By:
Still looking for an Adamant Binacle or something Adamant from the water 3 egg group.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Water_3_(Egg_Group) Having trouble getting this damn Adamant Binacle.
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>20717583 I had some stuff on my Gen V games that never got transferred so I have to re-do that list. I know for sure I need the Larvesta, Carbink and Plusle/Minun
>>20717530 I've long since transferred N's timburr and put it on a box somewhere.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20717623 pls accept trade already~
>>20717648 Then why did you post that image then?
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Quoted By:
>>20717657 fuck
goddamn can't catch a break today
all well
thanks anyways
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20717662 for people who know how to read
>>20717657 If I breed you up a female Larvesta, then can I trade you it for Hustle Rattata?
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Pokebank dump mons (all 4-5IVs) Bulbasaur- HA Chlorophyll, Calm/Bold, EM:Giga Drain Magnemite - Magnet Pull, Calm Eletrike - Lightning Rod, Timid Honedge - No Guard, Quiet Cottonee - Prankster, Impish, EM Memento, Switcheroo, Encore Zubat - Infiltrator, Jolly, EM: Brave Bird, Defog Litwick - Flash Fire, Modest Staryu - Nature Cure, Timid Dratini - Marvel Scale, Jolly, EM: ExtremeSpeed, Aqua Jet Charmander - Solar Power/Blaze, Jolly/Timid, EM: Outrage, Dragon Dance, Crunch (on some) Gligar - HA Immunity, Impish Larvesta - Flame Body, Timid Joltik - Compound Eyes, Timid Noibat - Frisk/Infiltrator, Modest Gastly - Levitate, Timid Abra - Magic Guard, Timid Vulpix - Drought, Timid Drilbur - Sand Rush, Adamant Gible - Rough Skin/ Sand Veil, Jolly, EM: Outrage Cleffa - Magic Guard/Friend Guard, Bold, EM (only on Friend Guard ones): Wish, Aromatherapy Froakie - Protean, Timid Pawniard - Defiant, Adamant, EM:SuckerPunch Horsea - Swift Swim, Modest, EM: Outrage Bagon - Rock Head/Sheer Force, Naive, EM: Dragon Dance Skarmory - Sturdy, Impish, EM: Brave Bird, Whirlwind, Stealth Rock Flabebe (Blue) - Flower Veil, Calm Wooper - Unaware, Relaxed, EM: Recover
timmy 3995 6636 9553 !GTSHonch.6
Quoted By:
>>20717692 wow, nice list
it'd look nicer in pastebin
>>20717678 >breedable stuff, not leftovers Again, why bother posting a damn image? A waste of fucking time, that's why.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>20717692 Please post this in a pastebin.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20717703 Anon pls stop being mad because you can't read.
Celeb 0576-3607-0170
>>20717678 DONE. Damn, this took way longer than it should. Adding you.
>>20717717 I'm more mad that I have to deal with casual dicks like you.
Never use pastebin before so that's why the list was typed manually here
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>20717687 Yeah I could do that. Any way I can get the other three from you?
timmy 3995 6636 9553 !GTSHonch.6
>>20717757 http://pastebin.com/ you don't even need to create an account, just copy/paste the list and post as guest.
It helps to keep these threads less cluttered.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
Quoted By:
I looked up how to acquire N's timburr, can you even do the memory link thing anymore?
>>20717762 There is. I just need to look at my list of HA mons I still need, that you have.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20717749 I need to get some stuff from bank, so I'll connect in a moment
>>20717703 see
>>20717717 Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>20717752 I am a professional dick, fyi.
>calling me a casual Laughable.
>>20717772 so what do i do after posting it as guest?
>>20717781 I stand corrected. A casual dick is more clever than this.
timmy 3995 6636 9553 !GTSHonch.6
Quoted By:
>>20717801 post the url here.
it's just for future reference, you already have the list in the thread. I'd save it as a bookmark. you can also edit it easily for when the list shrinks.
Coleman 4441-8654-1958
Quoted By:
Hey anyone able to make a Yanma with giga drain? 5 ivs and either timid/modest with speed boost or compound eyes, not too picky on those. Ive got allot of "OU" stuff that i can re-breed, with good sets/moves, just ask!
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Alex I have your corsola~
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Quoted By:
>>20717811 of course they are, dear
>>20717749 Added you. connecting in a moment
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu)
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu) Wed 27 Aug 2014 07:03:50 No. 20717916 Report >>20717830 oh, awesome. putting male gastly up now
Cianter 3840-5371-3002
I'm looking for a HA Abra. Does anyone have one for trade?
