>>23037618>that is the dumbest thing you ever heardHow delusional do you have to be to say that? Its true. Think about it logicaly, something thats probably very hard for you, but still try. If a community accepts strangers with open arms, more strangers come and think they are in good company. The ideals of that community undergoes a change over time, for example /v/ and /vp/. Now if a community doesnt accept strangers with open arms, those strangers leave and only a small amount stays, probably because they think the same way. The community doesnt undergo a huge change.
And this is exactly why /a/ is still /a/. They don't spoonfeed you for good reasons. If you cant use google yourself or arent that knowledgable in the materia, you dont belong there in the first place.
also funny you say that, I actualy never said "Go back to reddit". I made many snarky remarks, but thats not the point. I implied that you are cancer that supports new, most likly less invested people of this topic into this board simply to be the nice guy. The point of 4chan is to talk about your hobbies anonymously. If you want to socialice and be mr.niceguy, this board literaly isnt for you. There are other choices aswell that would cater to your needs much better. And Im not suggesting reddit now, im suggesting dedicated fansites. If new people cant gather information themself, the first thing they should learn is to search for the information themself. This helps a lot for the quality of the posts.
And lastly, yes. Reddit and tumblr DID invade /vp/, because Kotaku wrote a story about how /vp/ is making its own pokemon game and that it looks "pretty interesting". Given how Kotaku works, shit got shared left and right over facebook. after that, shitheads thought they could be devs themself and shitted the place up. They didnt stayed in their contamination thread and went full retard with their moral shit.
And you newfag, the mentality of 4chan being a sekrit club started 2006-2007, not 2005