Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Mystery Eggs - Multis - 10% More Bickering
This thread isn't for Hacks or Clones. There are other threads for those.
Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share. If you want to beg for or shill hacks, get the fuck out.
A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: Previous thread:
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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First for shiny Meditite soon.
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
just hatched that nidoran gala, ill add your fc now
>>27595971 >circlejerk where
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>27595948 One can only hope, but honestly I'd be content with a breedable purple and brown ball
What style of Pokeball would you want introduced in S&M? Anonymous
>>27596077 >>27596088 >Back to back sedubtion I like it.
>>27596090 Just anything to give us more balltism.
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>27596090 If they don't give us a coconut ball, I'm going to be upset
>>27596090 I'd love to see more purple, right now your only purple option is the masterball. also maybe something brown or gray, the heavy ball is cool, but its the only one that really suits most rock types atm, id like more options
also the obvious bring back the old balls thing
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>>27596093 I just added you, add me and I'll try to find something I have a couple of that I can spare
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
Free pls take: LF: doubles, triples,
m-multis? Anonymous
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>>27596154 >purple ball If I can catch a shiny vaporeon or shiny lapras in it, that'd be perfect.
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>>27596204 I'm interested in the goomy and maybe 1 numel
FC: 1993-7126-3028
Threadly reminder that Ben is the best /wfg/er to ever exist. <3
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how do i fill my dex in oras?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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Does anyone have one of those 6iv dittos? or just a ditto? On ORAS ive been trying to get a geodude with good iv's/nature/other stuff and my search level is at 120~ I wanted to try breeding, and a ditto would make it much easier.
Corndogg FC: 4210-4120-8369
>>27596204 I'll take an onix. Do you want an 5iv eevee in return?
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
>>27596436 That would be very kind of you~
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
>>27596436 Oh yeah, male or female Onix?
Corndogg FC: 4210-4120-8369
K.C. 0044-4162-5240
Hey everyone. Does anyone have a friend safari with Eevee's? I'm also looking for more friend safaris in general so if you wanna add that would be great. I have an ice safari with Snorunt, Sneasal, and Dewgong
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
>>27596523 My bad, I have a female but it's named 'Trade 4 Mew' so let me go fix that
Gala FC:4914-5372-0758
>>27596048 Didn't notice the new thread, but I have a HA female in a net ball for you.
>>27596556 Fuck you gave me the onix, I was the guy looking for the goomy
>>27596570 Oh wait nvm the one i got was male we good ty for the freebie
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
>>27596557 you're a saint Gala, btw that nidoran ended up with 3ivs, Hp, Def and Spd I think
oh right i totally forgot, still need the kyogre data and the clampearls?
Gala FC:4914-5372-0758
>>27596634 Nah, I got those. Thanks for the offer.
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
>>27596606 Keep the onix, I got your goomy here
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
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>>27596647 oh okay cool, thanks for all the help bro, time to go breed up that shiny skrelp
Corndogg FC: 4210-4120-8369
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>>27596648 I don't see you on my list in game but I see you on my friend list
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27596154 You know, you never really see park balls.
This probably demonstrates my overwhelming newness but: Why are /wfg/s started when the old threads are still nowhere near page 10 or the image limit (especially since these generals aren't terribly image-intensive)?
Lucas 1435 4434 6794
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Looking for battles
Anti 1349-8265-2301
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>>27596048 I have love ball and HA luxury ball Nidorans if you guys want some.
Corndogg FC: 4210-4120-8369
>>27596648 Thanks you very much
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
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Anyone got a ditto? Preferably one of them 6iv ones?
Corndogg FC: 4210-4120-8369
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>>27596544 I have some 5iv eevees for trade if you are interested
Jaime 4511-1752-7429
>>27595016 Just hatched, Adamant Nature.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
currently trying to breed my first shiny. would a net ball or quick ball look better for pinsir?
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Ayy anyone willing to trade me a slowpoke with regenerator? Gender/Nature/Ivs dont matter, just need the HA.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
shiggy, don't let me die in plug
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>27597199 haha I guess I'll give up
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>>27597110 net ball imo
if quick was orange instead of yellow it'd match the mega's wings better, but just blue n black is an overall better match to me
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Anyone got a spare male Riolu? I need it for breeding
anyone in this bitch got a generated 6iv ditto? breeding sucks ass w/o one.
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27597298 Ask around in the injector thread.