Alex - 5455-9844-1580
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu)
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu) Wed 27 Aug 2014 07:06:31 No. 20717937 Report >>20717925 hi there. what would you want for that nice alomomola there?
>>20717922 I have 1 in pokebank. Gimme a sec. Go deposit something on GTS for the abra and post what you deposited.
Giving away other mons:
http://pastebin.com/hKxJVeyP# Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu)
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu) Wed 27 Aug 2014 07:08:14 No. 20717953 Report >>20717942 everyone is Alex here. even you, anon. Sandora [IGN Alex]
Quoted By:
>>20717953 Me, too! Not even rusing, it's my actual name. Alex - 5455-9844-1580
>>20717937 Throw me anything, I'm not picky
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu)
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu) Wed 27 Aug 2014 07:11:33 No. 20718006 Report >>20717978 ah, how about a female penta luxury togepi? I'll put her up.
Ramsey !.Combees2Q
Cianter 3840-5371-3002
>>20717950 OK thanks, I put a Pidove. Message says /vp/
Alex - 5455-9844-1580
Quoted By:
>>20718006 Sure, sounds good
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu)
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu) Wed 27 Aug 2014 07:13:25 No. 20718024 Report >>20718012 thank you! I'm really looking forward to her.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>20718013 Well, this is awkward but my game don't have data for pidove so i can't search for it. Can you put in something common?
Alex - 5455-9844-1580
>>20718024 She's sent, thanks for the Togepi!
Cianter 3840-5371-3002
Quoted By:
>>20718035 Alright, I'll put a luvdisc then.
Celeb 0576-3607-0170
Quoted By:
>>20718032 Thank you as well
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>20718035 just go to "What pokemon?" and type in Pidove
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu)
Alex 4871-4949-2116 (psychic: abra, espurr, xatu) Wed 27 Aug 2014 07:16:23 No. 20718054 Report Quoted By:
>>20718036 you're welcome! sorry she
has hustle Ze
>>20718049 wow, forgot that function existed. Thanks
Quoted By:
>>20717762 >>20717778 Okay. I'll offer those three for HA Meowth, Wailmer, and Relicanth. That is, if Meowth is not in your want list anymore. If it still is, then I'll take Goldeen instead.
Also, I have a Larvesta ready. Do you want it now, or wait until I get the rest?
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>20717778 I have your rat. I also need to go soon because I forgot I was covering a shift tomorrow instead of having the day off.
>>20718077 Okay, so only this trade for now?
Cianter 3840-5371-3002
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>20718086 Yeah. I'll get the other three tomorrow. The Meowth is in a regular pokeball though
>>20718100 Cool. Ill also have time to see what else I might have on your list that might've slipped my mind.
How are we going to do this?
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
>>20718115 I'll put the Rattata on the GTS for now. The other 3 we'll trade tomorrow with friend codes.
>>20718147 It's sent. Thanks a bunch. What time will you be on for later?
Neutral - 3566-1545-8924 !NeutralYVI
Quoted By:
>>20718179 Okay then. Adding your FC now.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
anyone got a shiny ralts with hyper voice egg move?
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LF: HA Qwilfish and Girafarig, IV's and nature doesn't matter.
Does anyone have any leftover Kangaskhan, Chansey or Gligars? Would be appreciated. Bc fuck the Maison and it's bullshit and I'll play it cheaply like it does.
Quoted By:
>>20718570 bro, go with the truant durant method. most fool proof for the battle maison. just got 50 strike easy with it.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
luvdisc general went to shit, you have place for one more in this shithole?
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>>20718699 It depends on how you like your steaks
Quoted By:
>>20716645 what is the best way for the Battle Maison Tag team
google only shows other people asking for the same thing with no answer
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>20718696 I'm working on a Magikarp FOR YOU, please stay tuned
>>20719164 Zigzagoon up for Rock Head Relicanth, pls gbi
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
Sage 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// !RdG2LLX4QA
Sage 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// !RdG2LLX4QA Wed 27 Aug 2014 11:04:32 No. 20719419 Report Quoted By:
Anyone got a throwaway poke or a pokerus infected thing I could borrow for a sec? my EV training begins today. I can offer any breedable pokemon in egg form
Sage 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// !RdG2LLX4QA
Sage 4613-8595-4177 Frogadier Kingler Gyarados// !RdG2LLX4QA Wed 27 Aug 2014 11:13:52 No. 20719467 Report Quoted By:
>>20719461 nigga you dumb as hell
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20719216 oh my lord
I know I'm like an hour late but are you still here?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20719527 what tier is this?
