Granbull moved from NU to RU
Dragalge moved from UU to RU
Exeggutor moved from NU to PU
Pawniard moved from NU to PU
Abomasnow moved from UU to RU
Gorebyss moved from NU to PU
Slowking moved from UU to RU
Medicham moved from RU to OU
Gothitelle moved from NU to PU
Zapdos moved from OU to UU
Bouffalant moved from NU to PU
Pinsir moved from NU to OU
Conkeldurr and Sylveon just barely missed the drop to UU.
>>24586966 >Zapdos moved from OU to UU NOOO
I've been using it on my teams on the high ladder along with Sylveon to try to keep their usage up.
>>24586966 Smogon and Showdown is being sued by Nintendo. So shut it
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>>24586966 Quick correction: Dragalge is banned from RU, so it dropped to BL2
>>24586966 just regular Obama or the maga too?
>>24586966 >Pinsir moved from NU to OU How the fuck do you make a leap that big?
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>>24587234 Because people finally realized that MegaMence has been banned for a while.
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>>24587234 Its mega form was only legal in OU cause it was banned in UU for being insane.
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>Amoonguss in OU is 2.635% You can do it!
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>>24587328 Epicly true, yeah I know
>Zapdos moved from OU to UU >Zapdos moved from OU to UU >Zapdos moved from OU to UU Fucking finally. Now time for Conkeldurr and Sylveon to do the same.
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>>24587100 well time to spam blizzard in RU again
>>24587378 Agreed.
I hope Goodra, Vaporeon and Milotic drop from UU as well, someday.
And Ambipom and Typhlosion, but the stats for those are ridiculous lol
>>24586966 >Zapdos moved from OU to UU About time. The other Electric types and BulkyChomp are better checks to birdspam these days and being a Defogger that's weak to rocks is shitty.
>Medicham moved from RU to OU >Pinsir moved from NU to OU Well deserved, it's good to see these two back in OU again.
>Abomasnow moved from UU to RU >Slowking moved from UU to RU >Dragalge moved from UU to RU These make me sad.
>>24587002 why would nintendo sue this
why does it matter to them in any way
game freak is the one that should be doing the suing
>>24587441 >>Abomasnow moved from UU to RU >>Slowking moved from UU to RU >>Dragalge moved from UU to RU >These make me sad. Agreed too much.
And people still insist on using shit like Goodra and Milotic in UU.
So what made megacham and mega pinsir come back? Also, I knew conk was doing bad but didn't know sylveon was in the same boat.
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>>24586966 >Zapdos moved from OU to UU Zapdos happens to be my favourite genwun Legend. I'm glad I can use it in my favourite tier again, though at the moment my Electric-type of choice is Heliolisk to counter Scald spam.
>>24587449 I doubt Goodra would be allowed in RU. Ridiculous special bulk + usable mixed attacking stats + decent speed for a scarfer.
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>>24586966 >| 52 | Conkeldurr | 3.415% | >| 52 | Conkeldurr | 3.415% | >| 52 | Conkeldurr | 3.415% | Anonymous
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>>24587468 people stopped using altaria as much for some reason
>>24587449 if it's shit in UU doesn't mean it will be balanced in RU
>>24587474 they could probably unban a load of stuff from BL2 since it would become RU's prime special wall. for instance venomoth could get unbanned since goodra, thanks to sap sipper, dragon tail and good bulk, completely shuts it. kingdra and dragalge would now have to deal with another bulky dragon
>>24587497 RU is in a real big need for special walls imo. everything they ban is always a special attacker
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>>24587497 forgot to say: and it just so happens those three i mentioned earlier are special walls
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>>24587468 In the beginning of ORAS, people thought Mega Gallade was better than Mega Medicham, but really it's just a weird hybrid between Mega Lopunny's speed and Mega Medicham power, resulting in something that can't revenge as many things Lopunny can and can't break as many things that Medicham can (most notably, Clefable). So eventually people who were using Gallade went back to using Medicham.
With Pinsir, it was just people realizing it's still savage, is all.