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>>27597322 lol if you're talking about the one w the ditto as the thumbnail, i started tht ish, its dryer than your grandmas vagina
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
doing some breeding to get the IVs, nature, egg moves etc all set up before I start really grinding in for that shiny skrelp first round of eggs, 4th one to hatch>holy shit fuck yes that was so fast, who cares about the IVs I can fix them in SM >Poison Touch, Bashful nature, hadn't given it toxic spikes yet o-oh... alright then... guess I'll keep going...
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Anybody have a Farfetch'd with Trump Card?
Lucas 1435 4434 6794
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Still looking for battles
>>27595971 Guys, can I ask, is it possible to trade mythicals?
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
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>>27597823 any pokemon can be traded directly from trainer to trainer
pokemon with event ribbons however can't be put on the gts
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27597521 Dang, still a cool shiny to keep for the collection or trade for something neat. I'm going for Shiny Amaura myself right now.
>>27597878 I always give my extra shinnies to my gf so she'll be getting this one too
funny you mention amaura actually, I wasn't even going for an Amaura, just breeding for IVs and my first egg was a shiny
I always get shinnies way easier when I'm not grinding for them, took me thousands to get my chesnaught, and when I finally did it didn't have bulletproof so I had to do a bunch more
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27598016 Nice, right after getting the moves/nature/IVs for my honedge I hatched a nearly perfect shiny.
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>>27598066 thats awesome, congrats
Lost my Pokemon X recently along with my 5 iv super sized Gourgeist. Now that I finished playing through ORAS and the delta episode I want to try getting a new one, can any of you help me out? It doesn't even need to be a 5 iv Pumpkaboo, it just needs to be supersized and have an impish nature. Please, I miss my favorite pokemon
>>27598113 I'll help you out, give me a little bit and I'll go breed one up
>>27598176 Ahh! You're a saint! I'm going to put my friend code up for you when you're ready!
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
>>27598220 oh right, forgot about my id, I keep switching back and forth between threads and turning it off
just grabbed gourgeist out of bank, be egging now
Santino 1950-9035-4377
>>27596307 I thought HP was
Lii 5000-6261-6393
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>>27598259 Bless, Might as well put up mine too!
What's a good nature for Arceus?
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>>27598354 don't listen to these filthy memers
>>27598377 >>27598449 >>27598486 a true gods only nature is wrathful
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>Trying to find Zakrom and Dialga on the GTS. >All the listing are asking for mythical pokemon. >Actually have duplicates of said pokemon but can't trade em because why not. Why is life suffering?
Corndogg FC: 4210-4120-8369
What could I get for a 6 IV eevee?
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>>27598981 a tongue punch in the ol' fart box
>breeding Adamant Contrary Inkays >breeding and breeding and breeding and breeding i swear to god 9/10 of these things pop out with Suction Cups and the 1/10 that IS Contrary has the wrong IVs
>>27599074 wouldn't using one of the failed ones with contrary help by using it for breeding?
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>>27599103 wait, to tell the truth I'm breeding again after a long while of my OR copy collecting dust. Is there some kind of breeding connection between abilities that I'm forgetting?
Owen 1478-5562-5312
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I'm looking for a HA Tauros of any kind, so if anyone's got any breedjects they don't need I'd be happy to take one.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Lii 5000-6261-6393
>>27598259 Ahh, Tatsu you still there? I added you
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
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>>27599578 yoh, sorry this shit is taking so long, I didn't have an impish pumpkaboo so I was just breeding over and over waiting to get that nature, then I realized I could just go get a male impish pokemon and everstone it fml
>>27599074 I got an extra 6iv female adamant contrary inkay laying around if you want it. It's just taking up space. I forgot what ball it was though. What balltism are you breeding?
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
>>27599578 alright so one retarded waste of time later and I have an impish huge pumpkaboo with hp spatk and spdef
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Sun 07 Aug 2016 05:52:33 No. 27599729 Report Hey, someone want to help me get the item trade evos? I have them ready in a box with the items, just need someone to help me
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
>>27599681 No balltism to be had here, anon. If you'd like to pass it on, please do.
Mind naming it "Malamom"? I might just raise it as is, since it all checks out.
Lii 5000-6261-6393
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>>27599712 Fantastic! I'll wait for you online now, again I really thank you for this
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Sun 07 Aug 2016 05:55:43 No. 27599787 Report >>27599739 great, thanks! What do I do? add you as a friend?