Quoted By:
>>20719527 Roserade and Noivern are missing EVs
Tricking Iron Balls is kinda dumb
Only fags use shinies on Showdown
>>20719527 UU featuring Crawdaunt? First of all, is this BS or 6v6 passerby battles? Banded Crawdaunt is more immediately threatening and can run Aerial Ace to rip apart Grass/Fighting types. Aerodactyl could use Taunt or Stealth Rock instead of the rather useless Aqua Tail or Fire Fang, and Earthquake is always a better choice than either unless you need Crunch. Roserade needs Sleep Powder more than it needs Synthesis, and specially defensive is kind of shit anyway as it lives longer with stronger Giga Drains. Slowbro needs Leftovers, and Psyshock is better than Ice Beam most of the time. Trick should be ditched for Calm Mind. Wish > Moonlight for Umbreon since you're running Protect anyway. Specs Noivern needs Switcheroo to cripple walls.
If none of these changes can be made because you're playing on cart, ditch those mons and use something else.
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>>20719578 I don't know. I usually try to just do stuff with pokemon I like.
Satore 4914-4021-2909
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Looking for HA alomomola and anorith, a post before made me realize I would love a qwilfish too. A kind anon was willing to give me them some hours before, but I felt asleep.
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>>20719620 I've been using it in the OU on showdown.
I just want to find a team I enjoy using because I think 90% of the pokemon in OU are boring, all my friends that play pokemon are tryhards and do nothing but OU.
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
Quoted By:
>>20719565 I'm here. I have one ready for you, if you don't mind it being female.
It's in a
Timer Ball Alex 1864-8710-3160
Can someone help me get Tyranitarite?
3539 9283 7030
Anyone up to a match? 6v6 singles
Quoted By:
>>20720815 unrestricted LC? Anonymous
>>20716645 There's a general thats worse than /wfg. I apologize for all the rude things i have said over the last few weeks, but understand i did it for the lulz.
>>20718373 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20720896 >for the lulz How does it feel being 12?
vgc thread is kill, so I'll try asking here... what would be a good EV spread for a bulky attacking sand suport Excadrill?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20720909 european hours are deadhours
Rapid Spin
move 1: Rapid Spin
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: Rock Slide / Stealth Rock
ability: Mold Breaker
item: Air Balloon
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant / Jolly
is a direct smogon copy paste but a decent set in my eyes.
Annie - 4356-1102-5271
>>20721037 > 4 Def bulkiest Excadrill ever
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>20721043 if you want bulk play another pokemon?
>>20721037 >No bulk >Hazards in doubles Anonymous
>>20721043 >hai gais, how 2 balk Excadrill in VeeGeeCee >lolidunno, take this OU singles set >wth, this isn't what I asked for at all >go fuck yourself Thanks Yang, you're super helpful.
Would vote for if timmy is no available choice.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>20721051 vgc or smogon doubles
I wouldn't use excadrill in either of those
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>20721037 Yang! Do you want a male or female Magikarp? I have a female ready, or else I'll breed a male for ya
3539 9283 7030
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Two things vp. To start off not gonna hide it, I'm new to vp. Could someone explain a few terms related to matchups to me? Like restricted, unrestricted, mono and any other basic bonuses would be nice thanks! Secondly, someone want to do a few singles?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20721114 a female would be fine
that's really nice of you tom, please give me a few minutes though
>>20721094 >>20721051 I'm sorry just because it's called vgcg that normally doesn't stop people from asking ou questions
once I'm done with this game I'll try to come up with a decent spread.
>>20721162 That wouldn't happen.
People just forgetting about cpg and it's neglected existence?
>>20721037 I was thinking about using something different from those sets, since much of the metagame has changed, and nobody really uses Excadrill as a staple anymore... So, I don't have to worry about running 252+spe to tie with other Excadrill.
My idea was maxing out attack, and then distribute the rest for bulk.
Any ideas of the optimal way to do this?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20721180 do they even make cpg threads anymore?
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>>20721191 I don't ever leave wfg, so I wouldn't know
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
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>>20721191 The one that autosaged out of existence yesterday had been up for a week
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
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>>20721162 Alright cool, I'mma hang out online, just TR me whenever.