>>24587503 >wanting more stall in RU Anonymous
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>>24587541 i'm actually suggesting the opposite. with these drops, people now don't have an excuse to ban the more interesting hyper offensive mons like mega houndoom and yanmega and those can now be really used in a balanced tier that can cope with them. HO in RU would become a real thing.
Wasn't Sylveon "le special wall that kills dragones"? What happened?
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>>24587562 Mega Altaria and Clefable
you know, if we all agreed to just ignore smogon, they'd soon circlejerk themselves into obscurity.
My good bros barely hanging on to what little relevance in smogon they have
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>>24587570 You didn't have to open this thread.
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>>24587562 Clefable does defensive sets better.
Mega Gardevoir/Diancie/Altaria do offensive sets better.
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>>24587562 The monster mash
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>>24587378 Actually kinda suprised Zapdos dropped before Conk and Sylveon. I feel like Zapdos has more viability in the tier than those two at the time. Though can't wait to stop using crobat and finally have another cool defogger to use
>>24587601 Someone should really change that Espeon to Mega Sableye.
Xylia Belle !!9ixDk1ik+T0
>>24587601 Lol. This is such bulwark I had to step in just to laugh at the inconsistencies.
You're absolutely wrong to be so presumptuous. May I suggest returning to the lowest grade of public school you attended to either relearn what you've missed on through the ages or perhaps enrolling in a private school for a higher education.
Might be beneficial to you and your ilk.
>>24586985 what's the problem then?
not being "official" OU means less people will prepare for it.
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>>24587627 Does the truth upset you?
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>>24587632 You say that like it's actually hard to prepare for Zapdos.
>>24587642 saved
>>24587627 >tripfag >Ta-ta! may i suggest you to go back to whatever shithole you came from
>>24587572 >2015 >Still complaining about smogon I mean you can try to convince yourself its irrelevant, doesn't change anything about the truth, my brotha. ^_^
Xylia Belle !!9ixDk1ik+T0
>>24587654 2003, 4chan, /a/, /b/, then /v/, and now /vp/.
Why don't you go back inside your mothers womb?
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>>24587674 >/b/ ah well that explains everything
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>>24587740 Maybe in a couple months everyone will forget it has heat wave and I can one shot Ferrothorns and not have them switch out like I did in gen 5
>>24587627 Is shit like this being posted on other boards, everyone? This seems like a not so subtle tumblr raid
Look at the other thread with this retard spouting of about identifying herself and that being the future, it's also like she's following a script to prove her knowledge of chan culture (hurrr im here since 2003 but provides nothing else)
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>>24587770 Just don't reply.
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>>24587770 It's just some shitty tripfag, no need to go full conspiratard.
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>>24587601 Who's the manchildren who drew this?
>plays the games how it's always been intended kek, so you smogonfags don't remember about Koga's Minimize Muk, right? :^)
Brett !!TORtoOQMEfy
>>24586966 More surprised about Granbull than anything. Was it really that impressive in NU?
>>24588013 >pokemon gets usage in a higher tier >must be so because it was good in the lower tier Nonsense, fuck off underage fag.
Brett !!TORtoOQMEfy
>>24588082 Why did you bother typing out that greentext stuff? It's not really relevant to your post.
Thanks for the response though, appreciate it desu~
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>>24588013 No, people use it in RU to deal with the Dragons (Flygon, Druddigon, and Tyrantrum), Fighting-types, and Scrafty
Who else /antimeta/ here?>Scizor's Choice Band was knocked off! >Scizor used Thief and stole Bisharp's Life Orb! >Burrito finisher >the enemy sent out Rotom-W! >Go! Gastrodon! >Rotom-W used Hydro Pump! >it activated Gastrodon's Storm Drain! >other player has disconnected
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>>24587674 holy shit what a tryhard you are
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>>24586966 Ambipom is still in RU.
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>Pinsir moved to OU
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>>24587674 Seriously where did this bitch come from and why does she think we give a fuck about her
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>>24586966 >Granbull moved from NU to RU My NU team! Noooooooooooooooo
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>>24586966 >tryantrum still ru why? its still broken af in ru
>Dragalge in RU now You'll regret that mistake Smogon. but overall why does everyone hate UU?
