I think this board is slow enough that a new thread should only be made when the old one drops off the board.
>>25013536It's great. From what I saw in the arcade version I like how they made it move in 3D and how they added a slight bit of realism without making it too uncanny. That goes for all the other pokemon though.
I think the fact that its hair doesn't move is kind of a step back, XY was able to do that this game ought to as well.
>>25013510>In what case would a Gardevoir start killing? Say your Ralts turns overprotective, and is now a Gadevoir and someone pisses you off. What would drive a Voir to start killing people it perceives as your "enemies".Overprotective gardes are almost yandere tier if not outright yanderes. What would probably make a gardevoir murderous outside of a life or death situation is likely something like
>someone really harms their trainer, or harms them often while they're a ralts or kirlia>in their attempts to defend their trainer they go a bit too far and kill or nearly kill the aggravation>probably the result of naive, unrefined psychic power and emotion>learns that it can permanently get rid of the problemSoon it may become an 'easier' and 'easier' solution in their eyes until it decides to off that girl that broke your heart because she made you cry.
Of course, that's all very drastic stuff and a bad trainer produces bad gardevoir. Gardevoir may be masters of their own mind but that doesn't mean they could keep their misdeeds a secret with long with an empathy link.