>>20721187 For an Adamant nature, Excadrill needs 52 speed EV's to outspeed Choice Scarf Salamence in sand. This also outspeeds max speed Mega Manectric, but no Scarfed max speed Pokémon above base 100. If you wanted to outspeed Scarfed Garchomp (I don't know how common that is), you'd need I think 68 speed EV's.
You can put 252 into attack to maximise your damage, which leaves you 204 EV's for investing in bulk.
I can't see Excadrill taking any fire attacks. CharY's Heat Wave will pretty much always land a OHKO, as well as end your sand and prevent you from killing it first.
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>20721281 How do you calculate these things? Do you use online calculators or do you just know your shit?
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
>>20721297 I use
https://pokemonshowdown.com/damagecalc/ , set the level to 50 and fool around until I get a something that works. It also saves me from wasting EV's (VGC is conducted at level 50), because often 12 and 16 (for example) will yield the same result.
To add to
>>20721281 I hadn't pressed the doubles button (spread moves do less damage when hitting multiple foes), so you can take a non-sun Heat Wave like 7 times out of 8 by investing 68 into HP and 132 into Sp. Def, but you'll be picked off really easily and that's assuming you're at full health.
Maybe run an Occa Berry.
OxY | 3024 - 7196 - 8789 | ( Panpour - Quagsire - Azumarill )
OxY | 3024 - 7196 - 8789 | ( Panpour - Quagsire - Azumarill ) Wed 27 Aug 2014 15:57:21 No. 20721473 Report Hi, I'm trying to complete the pokedex. Could you trade with me my 2 pokemons so they evolve? I need them back of course. It's Feebas and Dusclops. Thanks.
>>20721473 I can help you.
1564 2914 3214
OxY | 3024 - 7196 - 8789 | ( Panpour - Quagsire - Azumarill )
OxY | 3024 - 7196 - 8789 | ( Panpour - Quagsire - Azumarill ) Wed 27 Aug 2014 16:09:03 No. 20721565 Report Quoted By:
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Still breeding Igglybuff. Jesus these things are adorable. Will be back later with leftovers.
OxY | 3024 - 7196 - 8789 | ( Panpour - Quagsire - Azumarill )
OxY | 3024 - 7196 - 8789 | ( Panpour - Quagsire - Azumarill ) Wed 27 Aug 2014 16:18:21 No. 20721653 Report >>20721530 Thank very much, it's really sweet.
im in desperate need of a slakoth to help complete my pokedex. can i work out some sort of trade with a kind anon? what im asking for specifically is a shit slakoth, vigoroth, or slaking.
Polichap (IGN: Tom) 0774-5585-3124
>>20721628 Wigglytuff's badass. What nature/egg moves are you going for?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20721671 Put something up on the GTS asking for a Slakoth, I'll send you one.
>>20721678 Modest, both Friend Guard and Competitive.
Heal Pulse, Wish, Perish Song, Fake Tears.
Dream Ball.
>>20721694 i have a luvdisc up already! would you like anything in return?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20721698 I hope Beandragon is you because that's who I sent it to.
I don't need anything.
>>20721714 yes it is. thank you so much anon. in the future i plan to breed for 5iv-6iv shiny pokemon for trades and such. you helped me along by doing this!
>>20721281 Ok, THANK YOU, that's just the kind of answer I was looking for...
That gives me a solid start point of how much "spare" EVs I got to make it bulky.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20721726 I'm guessing those will be PowerSaved? Not a big fan of that, but as long as you let people know, it's fine.
>>20721745 no not at all. im planning to hatch legit shinies for honest trades
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20721754 Well alright, good luck, hope you succeed
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>>20721745 >>20721754 getting the shiny charm is my goal
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>>20721423 That Charizard also gave me the idea of using him as a bait, with Rock Slide and Focus Sash. Then I can set up sand again with ease.
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
>>20721729 You're welcome, anon~
Although I'm not sure that Exca is even allowed in the current VGC metagame Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>20721766 Yeah, I'm just getting ready for ORAS since it really, really needs Iron Head. Which is kind of stupid it doesn't get it on its own... but oh well.
I have a quick question. Would Galvntula and Electivire work as a team in doubles or would that be too much of a ground weakness? I was thinking galvantula because it has sticky web and electroweb which lower the opponent's speed, discharge which can speed up electivire and gastro acid to fuck with abilities. Please just tell me if this is a bad idea so I don't waste the time breeding to find out later.