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
>>27599787 yeah add me then go into the game and get online, ill send you a trade
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Sun 07 Aug 2016 06:01:12 No. 27599879 Report >>27599811 I just need the ones with items man.
>>27599741 Yeah, sure, why not.
Put something on GTS for a level 1 female inkay
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
>>27599879 yeah so trade me, you keep putting them up then taking them down, you can't trade multiple mons
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Sun 07 Aug 2016 06:03:07 No. 27599912 Report Quoted By:
>>27599892 oh, I understand, ok, I'll trust you
Arko 4914-3923-5883
I have three 5 IV Phanpy that are only missing their Special Attack IVs. No balltism but they have Ice Shard, Play Rough, Counter, and Endeavor as egg moves. Anyone want one?
>>27599888 u da bes. I was having a bit more luck getting Contrary ones once I switched out the mom, but the mom was only 4 IV and so it got a lot more unsuccessful on the other front.
Trying to deposit but I got an error code. I might have to update or something, I'll let you know. Shouldn't take long.
>>27599987 You should get the error code when you sign online well before you actually try to deposit something into GTS.
Are you trying to deposit a megastone, by chance?
>>27599987 >>27599888 >>27600030 got it! no idea what the problem was, it just didn't work the first time for whatever reason. It'll be a German Electrike up there, it's level...shit, 21? I should have double-checked. But I think it's male, too.
Regardless the message is "oh no u squidnt!" so it should be hard to miss.
>>27600057 haha, sent :^) my fellow chemically influenced friendo!
Corndogg FC: 4210-4120-8369
>>27599981 Does a 5 IV Eevee work?
Arko 4914-3923-5883
>>27600156 As in that's what you're offering? Sure I'll take one.
>>27600094 muchos gracias mi amigo
Corndogg FC: 4210-4120-8369
>>27600177 Did you need anything else? I have a box of holding, so to speak, haha. I probably have what you need
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon)
Giovanni [3239-4566-9798] (Fraxure, Dragonair and Druddigon) Sun 07 Aug 2016 06:22:33 No. 27600255 Report Quoted By:
>>27599892 Thanks a lot! You really saved me.
Would you help me with porygon z? I need to equip the item. Also, I have a 6 IV cranidos I bred after 20 boxes trying to get a female one with HA, do you want it?
>>27600233 Oh nah, nothing necessarily right now. I'm tired as shit actually, I don't wanna be trading all night. But thank you for your generosity!
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>>27600297 no problem! ask anytime!
Anyone got a shiny male gabite? I have a level 58 tropius to trade for it.
>>27600355 My name is Kilroy and my ID is 65064.
Just bred this, I'm kinda hyped. Does anyone have a spare female fall deerling the'd be willing to donate? Don't have much to offer besides some Shieldon breeding leftovers...
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
Lii 5000-6261-6393
Oh, since i'm here, anyone here happen to have a modest ditto? Preferably with some good ivs, but it doesn't have to be 6ivs, i'm not that greedy
>>27600541 >shiny Gabite >regular Tropius What.
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>>27595971 te la kreiste wexd Anonymous
>>27600594 but anon its lvl 58, that makes the tropius extra useful
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>>27600643 But it's useless anyway 'cause
>Tropius Anonymous
>>27600564 yes, I have an extra modest 6iv0.. Put something on GTS for a level 100 ditto
Lii 5000-6261-6393
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>>27600842 Thanks! putting something on right now
Tatsu 1220-6495-9208
>>27600831 >asks for trade but mentions shiny >REEEEE get out so friendly anon
>>27600506 congrats on the shiny mate, I'll hook you up with a fall deerling
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>>27600922 You sir are a scholar and a gentleman.
FC 1590 4958 7571
>>27600922 Read the OP! This is not the thread for shiny discussion
>>27600965 Forgive me for trying to express a bit of pleasure in my hobby while trying to fill my dex, Thread Nazi. Also, eat a dick.
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
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>>27600987 It's just the regular shitposter trying to stir up trouble. Don't pay them no mind, we like your shinies~
Lii 5000-6261-6393
>>27600842 Alright I have a lvl 1 Rotom for your Ditto, my comment also mentions you /vp/ anon
How does /wfg/ feel about IVs being changeable in Sun and Moon, and the possibility of max IV being dropped to 15? Do you think it will increase the interest in Wifigen or on the contrary - discourage people from trading since you can now get even the perfect hidden power legendaries easily anyway?