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>>24589012 RU banned Dragalge before it moved up to UU so it's actually BL2 now.
>alakazam and m-alakazam will never be moved back down to UU Why live?
>>24589087 >Alakazam has been progressively shat on since Gen II >even his Mega is shit because it only got +90 Anonymous
>>24589093 >Magic Guard >Shat on It's still top viability in OU. Like, the definition of solid sweeper
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>>24589087 >>24589093 retard general?
It's never going to be UU.
>>24589125 Gen II - Lost a ton of Special Defence, Dark and Steel nerfing it
Gen IV - Loss of elemental punches due to stat split, introduction of Sucker Punch
Gen V - Introduction of Fairy, gets a nerfed Mega compared to everyone else, Mega has a meh ability especially compared to Magic Guard
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>>24589093 Both Alakazam and its Mega are fantastic in OU right now.
>10 less points makes its shit Kill yourself.
Why is Sylveon considered bad? I mean clefable is probably better because insane moveset but Sylveon is a god damn nightmare sometimes. Also a nice cleric>tfw based Bane-Conk isn't as good anymore Nobody cared who he is anymore?
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>>24589227 Because as a Fairy it's outclassed by Clefable
As a Hyper Voice spammer it's outclassed by Mega Gardevoir
As a cleric and Wish passer it's outclassed by a million different things
Basically it's really good and can hit like a truck and be an amazing cleric but it just so happens there are better options for those things. Like Hydreigon. Hydreigon is the mon with the most chances to OHKO the entire meta, but it's UU
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>>24588090 >j-jeez he r-really g-got me now!! >i'll just pretend i was baiting all along that should work! lol
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>>24589154 >still OU >still OU >still OU and at the top of its game why are you posting
Also, PU is a real tier now. I thought they were going to change its name. Apparently not.
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>>24589012 UU is as cancerous as OU but without the mainstream appeal.
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>>24587672 You completely miss the point. Reading is fundamental
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>>24589227 A nightmare sometimes? More like always...
>>24589292 PU is for losers who can't hang in FU
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>>24589227 Sylveon is good until you prepare for it. Meanwhile Clefable and M--Altaria are always good.
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>>24589304 FU is great as a concept but its name is horrible. also they should work on putting more mons on their viability rankings, my bro ledian isn't there
>>24586966 >Pinsir moved from NU to OU >Medicham from RU to OU what changed in the meta to make these guys more viable?
>>24589347 they were always viable and great, people just didn't realize it. as oras fades away and z gains more popularity, the new megas fade away which means more room to try other megas, so the good ones take up that space. that's it.
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>>24589227 Clefable does the Cleric stuff better because it has better tools for the job. And if you want to use it offensively then you're better off using any of the Fairy megas or even just Calm Mind Clefable. Sylveon's just a poor compromise.
>>24589360 desu it looks like some new trend happened that made talonflame less common, so Zapdos wasn't as needed to wall it's Brave Bird spam and Medicham and Pinsir could pull more weight.
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>>24589371 nah that's not it. birdspam has been there since the early x/y days, when mega medicham was a+ rank and mega pinsir was s rank. nothing has changed in that regard. btw mega pinsir and mega medicham were still amazing in OU during al this time. people just stopped using less mega altaria and mega metagross, which gave them space to use new megas, that's it. it's not viability that's the question, it's popularity for other megas
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>>24587770 I don't think it's so much a tumblr raid as it's a huge influx from showdown chat rooms where the ebin 4chins just can't stop culturally infesting the normies. The signs are everywhere. Fuck, even PokeaimMD's, Thunderblunder777's,etc. comment sections on YouTube are full of "kek" and ":^)" since like 1/2-3/4 year.
>>24589087 Nah, it was only 90 because alakazam got a 10 point base sp def boost in gen 6
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>>24590056 Ampharos got a 10 point def boost, but it still gets +100 from its Mega
>>24588171 More antimeta pokémon please. Without these shit gimmicks.