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong)
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong) Wed 27 Aug 2014 16:34:40 No. 20721795 Report would appreciate a gooey goomy, don't have anything special to trade though
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20721789 Best testing ground is Showdown, but yeah, way too much of a Ground weakness and not nearly enough STAB/other coverage to help each other out properly
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Looking for Speed Boost Carvanha/Sharpedo. Nature, sex or IV's don't matter. I don't really have anything special to give for it, but if you have some extra speed boost sharks laying around I'd be happy to take one of them.
What would be the best way to obtain Latiosite or Latiasite at this point? I hear they can't be traded for some reason.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20721824 The only way is by hacking them into your game yourself.
Quoted By:
>>20721824 Probably because they're not legally released?
>>20721824 >>20721833 Adding onto this, you would need either Cyber Gadget or a modded 3DS to do it.
>>20721805 Fuck. Well at least that's out of the way.
I don't want to use a premade team someone else wins with but the shit I wanna try is always bad.
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>>20721854 not true, you can powersave them
Annie - 4356-1102-5271
>>20721886 Success requires failure, sometimes. I'm sure that with enough playing around you'll come up with a combo that you like and works for ya.
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
>>20721789 What Ground types are you afraid of that can't be dealt with by Energy Ball or Ice Punch? Galv isn't even weak to Ground
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20721187 holy fuck I cannot find a single reason to use excadrill
it's only use would be the moldbreaker earthquake stab but that doesn't get the 100% ko on any rotom without lifeorb even at adamant 252 att
le nah (Excadrill) (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Mold Breaker
Level: 50
EVs: 124 HP / 228 Atk / 4 Def / 116 SpD / 36 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brick Break
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Poison Jab
would let you speedcreep rotoms up to 44 speed investment,
while the bulk lets you always outlive any hydropump/overheat from 252 modest rotoms
but why bother you won't even get a KO on rotom-wash
the 124 hp investment give you 201 hp which is interesting for superfang/seismic toss, but if they have to time to use these moves you are fucked either way
I suck (Excadrill) @ Air-balloon
Ability: Sand Rush
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 116 SpD / 140 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Brick Break
- Protect
the sandrush excadrill with 140 speed allows you to outspeed jolly tyranitar by 2 points meaning you creep it's creepers and beat timid scarf mence in sand by 1 point
but what's the point because if you do that you won't live any attack and you can't even damage levitaters reducing your offensive moves to rockslide and uuuuhm? rockslide?
BUT HEY at least you super effective rockslide hit deals
252+ Atk Excadrill Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 88-104 (51.7 - 61.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage
or let's be honest here
-1 252+ Atk Excadrill Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 56-68 (32.9 - 40%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after sandstorm damage
because LEL intimidate
at least we are getting the
252+ Atk Excadrill Rock Slide vs. 84 HP / 0 Def Talonflame: 192-228 (117 - 139%) -- guaranteed OHKO
against our beloved fire birde or
252+ Atk Excadrill Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Charizard Y: 180-212 (97.2 - 114.5%) -- 75% chance to OHKO
wait what?
75% chance to OHKO
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20721931 Jesus, Yang, what the fuck
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>>20721943 He's new and doesn't know about pastebin
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
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>>20716645 Does anyone have a ha cacnea? I would really love one. Thanks.
>>20721927 I'd get that if I even saw a hint of success.
It's like my brain gravitates towards the 0% success rate strategies. It's kinda funny.
>>20721929 It's earthquake/rocks I'm afraid of. I really don't want to have two pokemon that could get buttfucked in half a turn.
Paul 4313-0054-0552
Would anyone help me evolve my Machoke?
>>20722004 I can do that.
1564 2914 3214
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
>>20721931 kek, I hope they didn't go and follow my advice because for some reason I was working under Modest Salamence speed
legends for legends/events/shinies?
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
>>20721972 Pokémon have weaknesses. What weaknesses do Galv and Elective have that you can't circumvent?
Paul 4313-0054-0552
>>20722019 Thanks I like the German name heh
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Quoted By:
>>20722038 Timid:4/0/0/252/0/252
it definitely happens 12.525% of the time all the time
so it's ok to suggest that it's just modest salamence loses to timid salamence and as the 8th most used pokemon in vgc you are almost guaranteed to have a mirror one in your life.
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>>20722062 i wanna trade though
>>20722051 Well a lot of pokemon can pack edge/quake and rock slide and these two don't seem to have much coverage for that.
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Anyone have some breeding leftovers of any male humanshape pokemon? Specifically, I need one that has 31 in Hp, Def, and SPD.