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>>27601229 sounds like hacking.
Better take it to Sun and Moon Hypertraining General /smhg/
>>27601229 >and the possibility of max IV being dropped to 15 Where'd you hear that?
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>>27596722 Thread goes into autosage when you hit 310 replies.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>27598292 Nah, Ben is the best.
I'm just trash. Anonymous
>>27596711 because you literally can't get mons in them
>>27602872 >He doesn't have a park ball Dunsparce smdh tbqh famigo
Amy 1220-6836-8617
>>27596090 I'd like to see some more solid colour balls like the premier ball.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27603154 We probably won't get anything at all though ;-; Amy 1220-6836-8617
Forgot my breedlist >>27603172 >being this upset by strangers on the internet >>27603226 I will be surprised if we get any new balls to be honest. Anonymous
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27603283 Would be interested in a Safari Ball Kangashkan? I can breed one really quickly.
Amy 1220-6836-8617
>>27603306 I have one, but thanks for the offer.
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
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>>27603328 I really should get a list together, shouldn't I? I can get you pretty much any Safari Ball Mon and SS Apricorn mons. Orl 3368-5633-4563
Can someone help me evolve my mons through trading? Also looking for someone to lemd me their Jirachi Trying to get the Oval Charm and those are the last ones I need
Orl 3368-5633-4563
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>>27603566 Just realized that I just need to see all of em to get the charm...
Oh well, there goes my BPs
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
>>27603566 I can help you out. I'll just get off bank real quick.
Anyone have a spare victini? I say spare because I don't have that much good stuff to trade but I'll try
Orl 3368-5633-4563
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>>27603613 No need for that, just got the charm
I'll just save my evo items when I actually need to get competitive trade evolve mons
Thanks anyways!
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>>27603566 pretty sure you don't need Jirachi for the charm
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27603615 You could wait a month anon.
>>27603677 Is there an event in a month or something??
Santino 1950-9035-4377
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>>27596989 Grats man; good iv's too?
3755-0843-6666 H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>27603695 Through wifi.
They've been giving out mythicals every month for the 20th anniversary. Anonymous
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>>27603769 Oh yeah true I forgot ,thanks
Spooky 0345 0394 8288
Anyone have any good IV male Larvesta on them? Willing to trade 5/6 IV HA Bulbasaur, Phantump, or Gligar in turn.
>>27604003 I can breed you one if you are willing to wait a bit
/wfg/, I am in need of a little bit of counseling. Say I buy a new 3ds in Italy along with Pokemon SM and then bring it back home (I live in the pal region) and play the game in English (assuming SM is multilingual like ORAS). Will my mons show up as Italian in other games?
Spooky 0345 0394 8288
>>27604181 I've got plenty of time, so long as it's not a bother.
Amy 1220-6836-8617
>>27603695 The 'mons will be in whatever language you set the game to when you start.
>>27604215 What if the 3ds will be Italian but the game won't be?
Amy 1220-6836-8617
>>27604218 I don't mean the language, will they have this mark?
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>>27604231 >>27604279 Only if they a created on a game set to use Italian language and only if looked at on a non-Italian game.
I've been away from /vp/ for a while. Is the dude who would give out all those shinies and legendaries still kicking? You would connect to a private server and you would get something random. Is that still a thing?
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>>27604358 If you want injections, /ekx/ can help you out.
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
Does anyone want any battle items? I have 4000+ BP and am going to restart X so if you need an ability capsule or an extra assault vest let me know.
Jingle 4871-3766-3072
>>27604446 Could I have that ability capsule? I was just about to grind for one of those.
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
>>27604480 Yep! I've added your FC.
Jingle 4871-3766-3072
>>27604516 Thanks man, you just saved me a lot of time and effort.
>>27604446 Could I get electirizer and magmarizer?
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
>>27604544 Glad I could help.
>>27604593 Adding you.
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
>>27604729 Thanks for keeping the /wfg/ tilde quota up.
:3c ~ Anonymous
>>27604212 Ok, I have it now
Sorry for the delay, I kept getting either females or 4IV males
Calm nature and all but attack is 31, so I hope you weren't planning on using it for physical attacks
So if you like this one, put some something on gts for 1lvl male larvesta with /vp/ message and give me your ign too, just to be sure
4re5 [FC: 0087 2375 3168] !sxkadsGcu2
>>27604826 Oh shiki, where did you go~ Anonymous
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good ball for solrock?