Hey people is gliscor viable in OU?
>>24587432 >Vaporeon and Milotic drop from UU fuk u
>>24588171 >>Scizor's Choice Band was knocked off! >>Scizor used Thief and stole Bisharp's Life Orb! >>Burrito finisher why would you use thief on a bisharp? i'm fairly sure a thief + LO bullet punch won't knock it out unless it's at low health (plus a LO knock off and a sucker punch probably KO scizor unless you run a really bulky one, but then you'd do even less damage with the resisted hits)
What's the point of underuse, never use, pu tier if nobody isn't using them?
>>24590343 >m-muh bros you know you can still use them in UU right? jesus christ kid, dropping a tier doesn't mean it's worse, it just means it's less popular
>>24590276 Rhyperior is very viable in OU, I have no idea why its only RU
>>24590450 quadweaknesses hardcore takes too much help to bother making its bulk and attack worthwhile. others do physical attacks better without needing help. Also no decent priority moves
Can be a beast if done right, though. But that's a lot of pokes outside ou
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>>24590458 I dunno, it completly walls Talon Flame, and one shots it even went burned. and with avalanche it can take more than 2 hits from the likes of garchomp, dragonite, gliscor, and still ohko back. Its also a great check for Zard X, even after +1 dd I know its the quad weaknesses holding it back, but I have used it for 2.5 years now consistently, and know its limits, its an amazing mon if you know when to switch in.
>>24590416 >implying m-muh bros they're a pain to break with RU mons as the roster of usability in that tier stands atm
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>>24590502 oh ffs now you have an excuse to unban a bunch of stuff from bl2! don't you see? almost every bl2 mon is a special sweeper. milotic, vaporeon and goodra are special walls. it's perfect
I'm confused, was Mega Pinsir BL before? Is that why Non Mega Pinsir was able to be in NU, but now Mega Pinsir is OU, so non mega is brought up with it?
>>24590508 Yes
Pinsir dropped to UU before, and Mega Pinsir got banned from UU for obvious reasons
>>24590517 Usage on those should really be independent, or megas should all just be suspect or whatever they call it. No reason Pinsir can't be NU
Hey guys, I haven't been involved in comp ever since... I think Lando-I was banned? Can anyone give me a recap?
>>24590522 yeah it will once z comes out, they're just waiting for it now
>>24590527 mamo is now UU
sheer force feraligatr is amazing
sylveon and conkeldurr are shittier now and on the verge of dropping to UU
oh and hitmonchan finally dropped to NU
>>24590544 Why would Z make a difference? Is Z even an announced thing?
>>24590552 z or whatever it's name will be, i just used z
because with it will come new megas most likely so it's a good opportunity to do the changes
>>24590559 Is there a third version announced though? And yes I know, Z is the most logical name.
>>24590548 Oh, I just meant in the context of OU. Any new bans, or has this clusterfuck of a meta finally settled down? Wasn't Manaphy being considered for a test?
>>24587601 >allows tiers for other bros to shine At least half the fucking dex if not more is relegated to PU, which isn't even a playable tier and is utterly unplayable in NU. That's hundreds of possible bros without a tier to play in.
And that's terrible.
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>>24590566 it's likely that there's a third version on the way
>>24590567 nah manaphy's fine. mega sableye is being considered for test though.
let's see, uh, altaria dropped from S to A+. the meta is still pretty much A+ though. OU kinda sucks right now, but UU is pretty cool
>>24590569 >At least half the fucking dex all those nfe's and lc'ers, boo hoo
>which isn't even a playable tier it's an official tier as of today. and even before today, it was 100% playable on showdown, so you're wrong
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>>24590566 Not yet, but come on, it's obvious.
What the fuck, remember a few months ago with Gothitelle made it to OU? Jesus, and regular Pinsir's leap too.
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>>24590353 Bisharp takes neutral damage from Bug Bite and U-turn, at least.
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>>24591067 le shadow tag ban
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>>24587441 >Abomasnow moved from UU to RU absolutely disgusting. m-abomasnow is one of the best megas in uu