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>>20722134 >http://strawpoll.me/2425443 I voted for vgc battles 3 times now
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
Phoenix 0189 - 9505 - 0261
Quoted By:
Can anybody trade me a drillbur or excadrill with mold breaker?
Quoted By:
>>20722177 Sorry, I was playing on showdown
Um, 3/4ths of fighting types.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>20722134 >multis R.I.P. Team Bensey/Ramyo Anonymous
ok i know i'd get called dumb but i want to ask anyway so i want to start breeding to get good mons and join the fun,and i already got several 6IV dittos and a destiny knot so how do i get specific mons with balls and EMs? also good IVs do i need a good IV female for ball and a good IV male for EM? (considering the male already get the wanted moves) and when do i need ditto? is it just for getting good IVs?
>>20722252 Mystery Egg Multi Tourney anyone?
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
>>20722252 >I will never get my electric mons back Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20722263 >6IV dittos Ignoring that...
You go out and catch Pokemon in balls, which pass down from mothers. You get the egg moves by breeding with other species that can pass down the egg moves.
A good strategy is just waiting for leftover giveaways here and work from there.
You do need exactly that for the ball and EMs, but females can pass down egg moves as well.
Ditto is for good IVs, but you can just as easily breed with mons of the same species or a different species as long as they pass down the IVs.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>20722264 Did Nimble die?
>>20722277 Shit that's right s-sorry about that, hopefully that person comes back with them.
What sucks most is that multi never happened [Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>20722302 he posted once saying sorry
and asked if people want their eggs back
then never again
>>20722291 i tried that one but ended up getting shit IVs and frustated
so if i breed a mon with desirable ball and EM with a ditto,would i get what i wanted to fix the IVs?
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>>20722321 You can always swap the female out for one with better IVs down the line to increase your chances gradually.
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
>>20722302 There were only two mons I gave him that I really cared about but still.
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>>20722321 No, you release the Ditto and learn to breed without them.
Also, if a tourney happens, would people be interested in double elimination, or just single?
Matt 2938 7104 7763 !!P6kRQjyyFQ2
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>>20716716 >http://pastebin.com/HCz2e1Q3 I'd like one of your free Male Shuppets. I dumped a Snubbull for it.
Message is "/vp/ Ty Jvk!"
Quoted By:
>>20722361 Either, as long as it's not 50 rounds.
Annie - 4356-1102-5271
Quoted By:
>>20722263 Ditto is good for genderless mons. The friend Safari is a decent way to get good IV fathers/mothers in the balls you want to start out.
>accept other people's leftovers >breed, breed, breed Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>20722318 I remember that, shame it never happened
>>20722343 I'm sure he'll be back, I know the feeling losing bros
>>20722360 A regular borrowed a couple mons from Gene so we can mono multi with dawny. Gene allowed him to use them till they met again, but still hasn't happened
>>20722302 Deader than Disco.
I think I was the only one that got six eggs, does that mean I win by default? Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>20722401 RIP Disco ;_;7
Yes. The one time I actually put in effort for a tournament... Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
>>20722392 I'm not trying to imply that he took them with no intentions of returning them. We just never seem to be online at the same time because he lives in
>Spain Anonymous
>>20722392 For the tournament or just a random multi?
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>>20721931 I don't know what's the point of your angry advice but it does OHKO, even assuming the one with 44 Speed
252+ Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Excadrill Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-W: 343-406 (112.8 - 133.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
And it does live a Hydro Pump.
Also, you say outsped Jolly Tyranitar, but that would be assuming its an Unnerve one? Is that a common thing?
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>>20722412 Wohoo!
Reigning WFG Tourney Champ!
Stu !DrDoom6BL.
Quoted By:
TOTT: Lance is the best. Nothing, he's perfect.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>20722401 yes :^)
>>20722423 Yeah I didn't mean to sound like I implied as such, but like I said I'm sure he'll pop up
If I spot him before you i'll ask if I can hold them for you, unless he sticks around enough. >>20722428 Just a random mono multi
Quoted By:
New thread:
>>20722485 New thread:
>>20722485 New thread:
>>20722485 New thread:
>>20722485 New thread:
>>20722485 New thread:
>>20722485 Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
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>>20722444 It's not important. I haven't seen dawny lately either
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Looking for touch trades just for the entry. Want; Mew Manaphee Shaymin Meloetta
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951
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>>20722474 Dankeschön Ben-kun
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong)
nick 2165-7416-4481 (Sneasel, Spheal, Dewgong) Wed 27 Aug 2014 18:24:03 No. 20722928 Report Quoted By:
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Is it coo if I request a WebM from here?