>tfw I've been breeding shed skin dratinis all this time because I forgot marvel scale is what becomes multiscale Anyone got a spare female dratini with marvel scale preferably with 3 or more IVs? Nature doesn't matter, and I can give you a male dratini thats adamant with 4IVs in return or one of various spares I have lying around. 1993-7126-3028 Carson
Lucas 1435 4434 6794
Quoted By:
Looking for battles
Spooky 0345 0394 8288
>>27604907 That one sounds perfect! I put a Bulbasaur with Chlorophyll and 5IV up with the message of /Vii Pii/ for it. I don't now what an ign though is. I can't specify gender on GTS but I did specify level 1-10. Hopefully that's enough. Sorry for the long wait for response, I got distracted reading.
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>27605068 I know you've been breeding, but would you like a penta- perfect dratini i bred with egg moves?
>>27605172 ign is in game name, as in your character's name
Spooky 0345 0394 8288
>>27605195 Gotcha, it's Spooky
>>27605211 >Spooky 0345 0394 8288 >Gotcha, it's Spooky right. I went full retard there for a moment
>trying to complete the national Dex >never done it before >decided why not >assemble a cool team for the job >aw shit I feel like a Pokemon poacher now How hard is it to complete the national Dex? I really want that shiny charm, also is there an easy way to do so? Right now I'm just looking in grass for Pokemon evolutions I don't have.
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>>27605186 Id love one., thanks! I'll add you right away.
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>>27605279 I've done it in White, X, and Omega Ruby. It's very time consuming, but it's easier if you work on catching everything in the regional Dex first then catch every Pokemon region by region in numerical order. There's going to be a lot of level grinding and looking for fair trades on the GTS, but it's manageable. The bragging rights alone are worth it, the Shiny Charm makes it even more worthwhile.
You don't have to have Mythical Pokemon registered to get the Shiny Charm, but you can't really call it complete if you don't have them all. I'm missing Volcanion and it's pissing me off, but it's coming to GameStop in October.
Spooky 0345 0394 8288
>>27605244 Dang, seem like someone in Korea was faster. Sent me a female, but it has perfect IVs and I don't mind knotting her and breeding for the nature at random.
If you still wanna trade I can put another Bulba up though
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>>27605433 Nah, I don't really need that Ha bulbasaur
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good morning /wfg/
Giving away 10 shiny Diances and 6 shiny Volcanions.
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Hey could someone trade me a lilfella, my friend code is 7777-7777-7777
Spagett 4227 1954 3430
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>>27606612 Not sure if srs but i would love a Volcanion
>>27606612 >No shiny Petal Dance Meowths Why though?
>>27606655 We only trade those inside our VIP Skype Secret Club.
haha, I've repented all sins. Now it's time to give back to the community like I was instructed! F R E E S H I T N O W I have all event distributions for 2016 as well as SEVENTEEN! boxes of level 1 breedmons with BP items! And 6iv japanese dittos! Sweet Jesus! Just tell me what you want
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>>27606875 Go away Sarah.
>>27606686 >He isn't part of the super duper secret discord group. Anonymous
>>27606875 >Just tell me what you want I want you and seymour to get in a fatal car crash together :)
Quoted By:
>>27606913 I'm sorry that was rude.
I forgot tailsposter too Anonymous
>>27606913 >>27606925 I talked about you today. I got some good advice
>>27606940 >Sarah can't even use post timers to see it's two anons You really are the laziest shitposter I've ever seen.
>>27606966 I don't even understand what you're bullying me about this time. I'm not even Sara
>>27606984 Make an /ekx/ thread. Don't shit up /wfg/.
Lucas 1435 4434 6794
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>>27607009 Please take your redirect orders to Redirect Orders General /rog/
>>27607042 I'm here for multis!!! count me in. We need two more
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Anyone can give me a HA Bunnelsby? I can offer event legendaries
Lucas 1435 4434 6794
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>>27607071 Actually I hate multis...Only looking for singles desu
>>27606940 >I talked about you today To who? Your therapist?
>>27606612 I doubt those are legitimate for some strange reason.
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>>27607248 No, to your mother
>>27607290 Seymour and I breeded them ourselves before going to bed last night.
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>>27607248 No, I went to confession!
>>27607328 You and Seymour bred allright.
Fags !ShinyDickY
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>>27607378 Having a dick is gay already.
