I felt bad about not actually drawing my fave, so here, have another shitty MSPaint picture.
>>27848385>Nice hat>Cute glasses>likes spidersadorbz
>>27848402That looks like you actually used more than MSPaint. Looks rad. Solid choice, too, though his evolution kinda blows in comparison.
>>27848529Nice shirt.
>>27848599I love the swirly nippies.
>>27848703You look kinda like how I'd imagine the average nerd / metalhead kind of guy. Nice Pokemon, though.
>>27851243Best Ghost indeed. Only contestant would be Mega Banette for me. Cute You, too.
>>2785212210/10 fashion to be quite honest, family. Ecks dee.
>>27852284Pretty cool unless you actually dress like that in public.
>>27852650Cutest You in the thread so far, and really unique taste, too.