>>23408481>what sort of things would make for a strong moth pokemon? Complimentary typing mostly. See Volcarona. Bug is resisted by Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Poison, Ghost, Flying, and Steel. On the other hand, Fire is neutral to all of those except Fire and steel, which Steel it's super effective against. But at that point it's literally fighting fire with fire since the typing gives you neutrality to fire and the bug typing helps you by making you neutral to ground.
On the other hand check out ice, with bug you're still resisted by Fire and Steel. And you have more weaknesses to show for that while you gain a single resistance in Ice, two 4x weaknesses to both fire and rock, lose your resistance to fighting. You just have to look at it.
>I mean bug type would be a prerequisite, but perhaps it's just bug type itself that's flawed?Scizor being one of the most used Pokemon since Gen 4, Heracross never hit under UU, Genesect keeps being uber, and Volcarona is still a great Pokemon. Scolipede was so good as a baton passer it got semi-limited thanks to the combination with the eeveelutions.
Bug itself isn't much of a problem.
Note that a ton of bugs are starting game bugs with 3 stages and lower BST than Ivysaur.
I mean, right now, Bug's biggest problem is its weakness being more common than its resistances. But as a type, 3 weaknesses and 3 resistances (including resistances to common ground and fighting type) isn't bad defensively and offensively, bug type moves have a lot of utility behind them to make up for their resistances (namely U-Turn, Quiver Dance, Sticky Web, etc)
You just have to work with what they have.