Does anybody has the Seymour album I uploaded to imgur?
while hunting for solrock, I managed to get 6 sunstones, anyone want to trade for items? I'd like to get any one of the following for a sunstone each: leftovers, binding band, grip claw, black sludge, air balloon, or any of porygon's items, it that sounds fair.
Does anyone have a Swift Swim Anorith? Female if possible? I want to get one to work with some of my water types, and getting it to know knock off or aqua jet would be great
>>27607716 > it that sounds fair. Not really, at least for the semi rare stuff like lefties and the BP items.
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>>27608062 alright, I wasn't entirely sure as I was typing, but I felt I'd at least ask, last thing I'd want to do is cheat someone out.
does anyone have a level 20's deoxys? Theres a trade i want to get on the GTS but i dont have one
>>27608298 Lowest level you can get is 30 from FR/LG. That GTS request has probably been there forever.
>>27608298 I'll trade you one for a Zekrom, lv9 and under.
>>27608298 Give me a level 91 or above Mew and I'll consider it.
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Looking for female Koffing or HA Grimer in dive or luxury ball. I can offer things probably
Zach 0791 3147 2554 !!JbN+8BjlmRo
Anyone entering the Unova Classic? Never played triples before, so not sure what to breed for let alone to expect.
>>27608598 Doubles alone give me a headache no way I'd play triples competitively
>>27607728 put something on GTS for a level 1 female!
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>>27608412 >>27608466 >>27608565 Seeing those on trade requests is like a meme now. What about a cheated deoxys?
It's a pain trying to help people gfaqs oras trade i swear. Many of them disappear for some reason after posting.
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>>27608733 >>27608733 Cool thanks! look for a Froakie with the message fug in just a minute
>>27608844 Stop trying. Seriously, just let it go.
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>>27608921 But senpai it fun to help others...when they're around.
>>27608844 >gfaqs oras trade What's that?
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>>27608989 Im thinkin he's talking about Game Faq's?
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>>27595971 Ffs op at least make the op image Pokemon related next time
Zach 0791 3147 2554 !!JbN+8BjlmRo
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>>27608702 Doubles I'm fine with. Just not sure how the fuck to build a team for triples.
Lucas 1435 4434 6794
Trying to test an UU team. Anyone wants to battle?
>>27609108 Is this like a super competitive team? I got stuff in the UU tier, but they are making up my party for my AS playthrough, in their 40's.
Lucas 1435 4434 6794
>>27609262 Well, I'm trying to see if it's viable to use it competitively. So...I think it is (?)
>>27609507 Id love to battle someone other than my brother, Ive got stuff in the UU tier, but I havent done much competitive stuff. Is that cool?
Lucas 1435 4434 6794
>>27609569 It's cool for me. FC?
If I am starting fresh what should I do to be able to breed competitive teams for when Gen 7 comes out? I used to be big into competitive, but stopped playing during Gen 5 and don't have any of my old games, so I wanna get X and OR to get the infrastructure in place.
Lucas 1435 4434 6794
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>>27609696 Added you. Going online
>>27609667 >>27609696 Whats your code? Lucas?
Lucas 1435 4434 6794
>>27609759 It's this one on my name
>>27609700 Get your Hexaperfect seven set up really.
You should be able to get it started from WT breedjects, and trade up from there.
Tripfags here are also pretty generous with spare 4-6IV mons if they're doing MM stuff, but be wary of people with no name asking you to GTS if you don't want injected Pokemon. Anonymous
>>27609787 Competitive noob here, what's hexaperfect seven
Corndogg FC: 4210-4120-8369
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>>27609855 Read the pastebin in the OP
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>>27609855 I think it means for a mon with 6 perfect iv's but a team of seven so you have a backup or spare
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>>27609855 7 6IV pokemon that cover all egg groups.
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>>27609783 Nice nicknames on your team. I guess thats a taste of competitive for me...
>>27609855 It's seven males with 6 perfect IVs that cover all egg groups between them, so you can easily and quickly breed decent IVs onto any breedable pokemon that isn't genderless.
Somebody please give me an example of their hexaflawless 7
>>27610098 So I am I missing something here but couldn't a perfect iv ditto cover everything?
>>27610159 I used Bulbasaur, Archeops, Shellos, Smeargle, Magikarp, Snoring and Volbeat.
>>27610215 If you're going to use injections, might as well inject your whole team anon.
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>>27610247 Snorunt* damn it.
>>27610247 Not following mang, can you not get perfect ditto legit or something?
