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!Pm8ctwYvyE No.28671915 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I borrowed John Gamefreak's laptop the other day on my trip to Tokyo and found some shit, call it fake all you want I don't give a fuck
>The leaked art for the final starter evos are legit, they are the Midday forms
>Final evo for Rowlet is called Noctdrasil, midday form is Grass/Flying while midnight form is Grass/Ghost and resembles a Great Potoo bird
>Final evo for Litten is called Sabifritooth, midday form is Fire/Dark while midnight form is pure Fire and is basically a bigger, more slender version of Litten
>Final evo for Popplio is called Leoseidon, midday form is Water/Fairy while midnight form is Water/Fighting and has a "strongman" theme
>To nobody's surprise, the Aether Foundation were actually evil the whole time
>one of the final battles in the game is a three-way battle between the player character, Guzma, and Lusamine, similar to the new Battke Royale mode
>The true final boss is UB-00 Sol or UB-00 Luna, depending on your game version
>You can only access this fight after collecting every Z-crystal, including the Pokemon-exclusive ones, along with every Zygarde cell and core
>If you don't meet these requirements then the game just ends on a fight with Solgaleo or Lunala
>UB-00 is essentially the true mascot of S/M, Solgaleo and Lunala are just emissaries
>UB-00's battle theme is muh dick-tier, easily one of if not the best battle theme in the series IMO