Been a long time I've posted. Slight update ! I somehow lost my sprite though.
Sunglasses are not always on my head. And bandana is folded around my arm, goes on my nose in case of sandstorm or on my head if rain. Bonus point for whom understand electivire & magmortar nicks
Would I dare rate others ? Yes
>>22866696Solid survival skills, wouldn't mind traveling with. I like marowak, arcanine, gyarados, nidoking, ursaring and houndoom too !
>>22861233I like monotype teams, and yours even more. No shoes, must not travel much. Not even talking about your food choice haha, but good goal and music. Would help accomplish your dream.
>>22855171Someone who likes Samurott is nice. Our goals are different, so we may not travel together, but you have some survival skills looks like.
>>22855049hurr gunz r bad guise
Not too fond of the team, but (ex)military so you should be good with being outdoors.
>>22854246Interesting theme. Waifu team but I believe you won't fuck them so okay.
Would travel with some times until our path separates
>>22849061Good pokemon tastes, as much team as in reserve. Don't like the clothes, but must be adapted to where you stay. Maybe you should upgrade clothes and gear to seek adventure though
>>22847829Your goal is to explore and keep moving, we could have some kilometers together. If not years. Would gladly help surviving outside, give tips and stuff, starting with proper shoes. You're not going to make it far with these !
>>22846163>>22845646Maybe I should reconsider not having guns
>>22845198Never get tired of this one, 10/10
>>22845043Team flare scrub/10
Somewhat poor even though custom background, that's odd
>>22844360Not much opinion, I wish you to do good on your studies. Custom sprite is always nice
>>22844175Unusual team and theme. Good gear, not for too long trips though.
>>22843207Death to infidels
>>22841291Apply yourself
>>22835807Reusable water bottle, I could make use of that. Teach me your magic !