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>>27610365 It's basically more unlikely than base shiny odds.
You're going to be looking for a LONG time.
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>>27610365 put something on GTS for a level 100 ditto! I'll give you a 6iv one
Does anyone have a shiney Duskull? Or how hard is it to breed/catch one with the dexnav? I REALLY want a shiny dusklops.
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27610519 Duskull is a bit tough to chain in the dexnav because it moves and sometimes only lasts a few seconds. MM with the shiny charm or ghost friend Safari is probably your best bet.
>>27610695 Is the friend safari in ORAS? I dont have X/y
Yared 4442 2777 5828
>>27606612 If this is real Ill take Diance if this is Real, Dont really have anything to trade.
Who are the good Pokemon Youytubers that i should check out? I'm mostly interested in main poke games right now, dont care about tcg, go, or anything else.
Anti 1349-8265-2301
>>27610913 Only X/Y have friend Safaris.
>>27610962 They're obvious hacks so I doubt they want anything.
>>27610982 I don't really watch any but I hear Hoodlum scrafty is alright.
>>27611027 >Trading hack here Woaw stop shitposting anytime.
I'm not getting home until later but I have some Arceus codes. I'm looking for shiniest, como and non-comp. What would you guys be willing to offer?
>>27611444 Nothing, everybody has a shiny movie arceus already.
I need some mythical mons. Anyone have extras?
>>27611592 To elaborate I don't really have much, just an extra shaymin and a shiny 3iv rhyhorn.
>>27611640 Anonymous
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>>27611734 Found the anime pedo.
I'd suck a dick for a Darkrai code. I mean, I'd suck dick just because, but I need a Darkrai.For real tho, I've got plenty of mythicals and shinies I can offer.
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>>27612014 get an action replay and look up codes to activate the event on diamond/pearl/platinum. Not sure about the newer games though
Should I start breeding for Sun and Moon?
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>>27612014 you can suck mine
http woobox com / pvqoyz Psyyy !5i/EpmTgSA
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>>27612014 Got an email? I have a spare.
>>27612618 Sure, get that Hexaperfect 7 set up.
>>27612914 No. Hacked foreign ditto are way better
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>>27612969 Might as well inject everything famalam.
Nothing wrong with you if you don't enjoy breeding, just don't come to a thread where one of the main things people do is breed.
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Would someone mind giving me a Bagon male if possible fc 3351 4284 8761
Anyone got a modest ha litwick in a dusk ball?
>>27613723 Premier ball litwick looks better imo
>>27613803 I got two already in different balls for each ability used for a specific purpose
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>>27614044 *And one of em is in a premier
Also looking for Addy male field group w/pursuit
Step 1. Make a wondertrade RIGHT NOW Step 2. Post what you traded and what you got for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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If im looking for mons to abuse trick room what base speed should be the cutoff for too fast? Also when i want to make a pokemon bulky how do i prioritize hp and defence evs?
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>>27614368 >Traded Lunatone (lv 36, being OR exclusive in the off chance an AS player doesn't have it)
>Got Level 1 Fletchling, yet to check IVs or anything
Fair trade all the same, I like Fletchling, German sent me it.
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>>27614368 >Traded Level 1 dratini (adamant, 2 or 3 perf IVs)
>Received A cottonee with pokerus
Spacekataz 3669-0579-5551
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>>27614368 >Traded Level 1 Totodile with Sheer Force, 5 IVs with one sadly in special attack
>Got Level 2 Zigzagoon
Well shit
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new thread when t: too lazy to make one
Alex 0001-3617-8659
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This is probably the dumbest request ever posted here but does anyone mind giving me a thunder stone? Need one but used the only one you get normally. We could trade two shitmon. Also shinies I have up to trade in case anyone is interested.
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Updated version
4296 4319 5344
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Does anybody have an extra speed boost venipede?
Lii 5000-6261-6393
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>>27614368 >Traded Cleffa (lvl 1, 4iv from my breeding leftovers)
>Got Japanese Pidgey with only 1iv. kind of a waste but I have a fuck ton of Cleffa that I need to deal with.
Speaking of which; Anyone interested in some 4iv or 5iv Cleffa's?
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>>27614368 >Traded lv100 ditto
>Got lv5 poochyena named "Wonderlocke"
I'm sorry, Alejandro, for wasting your time. Unless you want to start off that wonderlocke with a misbehaving pokemon.